If you’re looking for a My Singing Monsters breeding guide, you’re in the right place. We’ve got all the details you need to boost your population of crooning creatures, including complete breeding charts for all the different types. We’ve also got tips on how to get unbreedable monsters like wublins and dipsters, so you don’t waste your time trying to do the impossible.
All you MSM fans out there should also head over to our My Singing Monsters monster list, My Singing Monsters gems guide, and My Singing Monsters Plant Island guide. Or, if you’re looking for something else to play while you wait for more monsters to arrive, see our guides to the best Switch games and the best mobile games.
Here’s our guide to all the different My Singing Monsters breeding types:

My Singing Monsters natural breeding
Monster | Element | Class | Cost | Breeding combination | Breeding time |
Noggin | Earth | Natural | 300 coins | N/A | Five seconds |
Mammott | Cold | Natural | 300 coins | N/A | Two minutes |
Toe Jammer | Water | Natural | 250 coins | N/A | One minute |
Potbelly | Plant | Natural | 250 coins | N/A | Two hours |
Tweedle | Air | Natural | 300 coins | N/A | Four hours |
Kayna | Fire | Natural | Ten relics | N/A | Seven hours |
Drumpler | Earth / Cold | Natural | 30 diamonds | Noggin & Mammott | 30 minutes |
Fwog | Earth / Water | Natural | 30 diamonds | Noggin & Toe Jammer | 30 minutes |
Maw | Cold / Water | Natural | 30 diamonds | Toe Jammer & Mammott | 30 minutes |
Shrubb | Earth / Plant | Natural | 30 diamonds | Potbelly & Noggin | Eight hours |
Furcorn | Cold / Plant | Natural | 30 diamonds | Potbelly & Mammott | Eight hours |
Oaktopus | Water / Plant | Natural | 30 diamonds | Potbelly & Toe Jammer | Eight hours |
Dandidoo | Air / Plant | Natural | 30 diamonds | Tweedle & Potbelly | Eight hours |
Pango | Air / Cold | Natural | 30 diamonds | Tweedle & Mammott | Eight hours |
Quibble | Air / Water | Natural | 30 diamonds | Tweedle & Toe Jammer | Eight hours |
Cybop | Air / Earth | Natural | 30 diamonds | Tweedle & Noggin | Eight hours |
Stogg | Earth / Fire | Natural | 50 relics | Noggin & Kayna | Ten hours |
Flowah | Plant / Fire | Natural | 50 relics | Potbelly & Kayna | Ten hours |
Glowl | Air / Fire | Natural | 50 relics | Tweedle & Kayna | Ten hours |
Phangler | Water / Fire | Natural | 50 relics | Toe Jammer & Kayna | Ten hours |
Boskus | Cold / Fire | Natural | 50 relics | Mammott & Kayna | Ten hours |
T-Rox | Rock / Water / Cold | Natural | 50 diamonds | Noggin & Maw / Toe Jammer & Drumpler / Mammott & Fwog | Eight hours |
Pummel | Plant / Earth / Water | Natural | 50 diamonds | Potbelly & Fwog / Noggin & Oaktopus / Toe Jammer & Shrubb | 12 hours |
Clamble | Plant / Earth / Cold | Natural | 50 diamonds | Potbelly & Drumpler / Noggin & Furcorn / Mammott & Shrubb | One hour |
Bowgart | Plant / Water / Cold | Natural | 50 diamonds | Potbelly & Maw / Toe Jammer & Furcorn / Mammott & Oaktopus | 12 hours |
Spunge | Air / Plant / Water | Natural | 50 diamonds | Toe Jammer & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Quibble / Tweedle & Oaktopus | 12 hours |
Thumpies | Air / Plant / Cold | Natural | 50 diamonds | Mammot & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Pango / Tweedle & Furcorn | 12 hours |
Congle | Air / Water / Cold | Natural | 50 diamonds | Tweedle & Maw / Toe Jammer & Pango / Mammott & Quibble | 12 hours |
PomPom | Air / Earth / Cold | Natural | 50 diamonds | Noggin & Pango / Mammott & Cybop / Tweedle & Drumpler | 12 hours |
Scups | Air / Earth / Water | Natural | 50 diamonds | Tweedle & Fwog / Noggin & Quibble / Toe Jammer & Cybop | 12 hours |
