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How to cancel YouTube Premium

If you're looking to ditch your subscription, we can show you how to cancel YouTube Premium and easily save some dollars along the way.

How to cancel YouTube Premium: An image of the YouTube Premium logo.

If you need to know how to cancel YouTube Premium, this is the place to be. Look, we dislike getting hounded with 30 seconds of ads every time we want to watch a Rate My Takeaway video too. It’s nice having ad-free video to watch, but just like a bargain meal, we also like saving money from time to time. We’ll help you cancel the subscription, regardless of what device you might be using.

If you’re looking to save even more cash on subscriptions, be sure to check out our guides on how to cancel Spotify, how to cancel Hulu, and how to cancel Disney Plus.

Here’s how to cancel YouTube Premium.

How do I cancel YouTube Premium over web browser?

You cancel your YouTube Premium subscription by using the following steps below:

  • Head to youtube.com and log-in to your account
  • Tap your profile picture in the top right corner
  • Click on ‘paid memberships’ and find your YouTube Premium subscription
  • Click on it and tap the ‘continue to cancel’ option
  • Select the reason for cancelling, and press next
  • Finally, tap “yes, cancel” to cancel your YouTube Premium subscription
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How do I cancel YouTube Premium in app?

Canceling your YouTube Premium from with the YouTube app is a breeze, so let us how show you how to do it on your mobile device with these easy-to-follow steps:

  • Open up the YouTube app
  • Log into your Google account
  • Click your profile icon in the top right
  • Select purchases and memberships
  • Next to the premium subscription, click deactivate
  • When asked if you’d like to pause, click continue to cancel

What is YouTube Premium?

YouTube Premium is a subscription service that offers a variety of benefits to enhance your YouTube experiences.

Here are YouTube Premium’s features:

  • Ad-free viewing – Yes, all those pesky ads are done away with. This is the main selling point of YouTube Premium. It includes banner ads, video ads, and audio ads across both YouTube’s video service and YouTube music, and works on all platforms, whether you’re watching YouTube in browser, via the YouTube app on mobile or TV, via Roku, and any other streaming device
  • Access to YouTube Originals – while YouTube Originals no longer produces content, you can still watch all the original movies, shows, and more producer under the once thriving banner
  • YouTube Music – YouTube is getting in on the Spotify and Apple Music action with YouTube Music. This subscription is usually $10 a month, but is included for free with premium. You can even download your favorite tunes and play them in the background like other streaming apps
  • Background play on mobile – YouTube Premium enables you the ability to play videos on your device in the background, even if your screen is locked or if another app is open
  • Offline viewing – Premium offers the ability to download videos for offline viewing. This is a valuable option for preserving data, watching videos on plane flights, or even when you’re out and about in an area with spotty signal – no more waiting for your video to buffer. The only downside is that this, obviously, takes up your phone’s storage, so be sure to delete them once you’ve finished watching or listening
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Now that you know how to cancel premium, check out our guides covering how to cancel Tinder Goldhow to delete Spotify accounts, and how to delete Twitter accounts.