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Snom evolution guide

Our Snom evolution guide teaches you how to evolve these 'mon into Frosmoth, and explains all the best ways to go about leveling friendship.

snom and its evolved frosmoth on a purple pocket tactics background

Our Snom evolution guide teaches you exactly how to take this cute lil ‘mon and transform it into a beautiful Frosmoth. Snom is one of our favorite bug type Pokémon, and while they’re adorable and pretty darn cool in their own right, it’s also got some pretty chilly tricks up its sleeve. For example, it can use its ice scales ability to half all damage it takes from special moves. Cool, right? Snom isn’t just a pretty face, but its evolution certainly is.

In order to keep your Snom safe, here are all the bug Pokémon weaknesses and ice Pokémon weaknesses you need to look out for, and make sure to keep up with fire Pokémon weaknesses as Snom’s do not like going against them – for obvious reasons. For more of our Poké-picks, here are the best gen 8 Pokémon, and check out our predictions for the new Pokémon game while you brush up on your knowledge with our Pokédex.

Where can I catch Snom?

We’re happy to tell you how to evolve Snom, but let’s catch this icy bug first. On Nintendo Switch, Snom is only in two sets of games: Sword and Shield and Scarlet and Violet. You can find Snom in the following locations:

  • Pokémon Sword and Shield – Route 8, Route 10, Lake of Outrage, Giant’s Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, Stony Wilderness. In the Crown Tundra expansion pass, you can find Snom in the Slippery Slope, Snowslide Slope, and the Path to the Peak.
  • Pokémon Scarlet and Violet – Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain, and in one-star Tera Raid battlers. You can also trade a Flabébé in Cortondo for a Snom. If you need a Flabébé, here’s our Floette evolution guide.

Snom evolution guide: Snom and Frosmoth on a blue background with an arrow pointing from Snom to Frosmoth

How do I evolve Snom?

Snom evolves into Frosmoth when it levels up with high friendship at night. The most obvious way to improve your friendship is to battle with Snom, but it doesn’t exactly set the world on fire in a fight. We recommend you track down the soothe bell instead, as it’s an item that naturally boosts your friendship points. Depending on the game you play, you can also play with Snom, make it a sandwich, or cook it a curry for some extra points.

Where can I catch Frosmoth?

While we recommend you catch Snom to fill out your Pokédex, you don’t need to evolve Snom to get Frosmoth, as the second-stage Pokémon is out in the wild. You can find Frosmoth in the following games and locations:

  • Pokémon Sword and Shield – Giant’s Cap, Hammerlocke Hills, and Stony Wilderness. In the Crown Tundra expansion pass, you can catch a Frosmoth on the Path to the Peak, and in Max Lairs.
  • Pokémon Scarlet and Violet – North Province: Area One, Glaseado Mountain, Area Zero, and in four- and six-star Tera Raid battles.
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Is Snom in Pokémon Go?

Snom is currently not in Pokémon Go, despite a lot of sites listing its apparent evolution cost. It’s more than likely that Snom will arrive in-game at some point, and as soon as it does, we’ll let you know, and we’ll give you the information you need to evolve it into Frosmoth.

Now you know how to evolve a Snom, you need to learn how to catch this adorable ice Pokémon in the first place. While you’re here, check out our picks of the best bear Pokémon, and the best small Pokémon (like Snom, who we love). If you’re after some freebies while you play, we have all the latest Pokémon Unite codes and Pokémon Go codes for you, too!