Reedling | Air / Earth / Plant | Natural | 50 diamonds | Noggin & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Cybop / Tweedle & Shrubb | 12 hours |
Repatillo | Plant / Earth / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Kayna & Shrubb / Noggin & Flowah / Potbelly & Stogg | 20 hours |
Floogull | Air / Earth / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Kayna & Cybop / Noggin & Glowl / Tweedle & Stogg | 20 hours |
Barrb | Air / Plant / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Kayna & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Glowl / Tweedle & Flowah | 20 hours |
Whaddle | Air / Water / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Kayna & Quibble / Toe Jammer & Glowl / Tweedle & Phangler | 20 hours |
Woolabee | Air / Cold / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Kayna & Pango / Mammott & Glowl / Tweedle & Boskus | 20 hours |
Wynq | Water / Cold / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Kayna & maw / Toe Jammer & Boskus / Mammott & Phangler | 20 hours |
Sooza | Plant / Cold / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Mammott & Flowah / Potbelly & Boskus / Kayna & Furcorn | 20 hours |
Rootitoot | Plant / Water / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Kayna & Oaktopus / Toe Jammer & Flowah / Potbelly & Phangler | 20 hours |
Ziggarub | Earth / Cold / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Drumpler & Kayna / Mammott & Stogg / Noggin & Boskus | 20 hours |
Thrumble | Earth / Water / Fire | Natural | 100 relics | Fwog & Kayna / Stogg & Toe Jammer / Phangler & Noggin | 20 hours |
Entbrat | Plant / Earth / Water / Cold | Natural | 150 diamonds | Potbelly & T-Rox / Noggin & Bowgart / Toe Jammer & Clamble / Mammott & Pummel | One day |
Deedge | Air / Plant / Water / Cold | Natural | 150 diamonds | Toe Jammer & thumpies / Mammot & Spunge / Potbelly & Congle / Tweedle & Bowgart | One day |
Riff | Air / Earth / Water / Cold | Natural | 150 diamonds | Noggin & Congle / Toe Jammer & Pompom / Mammott & Scups / Tweedle & T-Rox | One day |
Shellbeat | Air / Plant / Earth / Water | Natural | 150 diamonds | Noggin & Spunge / Toe Jammer & Reedling / Potbelly & Scups / Tweedle & Pummel | One day |
Quarrister | Air / Plant / Earth / Cold | Natural | 150 diamonds | Noggin & Thumpies / Mammott & Reedling / Potbelly & Pompom / Tweedle & Clamble | One day |
Tring | Air / Plant / Earth / Fire | Natural | 200 relics | Noggin & Barrb / Potbelly & Floogull / Tweedle & Repatillo / Kayna & Reedling | One day, 16 hours |
Sneyser | Air / Water / Cold / Fire | Natural | 200 relics | Toe jammer & Woolabee / Mammott & Whaddle / Tweedle & Wynq / Kayna & Congle | One day, 16 hours |
Yelmut | Air / Plant / Cold / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
Flum Ox | Air / Earth / Water / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
Krillby | Air / Earth / Cold / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
Edamimi | Plant / Earth / Water / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
PongPing | Plant / Earth / Cold / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
Tiawa | Earth / Water / Cold / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
Bisonorus | Air / Plant / Water / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
Incisaur | Plant / Water / Cold / Fire | Natural | 30 relics | N/A | One day, 16 hours |
Candelavra | Air / Plant / Earth / Water / Fire | Natural | 40 relics | N/A | Three days, eight hours |
My Singing Monster magical breeding
Monster | Element | Level needed | Cost | Breeding combination | Breeding time |
Fluoress | Light | 9 | 30k coins or 325 diamonds | N/A (purchase from market) | Two hours |
