If you happen to be a fan of Roblox and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, our Sakura Stand codes list is perfect for you. Here, you can get all sorts of freebies for this exciting experience based on the hugely popular manga and anime series. Naturally, this means you can expect to engage in some exciting battles.
If you’re on the hunt for even more freebies, we’ve got heaps of Roblox codes up for grabs, including our Fruit Battlegrounds codes, Dress to Impress codes, Blade Ball codes, Rivals codes, and more. Or pick up some free Monopoly Go dice links.
Here are the new Sakura Stand codes:
- MeltingSnow – 500 tokens (new!)
- SnowInSummer? – 500 tokens (new!)
- SakuraBallZ – 1k tokens (new!)
- LordOfSakuraStand – ornament
- SuddenlyAShutdown – 1001 candy corn
- MBAll – 500 tokens
- SpookySpookyPlushie – 400 candy corn
- PinPinponpon – 500 tokens
- TheCornBuff – 201 candy corn
- StupidBug – 200 candy corn
- MerryChristmas – 1k tokens
- IMustBeTheReasonWhy – 1k tokens
- TrickOTreat – one token
- GodGivenBurger – 2k tokens
- LobsterActivity – 2k tokens
- ChxmeiSavedTheDay – 1k tokens
- SakuraStandSocialExperiment – 1k tokens
- FreeSFCValuePack – 1k tokens
- DigitalCash – $10,000
- SakuraFinallyAddedStand – rewards (requires three mastery)
- EarlyD4C – 50% to red mist gate (requires three mastery)
- SFCSpecialCoupon – 500 tokens (requires three mastery)
- RolandAndFriends – 500 tokens
- KuzmaToldMeToAddThisCode – 199 tokens
- On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. – 50% to red mist gate (requires one mastery)
- dolor ipse est amandus – 50% to red mist gate (requires three mastery)
- Accipere dolorem est amare – 50% to red mist gate (requires three mastery)
- GiftFromSFC – 500 tokens
- SFCOpen4Business – 1.5k tokens (requires three mastery)
- Kafk-ISTHATTHEREDMIST – 1k tokens (requires one mastery)
- Kaiju-8 – 500 tokens
- FreeAdjucha – spawn one adjucha
- fidgetspinner.io – rewards
- SuddenShutdown – 500 tokens
- 2monthsdelay – rewards (requires ten mastery)
- theSTARRK – rewards
- AnArbiterAwakens – rewards
- fixedcutscenewowowowowowowoowowowowow – 300 tokens
- shutdownmb – 300 tokens
- thatisthatthisisthis – 1.5k tokens and 10k cash
- 120KLikes – one hour of double XP
- eye – 150 tokens and 1k cash
- tenthousand – boosts (requires mastery mastery)
- 115KLikess – x2 EXP, one stand arrow, and 15k cash
- 110KLikes – x2 EXP and one token
- CLASSICAUDDY – 500 – 1,500 tokens
- ThisFateWasFatedForTheFatedFate – will of fate title
- 105KLikes – 2,000 tokens
Expired Codes:
- batheski
- ArrivalOfTheSkaFilmShirt1
- 15kubsSoEpic
- 100KLikes
- BugsFix2
- BugsFix
- justice
- sorryguys
- ANewGame
- thirdshutdown
- SlowShutdownSorry
- Cid
- ShadowGarden
- EminenceInSakura
- Cursed
- CursedSpiritManipulation
- ThisAintBalanced
- 100M
- 20KActiveIsCrazy!
- VesselOfLife
- LateShutdown
- Halloween2023
- Fushiguro
- SorcererHunter
- ThankYouForTheSupport
- W
- Limitless
- HolyGrailWar
- Fate
- Yowaimo
- Dying
- PureLove
- Sorcerer
- ThanksForPlaying
- Origin
- Shinra
- Rizzuku
- WhatTheHellMan
- Flamescion
- GamemodeeUpd
- BugFixesDuh
- SakunaFingerIncident
- CodeBugFix

How do I redeem Sakura Stand codes?
Here’s everything you need to know about redeeming Sakura Stand codes:
- Open Sakura Stand in Roblox
- Press M to open the menu
- Click the achievements tab
- Scroll to the bottom and enter your code in the empty box
- Press enter
What are Sakura Stand codes?
Sakura Stand codes provide you with valuable in-game goodies courtesy of the developer, Sakura Pro Max. New codes tend to drop whenever the game hits a new milestone or gets a fresh content update. So, if you want to keep on top of all the latest freebies, be sure to bookmark this page and join the official Sakura Stand Discord.
There you have it, everything you need to know about Sakura Stand codes. For some less blocky action, make sure you check out our picks for the best mobile RPGs.