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Smite tier list

Our extensive Smite tier list has everything from eight years of competitive play to catch up on, so jump right in at the deep end.

smite character medusa

Our Smite tier list can help you cut through the gods as you take on battles with deities in this smash-hit MOBA. It may be over eight years old, but its popularity remains as huge as Olympus. Smite has an almost never-ending list of playable characters, and so if you’re battling the gods for the very first time, or you just want to keep up to date with the current meta, then we’ve got you covered with a Smite tier list for season 11 and beyond, detailing the best and boldest gods to take into the arena.

For more even more helpful tier lists, we’ve got plenty to help you out, including our Type Soul tier list, Raid: Shadow Legend tier list, and Zenless Zone Zero tier list. Plus, if you want even more of a helping hand, we have lots of Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade codes, Genshin Impact codes, and Honkai Star Rail codes so you can bag some gacha game goodies.

Smite tier list 

Here is where we rank every hero in Smite from S+ down to D. To form these rankings, we take the thoughts of the community and mix them with our own experience. Naturally, as with a tier list, there may be some placements you don’t agree with as it’s entirely subjective, but you know what? That’s a good thing. Use the god that works for you.

Tier Smite character
S Chang’e, Horus, Erlang Shen, Thor, Medusa
A Achilles, Agni, Anhur, Ao Kuang, Ares, Artio, Athena, Awilix, Bacchus, Bastet, Camazotz, Chiron, Chronos, Cu Chulainn, Da Ji, Fafnir, Freya, Geb, Janus, Kali, King Arthur, Kuzenbo, Mercury, Merlin, Nemesis, Nox, Raijin, Rama, Ravana, Scylla, Set, Skadi, Sobek, Sol, Sun Wukong, Susano, Sylvanus, Thanatos, Thoth, Xing Tian, Yu Huang, Zhong Kui
B Ah Muzen Cab, Ah Puch, Amaterasu, Apollo, Artemis, Atlas, Baba Yaga, Bake Kujira, Cabrakan, Cerberus, Chaac, Charybdis, Chernobog, Cliodhna, Cthulu, Danzaburou, Ganesha, Gilgamesh, Hachiman, Hera, Hercules, Hou Yi, Hun Batz, Ishtar, Ix Chel, Jormungandr, Kukulkan, Lancelot, Loki, Maman Brigitte, Martichoras, Maui, Morgan Le Fay, Mulan, Neith, Nike, Nu Wa, Olorun, Pele, Persephone, Poseidon, Ra, Ratatoskr, Serqet, Shiva, Surtr, Terra, The Morrigan, Tiamat, Tsukuyomi, Tyr, Ullr, Vulcan, Xbalanque, Yemoja, Zeus
C Aphrodite, Arachne, Baron Samedi, Bellona, Charon, Discordia, Eset, Fenrir, Guan Yu, Hades, Hel, Izanami, Jing Wei, Khepri, Kumbhakarna, Ne Zha, Nut, Odin, Vamana
D Anubis, Bakasura, Cernunnos, Cupid, He Bo, Heimdallr, Osiris, Ymir
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Smite tiers explained 

Like most MOBAs, Smite has a truly mind-boggling amount of characters to choose from. This means a constantly changing meta and gods that can fall from grace or rise from the ashes of previous seasons thanks to constant buffs and nerfs and balances. Here, we explain what our ranks means and why we’ve put certain gods in their place.

Now, it’s worth bearing in mind that our Smite tier list is based purely on the current meta of the game, and so it’s subject to change as the game evolves through each season. These gods will be receiving buffs and nerfs constantly, and this can naturally change how they fare in combat, so don’t be too disheartened if your main ends up in a lower tier (we hear you, Anubis fans, and we see you). But it’s nothing personal! Like with any tier list, the most important rule is that you stick to playing who you enjoy the most.

  • S – These are the best of the best, and you’d best get used to seeing them all the time in online play.
  • A – Our a-tier roster is made up of some potent omnipotents, but all of them lack a certain something or have an obvious weakness, and that keeps them out of the higher echelons. 
  • B – B is bang average for this list, with all of the characters under this ranking only really viable for use if you consider yourself an expert in their playstyle. 
  • C – We don’t recommend using C rank characters unless there’s a specific reason for you wanting to use them, or if you just want to mix things up a little from your S tier main. 
  • D – Unfortunately, the characters we’ve ranked at D tier just aren’t worth using, and should be avoided at all costs. 

There you have it, our Smite tier list for you to pick out a powerful character ready for competitive play. For more MOBA madness, see our League of Legends: Wild Rift guide and Wild Rift tier list. If you’re after some freebies, we have heaps of Roblox codes for you, so make sure to snap up the latest Dress to Impress codes, Blox Fruits codes, Blue Lock Rivals codes, and Anime Reborn codes.