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Dragonheir: Silent Gods tier list

Our Dragonheir: Silent Gods tier list ranks the game’s huge roster of heroes so you know who to take with you as you charge into battle against chaos.

Dragonheir Silent Gods tier list: The new D+D character

With such a huge array of characters and team compositions to choose from, picking the best team can be tricky. That’s where our Dragonheir: Silent Gods tier list comes in. We’ve ranked all of the available heroes and helpfully separated them by element for you. Of course, these rankings are subjective and based mostly on challenge levels, so feel free to keep using Noteera for the main story, we won’t judge.

With so many games out there now filled with awesome and powerful characters, it can be hard to optimize all of your teams without a little help. Luckily for you, we’ve got rankings for all the best gacha games on Switch and mobile. Check out our Genshin Impact tier list, Honkai Star Rail tier list, Bleach Brave Souls tier list, Arknights tier list, and Black Clover M tier list next.

Let’s dive into the multiverse and explore our Dragonheir: Silent Gods tier list.

Dragonheir: Silent Gods tier list: Alfie pasted on a red Pocket Tactics background with a fire symbol in the top right corner

Dragonheir: Silent Gods fire heroes

Tier Dragonheir: Silent Gods characters
S Flora, Rhash, Synarell
A Adolphus, Adventurer – Fire, Aschetius, Durem, Elminster Aumar, Felicity, Huldork, Karf, Khrysos, Majtan, Paixton, Tonalnan, Victor
B Alfie, Araces, Ashqar, Caraman, Caspar, Dane, Eirnin, Errich, Garrika, Horrus, Isolde, Journ, Lyle
C Alistair, Beags, Brody Bronwyn, Dubok, Fihrah, Follie(Rephe), Gloin, Liko, Nedda, Percival, Thea, Yamyra, Zadie, Zraacs
D Livia

Dragonheir Silent Gods tier list: Jatjalea pasted on a green PT Background with a poison logo in the top right corner

Dragonheir: Silent Gods poison heroes

Tier Dragonheir: Silent Gods characters
S Durango, Ergander, Frurbath, Lothair, Malak, Oggok, Sigrid, Vicuc
A Eli, Gareth, Heksandra, Horace, Jathalea, Lorarii, Reytah, Shink, Sifris, Stegamoffyn, Talwer, Twitch, Vicana
B Altin, Corrin, Eches, Garian, Ghellid, Jijel, Letalis, Noteera, Theodore
C Dench
D Doraud, Vicuz, Whitacre

Dragonheir Silent Gods tier list: Auster pasted on a light blue PT background with an ice symbol in the top right corner

Dragonheir: Silent Gods ice heroes

Tier Dragonheir: Silent Gods characters
S Auster, Beldelle, Eurion, Felosia, Gerthin, Hvitar, Lucien, Shinnah, Voresh, Zhorak
A Bleddyn, Drizzt, Elecebre, Elvis, Gardrus, Hochadir, Lossenia, Rava, Rephe, Rowena, Seidic, Trolgar, Usha, Vinyara
B Adventurer, Dorkuraz, Gugal, Nord, Olgan, Vidimir, Zethos
C Dallbam, Forbrit, Gusni, Lethander, Loris, Pargu, Soveliss, Vojeh, Wilt
D Herkert, Ulzog

Dragonheir Silent Gods tier list: Tharivol pasted on a dark blue PT background with a lightning symbol in the top right corner

Dragonheir: Silent Gods lightning heroes

Tier Dragonheir: Silent Gods characters
S Nastjenka, Sutha, Tamar
B Garett, Grishnaar, Irina, Nimbus
C Gerana, Iola, Naguk, Nathaniel, Schaltar, Shagrol, Shook, Sutha, Tharivol, Thurnus, Zeffi
D Adventurer, Bionphray, Dora, Enna, Fizzle, Grover, Haug, Ihuicatl, Ivellios, Vani

Dragonheir Silent Gods tier list: Lelwanis pasted on a purple PT background with a purple demon logo in the top right corner

Dragonheir: Silent Gods necrosis heroes

Tier Dragonheir: Silent Gods characters
S Ghul’ende, Lelwanis, Premtsa, Ripekas
A Zhar’loth
B Berengar, Irzillas, Questa, Tioh
C Deverick, Eleuia, Isitarian, Meggan, Vasska
D Adrie, Edgar, Fitz, Gladros, Irma, Korth, Thia, Uloar, Zadok

Dragonheir Silent Gods tier list: Philto pasted on a light yellow PT background with a radiance logo in the top right corner

Dragonheir: Silent Gods radiance heroes

Tier Dragonheir: Silent Gods characters
S Alton, Donella, Huberg, Lorentheel, Philto, Thelendor
A Acilia, Garius, Gillian, Gitouna, Mithrasea
B Sagomir
C Catherine, Duling, Gumm, Hegio, Martina
D Arlow, Berrik, Broll, Clovis, Dain, Kailes, Merideth, Mulier, Nessa, Quarion, Wellby

That’s our full Dragonheir: Silent Gods tier list for every element. If you’re curious about this Dungeons and Dragons-like mobile game, make sure to read our Dragonheir: Silent Gods review and then head over to our Dragonheir: Silent Gods codes guide.