Theremind | Pyschic | 9 | 25k coins or 325 diamonds | N/A (purchase from market) | Three hours |
Floot Fly | Faerie | 9 | 25k coins or 325 diamonds | N/A (purchase from market) | Four hours |
Clackula | Bone | 9 | 25k coins or 325 diamonds | N/A (purchase from market) | Five hours |
Gob | Plant / Light | 9 | 150 diamonds | Potbelly & Fluoress | Nine hours |
Bulbo | Cold / Light | 9 | 150 diamonds | Mammott & Fluoress | Nine hours |
Pluckbill | Fire / Light | 9 | 150 diamonds | Kayna & Flueoress | Nine hours |
Poppette | Water / Pyschic | 9 | 150 diamonds | Toe Jammer & Theremind | Nine hours |
Bonkers | Plant / Pyschic | 9 | 150 diamonds | Potbelly & Theremind | Nine hours |
Yuggler | Fire / Pyschic | 9 | 150 diamonds | Kayna & Theremind | Nine hours |
HippityHop | Earth / Faerie | 9 | 150 diamonds | Noggin & Floot Fly | Nine hours |
Squot | Cold / Faerie | 9 | 150 diamonds | Mammott & Floot Fly | Nine hours |
Wimmzies | Fire / Faerie | 9 | 150 diamonds | Kayna & Floot Fly | Nine hours |
Peckidna | Earth / Bone | 9 | 150 diamonds | Noggin & Clackula | Nine hours |
Denchuhs | Water / Bone | 9 | 150 diamonds | Toe Jammer & Clackula | Nine hours |
Hawlo | Fire / Bone | 9 | 150 diamonds | Kayna & Clackula | Nine hours |
Xyster | Pyschic / Bone | 9 | 150 diamonds | Theremind & Clackula | 20 hours |
Knucklehead | Faerie / Light | 9 | 150 diamonds | Floot Fly & Fluoress | 20 hours |
Deja-Jin | Psychic / Faerie | 9 | 150 diamonds | Theremind & Floot Fly | 20 hours |
Cahoot | Psychic / Light | 9 | 150 diamonds | Theremind & Fluoress | 20 hours |
Osstax | Faerie / Bone | 9 | 150 diamonds | Floot Fly & Clackula | 20 hours |
Roarick | Bone / Light | 9 | 150 diamonds | Clackula & Fluoress | 20 hours |
Spytrap | Plant / Cold / Light | 9 | 300 diamonds | Gob & Mammott | 16 hours |
TooToo | Plant / Fire / Light | 9 | 300 diamonds | Pluckbill & Potbelly | 16 hours |
Fiddlement | Cold / Fire / Light | 9 | 300 diamonds | Pluckbill & Mammott | 16 hours |
Tapricorn | Plant / Water / Psychic | 9 | 300 diamonds | Bonkers & Toe Jammer | 16 hours |
Rooba | Plant / Fire / Psychic | 9 | 300 diamonds | Yuggler & Potbelly | 16 hours |
Periscorp | Water / Fire / Psychic | 9 | 300 diamonds | Yuggler & Toe Jammer | 16 hours |
Cantorell | Earth / Cold / Faerie | 9 | 300 diamonds | Squot & Noggin | 16 hours |
Bridg-it | Earth / Fire / Faerie | 9 | 300 diamonds | Wimmzies & Noggin | 16 hours |
Clavi Gnat | Cold / Fire / Faerie | 9 | 300 diamonds | Wimmzies & Mammott | 16 hours |
Withur | Earth / Water / Bone | 9 | 300 diamonds | Denchuhs & Noggin | 16 hours |
Uuduk | Earth / Fine / Bone | 9 | 300 diamonds | Hawlo & Noggin | 16 hours |
Banjaw | Water / Fire / Bone | 9 | 300 diamonds | Hawlo & Toe Jammer | 16 hours |
Frondley | Pyschic / Fairy / Light | 9 | 300 diamonds | Deja-Jin & Fluoress | 30 hours |
Larvaluss | Psychic / Faerie / Bone | 9 | 300 diamonds | Osstax & Theremind | 30 hours |
Mushaboom | Farie / Bone / Light | 9 | 300 diamonds | Osstax & Fluoress | 30 hours |
G’day | Psychic / Bone / Light | 9 | 300 diamonds | Xyster & Fluoress | 30 hours |
Blow’t | Plant / Cold / Fire / Light | 9 | 600 diamonds | TooToo & Mammott | 32 hours |
Gloptic | Plant / Water / Fire / Psychic | 9 | 600 diamonds | Rooba & Toe Jammer | 32 hours |
Pladdie | Earth / Cold / Fire / Faerie | 9 | 600 diamonds | Clavi Gnat & Noggin | 32 hours |
Plinkajou | Earth / Water / Fire / Bone | 9 | 600 diamonds | Banjaw & Noggin | 32 hours |
Enchantling | Psychic / Faerie / Bone / Light | 9 | 600 diamonds | Larvaluss & Fluoress | 50 hours |
My Singing Monster seasonal breeding
All of these monsters require you to be at level 9 to breed.
