If you want to know how to add Pokémon Go’s Shaymin to your ranks, we break it all down in our full guide. It’s alright if you don’t have green fingers, as this little blossom buddy is very easy to handle.
Whatever your Pokémon picks, we have a guide ready for you over here at Pocket Tactics. Be sure to check out our content covering the best psychic Pokémon, Pokémon Go events, and Pokémon Go raids.
Here’s everything in our Pokémon Go Shaymin guide:
How do I get Land Forme Shaymin in Pokémon Go?
Shaymin is now available for all players as part of the ‘Grass and Gratitude’ quest, while it was previously only available as part of Pokémon Go Fest 2022. Simply log in, and Professor Willow starts the new quest line. Below are all of the tasks and their rewards:
Step one
Tasks | Rewards |
Take four snapshots of your Pokémon | Three nanab berries |
Spin nine pokéstops or gyms | Fifteen pokéballs |
Walk two km | Cherubi encounter |
Complete all step one tasks | 1,000 xp, 500 stardust, and one mysterious component |
Step two
Tasks | Rewards |
Take four snapshots of wild grass-type Pokémon | Three razz berries |
Take nine snapshots of wild Pokémon | Jumpluff encounter |
Take two snapshots of wild flying-type Pokémon | Seven super potion |
Complete all step two tasks | 1,500 xp, 1,000 stardust, and one rocket radar |
Step three
Tasks | Rewards |
Power up Pokémon 22 times | One star piece |
Complete all step three tasks | 2,500 xp, 1,500 stardust, and one raid pass |
Step four
Tasks | Rewards |
Catch four grass-type Pokémon | Leafeon encounter |
Catch nine Pokémon | Fifteen great balls |
Catch two flying-type Pokémon | Six hyper potions |
Complete all step four tasks | 3,000 xp, 2,000 stardust, and two golden razz berries |
Step five
Tasks | Rewards |
Complete four field research tasks | Three pinap berries |
Earn nine hearts with your buddy | Fifteen ultra balls |
Hatch two eggs | Six max potion |
Complete all step five tasks | 5,000 xp, 2,500 stardust, and two silver pinap berries |
Step six
Tasks | Rewards |
Catch 22 different species of Pokémon | One lucky egg |
Complete all step six tasks | 5,000 xp, 2,500 stardust, and the Land Forme Shaymin encounter |
Step seven
Tasks | Rewards |
Claim free reward | 22 Shaymin stickers |
Claim free reward | 2,022 xp |
Claim free reward | 2,022 stardust |
Complete all step seven tasks | 25 Shaymin candy, one incense, and 22 ultra balls |

How do I get Sky Forme Shaymin in Pokémon Go?
It’s not currently possible to encounter a wild Sky Forme Shaymin in Pokémon Go, it’s mythical, so it doesn’t spawn naturally. So far, Sky Forme Shaymin’s only distribution is as part of Pokémon Go Fest 2022, where players could purchase a research ticket and encounter Sky Forme Shaymin after completing special research tasks.
Can Shaymin swap forms in Pokémon Go?
You can change Shaymin’s form by following these steps:
- Open up Pokémon Go
- Hit the PokéBall icon at the bottom of the screen
- Press Pokémon, search for Shaymin
- Underneath the power up button is ‘change form’
- If you have 25 Shaymin candy and 10k stardust, click on ‘change form’
- You can now change your Sky Forme Shaymin to Land Forme and back again
What is the best Pokemon Go Shaymin moveset?
If you’re using Land Forme Shaymin, we recommend you use the following moveset:
Fast move | Charged move |
Zen Headbutt | Grass Knot |
If you’re using Sky Forme Shaymin, we recommend you use this moveset instead:
Fast move | Charged move |
Magical Leaf | Grass Knot |
That’s it for our Pokémon Go Shaymin guide. We hope you snag the adorable mythical soon. If you do grab the little green hedgehog, be sure to check out our guides explaining the grass Pokémon weakness and flying Pokémon weakness next.