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Adopt Me trading values

Our Roblox Adopt Me trading values guide is here to help you work out whether you've got a chance of finally getting your dream pet.

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Our guide to Adopt Me trading values has everything you need to know about the in-game economy for this popular Roblox game. We’ve got all the need-to-know information on getting your head around Adopt Me values, including how to work them out, which is worth the most, and how to win trades. So, let’s get into the details.

If you want to learn more about Adopt Me’s trading system, be sure to check out our Adopt Me trade guide. We also have a list of all the Adopt Me pets, so you can work out which critters you want to trade for the most. While Adopt Me values may seem a little indecipherable, we’ve got all the details below to make sure you get your head around it.

How do I work out Adopt Me trading values?

You can see how valuable pets, items, food, and more are by checking out the Pet Value List on AdoptMeTradingValues.com. Adopt Me values change frequently, so keeping an eye on that site and watching their latest biggest wins of the week videos on the AdoptMeTradingValues Youtube can help you stay on top of all the most valuable items and pets in the game.

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How do I use the Adopt Me trading values win fair lose tool?

If you want to work out whether you’re getting a win, a fair trade, or a loss with Adopt Me values, you can use this awesome tool by the website Adopt Me Trading Values. Simply click the plus sign, choose the category, and type in the name of the items or pets you want to trade and what the other user is offering, then let the tool work out the Adopt Me trading value. For more tips on how to use this, check out the video from the AdoptMeTradingValues Youtube page above.

Which pet has the highest Adopt Me value?

For a long time, the highest Adopt Me value pet has been the Shadow Dragon (Robux) legendary pet, followed by the Bat Dragon (Candy) legendary pet, both from Halloween 2019. As they were special event pets, they can no longer be bought in-game, and can only be obtained through trading.

How do you win trades in Adopt Me?

Knowing your Adopt Me trade values is the most important part of winning trades in Adopt Me, so using the tools above to get familiar with them is super useful. And, above all, patience is key! Always aim to only do trades where you’re either winning or coming out with a fair trade for both you and the other user. If you want to know how to trade in Adopt Me, check out our Adopt Me trade guide.

That’s it for our Adopt Me values tips – we hope it helps make your Adopt Me trading experience easier. For more, head over to our Roblox codesKing Legacy codesBlox Fruits codes, Anime Adventures codes, and Shindo Life codes to get some freebies, or just our best Roblox games to find something new to play today. If Roblox isn’t your thing, grab a few extra trips around the board with our free Monopoly Go dice links.