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Pokémon Girafarig evolution guide

Trigger a Girafarig evolution and give the generation II Pokémon a snazzy new form found only in Paldea with the help of this handy guide.

Girafarig on a Pokemon Sword and Shield blurred map background

If you want to kickstart a Girafarig evolution, then we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know. Giraffes are awesome – at least, we think so – and that’s why Girafarig has such a special place in our hearts, ever since it appeared in generation II in the Johto region. Bit its equally cool evolution, Farigiraf, scored an entry into the Pokédex in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, giving a new lease of life to an old niche favorite.

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Here’s everything you need to know about Girafarig’s evolution.

The two stages of Girafarig evolution and Farigiraf on a pink background

How do I evolve Girafarig into Farigiraf?

To evolve Girafig into Farigiraf, you simply need to teach it the Twin Beam move. Once Girafig has Twin Beam, level it up to evolve it into Farigiraf.

After a Girafarig evolves, it loses the secondary head on its tail, and it instead wraps around the main like a helmet during powerful moves. Both Girafarig and Farigiraf are dual normal and psychic types, which means they have a whole bunch of learnable moves, including Twin Beam – and they are, in fact, the only Pokémon able to do so. Which is pretty neat.

Where can I find Girafarig in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

It’s all well and good learning about Girafarig’s evolution, but you need to locate a Girafarig before you can think about evolving it! Luckily, they aren’t too hard to track down.

To find a Girafarig in the wild in Scarlet and Violet, head to these West Province Area Two, Area Three, or Area Zero.

Can I evolve Girafarig in Pokémon Go?

No, you can’t evolve Girafarig in Pokémon Go, though the giraffe has been in the game since 2017. There’s a good chance that Niantic will release Farigiraf in-game down the line, and as soon as that happens, we’ll let you know how to evolve Girafarig. Looking at other evolutions, you may need to beat a specific number of a certain type of Pokémon.

There you have it, how to evolve your very own Farigiraf. If you need some more evolutionary help, check out our guides on Snom evolution, Rockruff evolution, and Scyther evolution to fill out your Pokédex.