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How to cancel Apple TV

Learn how to cancel Apple TV if you have too many monthly subscriptions or fancy trying something new on other streaming platforms.

stick figure putting a blue apple logo into the trash on a red pocket tactics background

If you need to know how to cancel Apple TV, then we’ve got you covered. If you just have far too many monthly subscriptions currently eating at your finances, or you’re already hooked on the multitude of other streaming services available, then we can teach you how to get rid of one by canceling Apple TV. Apple’s streaming platform has a whole bunch of high-quality shows and movies, but if you want to cut down on your consumption, we’ve got everything you need in this guide.

Though if you now need something else that suits all your entertainment needs, you should look at our Crunchyroll download, Disney Plus download, Hulu download, Paramount Plus download, and Netflix download guides. Or, if you want to get rid of even more, we have guides on how to cancel Disney Plus and how to cancel Paramount Plus, too.

Here’s how to cancel Apple TV.

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How do I cancel Apple TV?

With the likes of Netflix, Paramount Plus, and Disney Plus already eating into your monthly outgoings, it’s understandable if you want to cancel Apple TV. Each streaming platform offers exclusives that can’t be found elsewhere, so if you don’t have anything keeping you on Apple TV, we can talk you through how to get it canceled. It’s a pretty easy process, but you can follow our step-by-step guide on how to do it.

To cancel Apple TV on your iPhone, you need to:

  • Open settings
  • Tap your name
  • Go to subscriptions
  • Choose Apple TV
  • Tap cancel subscription

To cancel Apple TV on your Mac, you need to:

  • Go to the App Store
  • Tap your name
  • Hit account settings
  • Go to subscriptions
  • Tap manage
  • Click edit next to Apple TV
  • Tap cancel subscription

There you have it, how to cancel Apple TV. Should you want to give your iOS device a thorough cleanse, our how to delete iPhone messages, how to delete albums on iPhone, and how to delete contacts on iPhone can help you out.