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How to cancel Disney Plus

Learning how to delete Disney Plus can save you from the bare necessities, especially if you don't want Disney to make a man out of you.

stick figure throwing the disney plus logo into the trash on a purple pocket tactics background

Want to know how to cancel Disney Plus? We’ve got you covered. Whether you just need to cut back on your monthly outgoings and need to stop a subscription or two, or you’re just looking to let it go, we can show you how to get rid of Disney’s streaming service.

However if you’re in the opposite situation and want Disney’s service to show you a whole new world, it’s our Disney Plus download guide that you should read. Or, if you’d rather not be Lumiere’s guest and instead prefer to keep up with the Kardashians, then it’s our Hulu download guide that you need to check out, plus we explain how to download Netflix for one of the biggest streaming services on the planet.

Let’s take a look at how to cancel Disney Plus.

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How do I cancel Disney Plus?

Don’t get us wrong, we love Disney. Who doesn’t love Disney? Well, if you’re one of the few and you want to get rid of Disney Plus, then we’ve got a handy step-by-step guide for you to follow. So, if it’s a case of Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo, Disney Plus just isn’t for you, then all you need to do is follow these instructions.

Here’s how to cancel Disney Plus:

  • Launch Disney Plus
  • Log in
  • Select your profile
  • Go to account
  • Tap Disney Plus subscription
  • Tap cancel subscription
  • Hit cancel subscription again

Can you restore Disney Plus accounts?

Once you’ve canceled your Disney Plus subscription, you won’t be able to completely restore it after. You’ll need to set up a new account once more, but you’ll still be able to use the same email address and details as before, but you’ll lose all of your saved shows and history, so it’ll just be a case of starting over.

But there you have it, how to cancel Disney Plus. If you need something else to fill the void, perhaps our Spotify download and YouTube Music download guides can help. Or, to remove even more rubbish, check out how to delete iPhone messages and how to delete Apple TV guides.