Monster | Element | Cost | Breeding combination | Breeding time |
Punkleton | Spooktacle | 225 diamonds | Bowgart & T-Rox | 18 hours |
Yool | Festival of Yay | 225 diamonds | Thumpies & Congle | 36 hours |
Schmoochle | Season of Love | 225 diamonds | Riff & Tweedle | Just over 31 hours |
Blabbit | Eggs-travaganza | 225 diamonds | Spunge & Scups | 19 hours |
Hoola | SummerSong | 225 diamonds | PomPom & Pango | 25 hours |
Gobbleygourd | Feast Ember | 225 diamonds | Glowl & Kayna at Fire Haven/ Punkleton & Yool at Seasonal Shanty | 21 hours |
Clavavera | Beat Hereafter | 225 diamonds | Withur & Clackula at Bone Island / Punkleton & Schmoochle at Seasonal Shanty | Just over 22 hours |
Viveine | Echoes of Eco | 500 diamonds | Punkleton & Blabbit | Just over 26 hours |
Jam Boree | Anniversary Month | 500 diamonds | Punkleton & Hoola | Just over 40 hours |
Carillong | Crescendo Moon | 500 diamonds | Yool & Schmoochle | Just over 27 hours |
Whiz-bang | Sky Painting | 500 diamonds | Yool & Blabbit | Just over 28 hours |
Monculuc | Light Formula | 500 diamonds | Yool & Hoola | Just over 20 hours |
Ffidyll | Cloverspell | 500 diamonds | Schmoochle & Blabbit | Just under 21 hours |
Boo’qwurm | MindBoggle | 500 diamonds | Schmoochle & Hoola | Just over 24 hours |
Spurrit | Perplexpore | 500 diamonds | Blabbit & Hoola | Just over 20 hours |
My Singing Monster ethereal breeding
Monster | Element | Level needed | Cost | Breeding combination | Breeding time |
Ghazt | Plasma | 9 | 1,000 diamonds | Enbrat & T-Rox | One and a half days |
Grumpyre | Shadow | 9 | 1,000 diamonds | Deedge & Spunge | One and a half days |
Reebro | Mech | 9 | 1,000 diamonds | Riff & T-Rox | One and a half days |
Jeeode | Crystal | 9 | 1,000 diamonds | Shellbeat & Pummel | One and a half days |
Humbug | Poison | 9 | 1,000 diamonds | Quarister & Clamble | One and a half days |
Whisp | Plasma/ Shadow | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Ghazt & Grumpyre | 42 hours |
Nebulob | Plasma/ Mech | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Ghazt & Reebro | 42 hours |
Arackulele | Shadow/ Mech | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Grumpyre & Reebro | 42 hours |
Sox | Plasma/ Crystal | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Ghazt & Jeeode | 42 hours |
Boodoo | Shadow/ Crystal | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Grumpyre & Jeeode | 42 hours |
Bellowfish | Mech/ Crystal | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Reebro & Jeeode | 42 hours |
Jellibilly | Plasma/ Posion | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Ghazt & Humbug | 42 hours |
Kazilleon | Shadow/ Posion | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Grumpyre & Humbug | 42 hours |
Dragong | Mech/ Poison | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Reebro & Humbug | 42 hours |
Fung Pray | Crystal/ Posion | 9 | 1,250 diamonds | Jeeode & Humbug | 42 hours |
