Fire Emblem has always been a tough franchise, with the spectre of permadeath hanging over all of your units (if you play on the proper difficulty setting), and Fire Emblem Engage is no different. Luckily there’s often a way to power up your units between crucial matches, and this time, the Fire Emblem Engage arena is here to help – so find out all about it in our full guide.
Before we dive into this guide, if you’re a huge Fire Emblem fan, be sure to check out the rest of our fantastic articles. We have content covering Fire Emblem Engage rings, Fire Emblem Engage characters, Fire Emblem Engage classes, Fire Emblem Engage romance options, Fire Emblem Engage gacha, Fire Emblem Engage amiibo, and so many more.
Let’s move straight down on a square grid, and use an axe to attack (read) our Fire Emblem Engage arena guide.
What is the Fire Emblem Engage arena?
After each match in Fire Emblem Engage, you can retreat to the Somniel and take part in many activities before you depart on the next mission. One of the possible activities is taking part in mock 1v1 battles in the arena, choosing a single unit to face off against a single enemy unit based on characters you have encountered. While these battles don’t have consequences if you lose, winning them can still bag you some rewards, so it’s well worth your time to visit the arena between your missions.
Where is the Fire Emblem Engage arena?
The arena is located in the Fire Emblem Engage Somniel, and travelling through a large wooden door in one of the inside areas transports you to the arena room, from which you can choose to take part in battles. Alternatively, you can use the map to warp to the arena quickly.
What are the Fire Emblem Engage arena rewards?
Taking part in Fire Emblem Engage arena battles can net you experience. As the battles are 1v1, depending on your opponent, these battles can be a great way to sharpen up any of your flagging units, if any, in particular, aren’t up to par with the rest of your army units.
Is there gameplay footage of the Fire Emblem Engage arena?
Nintendo released gameplay footage of the arena in two separate trailers, the first of which is the Somniel overview trailer below.

The second gameplay clip is direct feed footage from a Japanese trailer for Fire Emblem Engage, clipped and reposted here by Perfectly Nintendo on YouTube.

Well, that is all we have for our Fire Emblem Engage arena guide today folks, but if you’re hankering for even more Fire Emblem action, be sure to check out our guide covering Fire Emblem Engage endings, as well as our full Fire Emblem Engage review.