Undertale’s Chara is one of the most mysterious characters in the game, with plenty of cryptic clues alluding to their role in the narrative. Still, if you’re not paying close attention, it can easy to miss these details and finish the game without a clear picture on why Frisk keeps showing up. In this guide, we’ve got all the need-to-know details, but it’s pretty spoiler-heavy, so come back later if you want to go in fresh.
For more on Fox’s idiosyncratic indie RPG, be sure to check out our Undertale Frisk character guide, Undertale download guide, and our page detailing all the most up-to-date information on Deltarune chapter 3, the third part in the developer’s sequel series. Or, if you already know everything there is to know about Chara, Frisk, and the gang, check out our picks for the best games like Undertale on Switch and mobile.
Who is Undertale’s Chara?
This is your last call for spoilers before getting into the nitty gritty of who Chara really is. Okay, ready? Let’s go.
Chara, also known as the fallen human, is the only other human character in the game, besides Frisk the protagonist, and was the first of the race to fall into the Underground. Following this, Chara was taken in by Asgore and Toriel as a brother for Asriel but died after a short time with their new family.
Chara’s death is the instigator for the game world Frisk finds themselves in. Following Chara’s demise, their spirit intertwined with Asriel’s, so that together they could go to the surface and break the boundary between humans and monsters. However, on arriving in Chara’s village, Asriel is fatally wounded by the humans, and when they return to die in the underground, their father Asgore swears vengeance.
Chara’s story starts back up again at the beginning of Undertale, as Frisk similarly lands down below. It’s here where things get interesting, as many believe that Chara’s spirit is the narrator behind Frisk’s actions and that they’re trying to get the player character to finish the job they started, by breaking the barrier between the world below and the human world with the power of determination.
What is Undertale’s Chara gender?
Just like Frisk, Undertale never explicitly states Chara’s gender. There’s a lot of speculation as to why that is, but the general consensus is that it’s a decision made by Toby Fox to make it easier for the player to project themselves onto both Frisk and Chara. However, we’ve never had any direct confirmation from the developer, so this might not be the case.
What is Undertale’s Chara age?
As we hardly experience any direct contact with Chara, and much of their backstory is shrouded in mystery, it’s hard to tell how old they might be. However, in our Frisk guide, we figured out that Frisk is roughly pre-teen age if not early teens, and with the similarity in design between the two, we can assume that when Chara was alive and arrived in the Underworld, they were still a child themselves.
The tricky bit is that we never find out exactly how much time has passed between Chara’s death and Frisk’s arrival, so we can’t be sure of what age they are during Undertale. There are a lot of estimates out there, with anything from two to 20 years older as a possibility, but with the relationship between Undertale and Delatarune, we might get some answers in future installments.
What is the relationship between Undertale’s Chara and Frisk?
This is one of the most searched questions in relation to both characters, with Fox’s cryptic narrative still drawing new interpretations from players with each ending achieved. The most common theory is that the spirit of Chara is using Frisk as a vessel to try and complete their plan of breaking the barrier between monsters and humans.
While many fans notice similarities between Chara and Frisk, there’s a big difference between the two in terms of expression. Despite NPCs referring to Frisk’s reactions, we only ever see the protagonist with a neutral expression, whereas the few appearances of Chara in bodily form have their face adorned with an untrustworthy smile. This is one of many hints throughout the game to Chara’s true sadistic nature, as opposed to Frisk’s neutrality.
There you have it, our comprehensive guide to Undertale’s Chara. If you’re looking for a little more mystery, see our guide to the best detective games on Switch and mobile. Or, if you’re looking for something a little more casual, get off to a solid start in some of our favorite mobile games with our Coin Master free spins and free Monopoly Go dice guides.