My Singing Monster mythical breeding
Monster | Element | Level needed | Cost | Breeding combination | Breeding time |
G’joob | Mythical | 9 | 225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical Island | T-Rox & Pummel | 18 hours |
Strombonin | Mythical | 9 | 225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical Island | Bowgart & Spunge | 23 hours |
Yawstritch | Mythical | 9 | 225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical Island | T-Rox & Scups | 28 hours |
Cherubble | Mythical | 9 | 225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical Island | Congle & Woolabee | 18 hours |
Cataliszt | Mythical | 9 | 100k coins | Buy from market | 9 hours |
Bleatnik | Mythical / Dream | 9 | 750 diamonds | G’joob & Cataliszt | 27 hours |
Cranchee | Mythical / Dream | 9 | 750 diamonds | Strombonin & Cataliszt | 32 hours |
Sporerow | Mythical / Dream | 9 | 750 diamonds | Yawstrich & Cataliszt | 37 hours |
shLep | Mythical / Dream | 9 | 750 diamonds | Cherubble & Cataliszt | 27 hours |
My Singing Monster shugafam breeding
Monster | Element | Combination | Time |
Shugabush | Legendary | Bowgart & Clamble | 35 hours |
Shugarock | Legendary | Shugabush & Mammott | 35 hours |
Shugabass | Legendary | Shugabush & Potbelly | 35 hours |
Shugajo | Legendary | Shugabush & Oaktopus | 35 hours |
Shugabeats | Legendary | Shugabush & Furcorn | 35 hours |
Shugabuzz | Legendary | Shugabush & Quibble | 35 hours |
Shugitar | Legendary | Shugabush & PomPom | 35 hours |
Shugavox | Legendary | Shugabush & Deedge | 35 hours |
My Singing Monster dipster breeding
Unlike the other creatures on our My Singing Monsters breeding guide, Dipsters can’t be bred, sadly. Rather, you need to use keys to buy them, so start earning some and head to the shop to grab those dipsters. (Well, you can try and breed two dipsters, but you get nothing from it).
My Singing Monster wublins breeding
Like dipsters, you can breed Wublins, either. They are incredibly helpful, however, so start hatching their eggs as soon as possible. Wublins cost 5,000 coins, from which you get a static wublin, which you need to zap awake at the right time. If you wait too long, the eggs go bad, so check out how long you have below.
Wublin | Time |
Astropod | Ten days |
Blipsqueak | Five days |
Bona-Petite | Ten days |
Brump | Two days |
Creepuscule | Ten days |
Dermit | Three days |
Dwumrohl | 14 days |
Fleechwurm | Five days |
Gheegur | Seven days |
Maulch | Seven days |
Pixolotl | 14 days |
Poewk | Five days |
Scargo | Three days |
Screemu | Five days |
Thwok | Seven days |
Tympa | 14 days |
Whajje | Ten days |
Zuuker | Ten days |
Zynth | Three days |
My Singing Monster celestial breeding
Celestials work similarly to wublins, except they cost varying amounts of diamonds. Still, we’ve included them in our My Singing Monsters breeding guide so you can find all the info below.
