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FFX Lulu stats, weapons, armor, and abilities

FFX's Lulu is one the best characters in-game, so let's look at her abilities, stats, weapons, and armor to prepare her for battle.

FFX's Lulu standing near some rocks

FFX’s Lulu is perhaps one of the most powerful magic users in the entire series, and when you couple that with her charming personality, you get one of the best Final Fantasy X party members by quite some margin. But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s dive into the facts, as we explore her armor, weapons, abilities, and stats, so you know exactly what she can do. Unsurprisingly, it is her magic stat that you really need to take note of, though her defense isn’t too shabby either.

If you enjoy Final Fantasy X, chances are you’re a fan of JRPGs or role-playing games in general. In which case, you might want to check out our list of the best Switch RPGs and the best mobile RPGs; who knows what adventures you might find. Oh, and if you prefer other Final Fantasy X characters, you’re in luck, as we have an FFX Auron guide, too.

FFX Lulu’s stats

Lulu is a must-have party member regardless of who else you want to bring along for the ride. Her prowess with magic is second to none and is very powerful, though that power doesn’t stretch to the physical department, but that’s what Auron is for.

Stat Starting value Sphere grid (normal/expert)
HP 380 2,580/2,380
MP 92 432/352
Strength 5 16/15
Defense 8 56/38
Magic 20 56/54
Magic defense 30 90/78
Agility 5 21/22
Luck 17 21/19
Evasion 40 84/83
Accuracy 3 5/13

A side view of Final Fantasy X's Lulu

FFX Lulu’s armor

As FFX veterans know, each character has a different item that constitutes armor, and for Lulu, it’s her bangles. She’s a lady who likes nice things. Who can blame her? There are a lot of bangles in the game, each with varying benefits to consider when you equip them. MP, HP, and protection are just three examples of what Lulu’s armor can offer.

Given that there are many different bangles up for grabs, we have chosen a select few that we consider to be the most beneficial.

Armor Abilities
Samantha soul Breaks both the HP and MP limit
Eternity Ribbon
Draupnir Four elemental abilities
Precious bangle Provides auto-shell, auto-regen, auto-reflect, and auto-protect
Collector bangle Master thief
Treasure bangle Pickpocket
Assault bangle Auto-shell, protect, reflect, regen, haste
Curative bangle auto-med
Marching bangle Auto-shell, protect, reflect, haste, regen (three of them)
Regen bangle Auto-regen or SOS regen
Crimson bangle Fire eater
Medical bangle Curse proof
Sorcery bangle MP increases by 20% or 30%
Onyx bangle Magic defense increases by 10% or 20%
Seeker’s bangle HP increases by 5% or 10%
Metal bangle Defence increase by 3% or 5%
Tough bangle HP increases by 20% or 30%
Tetra bangle Four slot armor
Auto bangle Auto-potion, auto-med

FFX Lulu holding a doll in front of a clear sky

FFX Lulu’s weapons

I’m going to be honest: Lulu’s weapon of choice creeps me out. There’s something about dolls that I just don’t like, and yes, perhaps Chucky and Anabelle play a part in that. Frankly, I don’t trust them. But they help Lulu wreak magical havoc on her opponents, so they have some upsides.

There are many different dolls to collect, all of which attack the enemy in different ways and possess a range of dominant abilities that can aid in battle.

Such dolls include:

Weapon Ability
Onion knight
  • Default is no AP
  • First upgrade gives no AP, and double overdrive
  • Second upgrade gives break damage limit, triple overdrive, magic booster, and one MP cost
Space soul Triple overdrive, triple AP
Swift Cactuar First strike
Toxic Cait Sith Poisonstrike
Moomba trio Three elemental strikes
Vengeful Cactuar Magic counter, counter attack, or evade and counter
Abaddon Cait Sith Three status strikes
Prism Cactuar Magic counter
Variable mog Provides two or three weapon slots
Moomba mage A magic increase of 10% or 20%
Moomba warrior A strength increase of 10% or 20%
Fire Moomba Firestrike
S-mog Distill speed
Moogle One ability slot
Thunder Moomba Lightningstrike
P-mog Distill power
Ominous Cait Sith Two status touches
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FFX Lulu’s abilities

Considering how much we’ve already talked about how magical Lulu is, it shouldn’t surprise you that many of her abilities are spell-based. Luckily, it doesn’t take much work to figure out what each one does, the clue is in the name really – fire, for instance, inflicts fire elemental damage. Though one or two aren’t quite so self-explanatory, but that’s what the below table is for.

Ability Description
Fire Inflicts minor fire elemental damage
Water Inflicts minor water elemental damage
Focus Increases magic defense and magic for the entire party
Thundara Inflicts moderate lightning elemental damage
Blizzara Inflicts moderate ice elemental damage
Bio Inflicts poison
Death Inflicts death
Thundaga Inflicts major lighting elemental damage
Thunder Inflicts minor lightning elemental damage
Blizzard Inflicts minor ice elemental damage
Fira Inflicts moderate fire elemental damage
Watera Inflicts moderate water elemental damage
Blizzaga Inflicts major lightning damage
Doublecast She can cast black magic spells twice
Reflex Everyone in the party gets an increase to evasion
Demi Current HP of the opposition decreases by 25%
Waterga Inflicts major water elemental damage
Firaga Inflicts major fire elemental damage
Flare Massive non-elemental damage
Nab gil Attack the enemy and steal their gil

As for Lulu’s overdrive, she uses fury, which casts a flurry of up to sixteen spells, potentially decimating the opposing party. There really is nothing like a woman scorned.

And there you have it, everything you need to know about Final Fantasy X’s Lulu. If you decide to dive into the world of Final Fantasy VII, our FFVII Cloud, FFVII Aerith, FFVII Sephiroth, and FFVII Tifa guides should help you out.