Pikmin Bloom has blossomed into the mobile gaming world, promising to be a strong rival to Niantic’s other location-based phenomenon, Pokémon Go. Whether you’re making flowers bloom, storing precious memories, or simply taking a toddle with your new colourful pals, it’s impossible not to fall in love with your growing team of Pikmin.
But did you know that you can also send your little buddies out to grab helpful items for you while you’re sitting at home or work? With the help of our Pikmin Bloom expedition guide, you’ll be able to truly reap what you sow, as you put your Pikmin out on expeditions to gather seedlings and fruits for you, all from your local area.
If you’re looking for more Pikmin fun, you should check out our Pikmin Bloom coins. Pikmin Bloom level, and Pikmin Bloom flowers guides. We also have some great Pokémon Go content, including our Pokémon Go codes, Pokémon Go Eevee evolution, and Pokémon Go Arlo guides. Or you could check out our list of the best mobile games in 2021 for something completely new.
How do I start a Pikmin Bloom expedition?
Sending your Pikmin out on expeditions is easy. Just follow these simple steps.
- Open Pikmin Bloom
- Bring up the main menu
- Hit the steps button at the top of your screen, bringing up a slider menu
- Slide the menu to the right until you see ‘expeditions’, then click on it
- Browse through the available expeditions, and pick the one you want to send your Pikmin on
- Choose the Pikmin you would like to send on this expedition
After this, your little bloom buddies will head out towards their destination in a group. The more Pikmin you send out, the quicker the expedition will be completed. Remember, if a Pikmin is tired it won’t be able to head out on an expedition, but should feel refreshed after a little rest.
You can watch them embark on their little voyage, or go off and do other things. When they return, they will bring back any useful items they find to help you on your way.
What rewards do I get for Pikmin Bloom expeditions?
Usually, your Pikmin will return with either seedlings or fruit.
Fruit can be turned into nectar, which you can give to your Pikmin in order to make them stronger.
Seedlings can be grown in a planter.
And that’s all you need to know about Pikmin Bloom expeditions. If you’re looking for more reasons to get out into the wide world, check out our list of the best games like Pokémon Go for something new to play.