Monster | Diamond cost | Time |
Attmoz | 75 | 12 days |
Blasoom | 145 | 14 days |
Furnoss | 85 | 25 days |
Galvana | 150 | 28 days |
Glaishur | 95 | Ten days |
Hornacle | 120 | 12 days |
Loodvigg | 160 | Eight days |
Plixie | 110 | 13 days |
Scaratar | 100 | Nine days |
Syncopite | 90 | 11 days |
Torrt | 175 | Seven days |
Vhamp | 140 | Eight days |
My Singing Monster wubbox breeding
There are three types of wubbox, the standard, the rare, and the epic wubbox. They cannot be bred, but instead, need to be bought from the shop.
My Singing Monster rare breeding
All rare monsters have the same element as their original design, for instance, both regular Noggin and epic Noggin belong to the earth element. Because of this, we haven’t included each typing in our guide to My Singing Monsters breeding, just the monster in question, those you need to breed to create it, and how long it might take.
Monster | Combination | Breeding time |
Rare Tweedle | Any two triple element monsters that are at least one part air | Six hours |
Rare Potbelly | Any two triple element monsters that are at least one part plant | Six hours |
Rare Noggin | Any two triple element monsters that are at least one part earth | Six hours |
Rare Toe Jammer | Any two triple element monster that are at least one part water | Six hours |
Rare Mammot | Any two triple element monster that are at least one part cold | Six hours |
Rare Kayna | Any two triple element monster that are at least one part fire | Eight hours |
Rare Dandidoo | Tweedle & Potbelly | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Cybop | Tweedle & Noggin | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Quibble | Tweedle & Toe Jammer | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Pango | Tweedle & Mammot | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Shrubb | Potbelly & Noggin | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Oaktopus | Potbelly & Toe Jammer | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Furcorn | Potbelly & Mammott | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Fwog | Noggin & Toe Jammer | 75 minutes |
Rare Drumpler | Noggin & Mammott | 67 and a half minutes |
Rare Maw | Toe Jammer & Mammott | 67 and a half minutes |
Rare Stogg | Stogg & Noggin | 13 and a half hours |
Rare Phangler | Phangler & Toe Jammer | 13 and a half hours |
Rare Flowah | Any four-element monster & Flowah | 13 and a half hours |
Rare Boskus | Boskus & Mammott | 13 and a half hours |
Rare Glowl | Any four-element monster and Glowl | 13 and a half hours |
Rare T-Rox | T-Rox & Noggin | 10 and a half hours |
Rare Pummel | Pummel & Noggin | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Clamble | Clamble & Noggin | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Bowgart | Bowgart & Toe Jammer | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Spunge | Spunge & Toe Jammer | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Thumpies | Thumpies & Mammot | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Congle | Congle & Toe Jammer | 15 and a half hours |
Rare PomPom | PomPom & Noggin | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Scups | Scups & Noggin | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Reedling | Reedling & Noggin | 15 and a half hours |
Rare Floogull | Floogul & Noggin | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Wynq | Wynq & Toe Jammer | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Woolabee | Woolabee & Mammott | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Repatillo | Repatillo & Noggin | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Whaddle | Whaddle & Toe Jammer | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Rootitoot | Rootitoot & Toe Jammer | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Barrb | Tring & Barb | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Ziggurab | Ziggurab & Noggin | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Thrumble | Thrumble & Noggin | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Sooza | Sooza & Mammott | 26 and a half hours |
Rare Entbrat | Bowgart & Noggin | 30 and a half hours |
Rare Deedge | Thumpies & Toe Jammer | 30 and a half hours |
Rare Riff | Congle & Noggin | 30 and a half hours |
Rare Shellbeat | Spunge & Noggin | 30 and a half hours |
Rare Quarrister | Thumpies & Noggin | 30 and a half hours |
Rare Tring | Barrb & Noggin | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Sneyser | Woolabee & Toe Jammer | 52 and a half hours |
