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How to Switch off iPhone

Learn how to Switch off iPhone in a few simple steps, both through a simple click of a button and through your phone's settings.

How to turn off iphone - a photograph of my iPhone 13 with the off icon on the screen in front of a blue Pocket Tactics background

If you need to know how to switch off iPhone, we’ve got you covered. With a simple press of a button or a few taps on the screen, you can turn off your iPhone to get some peace or reserve some juice.

If you need more help, be sure to check out our guides on how to scan with iPhone, how to delete apps on iPhonehow to delete Spotify accounts, and how to delete Snapchat accounts.

How to Switch off iPhone

To switch off your iPhone, follow these simple steps:

  • Press and hold your iPhone’s right side button and either volume button.
  • A pop-down appears asking you to slide the bar to turn off
  • Slide the bar across to Switch off your iPhone


Alternatively, if either of your side buttons does not work, follow these steps to Switch of your iPhone through the settings:

  • Head to settings
  • Open up General settings
  • Press shut down
  • When the slider appears, drag it across to switch off your iPhone.

Now that you know how to turn off iPhone, be sure to protect that little beauty with our list of the best iPhone cases, and keep it juiced up with our list of the best iPhone power banks.