My Singing Monster rare ethereal breeding
Monster | Combination | Breeding time |
Rare Ghazt | Plant Island: Enbrat & T-Rox / Ethereal Island: Ghazt & any one-element monster | 45 and a half hours |
Rare Grumpyre | Cold Island: Deedge & any three-element monster / Ethereal Island: Grumpyre & any one-element monster | 45 and a half hours |
Rare Reebro | Air Island: Riff & T-Rox / Ethereal Island: Reebro & any one-element monsters | 45 and a half hours |
Rare Jeeode | Water Island: Shellbeat & any three-element monster / Ethereal Island: Jeeode & any one-element monsters | 45 and a half hours |
Rare Humbug | Earth Island: Quarrister & any three-element monster / Ethereal Island: Humbug & any one-element monsters | 45 and a half hours |
Rare Whisp | Whisp & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Nebulob | Nebulob & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Aruackulele | Arackulele & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Sox | Sox & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Boodoo | Boodoo & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Bellowfish | Bellowfish & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Jellibilly | Jeillibilly & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Kazilleon | Kazilleon & any one-element monster | 52 and a half hours |
Rare Dragong | Dragon & any one-element monster | 53 hours |
Rare Fung Pray | Fung Pray & any one-element monster | 53 hours |
My Singing Monster rare seasonal breeding
Monster | Combination | Breeding time |
Rare Punkleton | Plant Island: Bowgart & T-Rox / Seasonal Shanty: Punkleton & Monculus | 31 hours and 45 minutes |
Rare Yool | Cold Island: Thumpies & Congle / Seasonal Shanty: Yool & Monculus | 45 and a half hours |
Rare Schmoochle | Air Island: Riff & Tweedle / Seasonal Shanty: Schmoochle & Monculus | 39 hours and 15 minutes |
Rare Blabbit | Water Island: Spunge & Scups / Blabbit & Monculus | 24 hours and 15 minutes |
Rare Hoola | Air Island: PomPom & Pango / Seasonal Shanty: Hoola & Monculus | 31 hours and 45 minutes |
Rare Gobbleygourd | Five Haven or Fire Oasis: Glowl & Kayna / Seasonal Shanty: Gobbleygourd & Punkleton | 31 hours and 45 minutes |
Rare Jam Boree | Punkleton & Hoola | 50 hours |
My Singing Monsters rare magical breeding
Monster | Combination | Breeding time |
Rare Theremind | Any two three-element monsters with at least one part psychic element each | Six hours |
Rare Floot Fly | Any two three-element monsters with at least one part faerie element each | Six hours |
Rare Gob | Blow’t & Gob | 12 and a half hours |
Rare Wimmzies | Pladdie & Wimmzies | 12 and a half hours |
Rare Yuggler | Gloptic & Yuggler | 12 and a half hours |
Rare Hawlo | Plinkajou & Hawlo | 12 and a half hours |
Rare TooToo | Blow’t & TooToo | 25 and a half hours |
Rare Bridg-it | Brigd-it & Noggin | 25 and a half hours |
Rare Withur | Withur & Noggin | 25 and a half hours |
Rare Banjaw | Banjaw & Toe Jammer | 25 and a half hours |
My Singing Monster epic breeding
Monster | Combination | Breeding time |
Epic Noggin |
One hour |
Epic Mammott |
Five hours |
Epic Toe Jammer |
Three hours |
Epic Potbelly |
Nine hours |
Epic Tweedle |
11 hours |
Epic Kayna |
15 hours |
Breeding in my singing monster can be overwhelming, with so many different possibilities and you have a lot of work to do if you want to unlock the monsters in each area. You start with monsters of a single element, and as you breed these together they create monsters with two elements, which can then create monsters with three elements or more. Experimenting with the different monsters is a great way to get some of them, but if you want to collect every single one, then our guide to the breeding combinations will help you to see all of those lovable little creatures.
Once you have unlocked a monster you can then buy it, making it much easier to grab more for further breeding. Eggs take a certain amount of time to hatch, increasing with the monster’s rarity, but you can also decrease the egg hatching time as you level up and find different ways to enhance it.
Alright, monster collectors, that’s all we have for our My Singing Monsters breeding guide. For more monsters, check out our guides to the best My Singing Monsters games and My Singing Monsters mods. Or, if you’re more of a Monopoly fan, grab some freebies with our guide to free Monopoly Go dice.