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The best fire Pokémon in Pokémon Go

Looking for a fire Pokémon pal that can bring the heat in Pokémon Go? Well, you need look no further than our definitive list of the best.

Fire Pokemon: Charizard on an orange PT background with a fire symbol in the top left corner

In this guide we dive into the best fire Pokémon you can catch in Pokémon Go. Yes, we know you can probably guess at least a few of the creatures that are on this list, but who knows, maybe one or two entries will surprise you, and if not, congratulations, your taste in Pokémon Go fire Pokémon is red hot.

Or, if you’re not looking for a fire-type ‘mon, perhaps our lists of the best electric Pokémon, psychic Pokémon, dark Pokémon, normal Pokémon, and water Pokémon in Pokémon Go is more to your liking. Alternatively, if you want a break from these loveable creatures, we have some great lists such as games like Genshin Impact, detective games, and games like Last of Us.

These are the ten best fire Pokémon in Pokémon Go:

Fire Pokemon: Charizard’s Smash model outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Fire Spin
Charge attack: Blast Burn

Don’t worry. We can hear you all saying, ‘well, duh,’ of course, Charizard is on this list. The stage two gen 1 Pokémon is still one of the most popular fire types out there, even after all these years.

We also can’t forget how powerful Charizard is, and no matter what Pokémon game you play, this beast is worthy of a place on your team. Oh, and the fact it can turn into Mega Charizard X or Y doesn’t hurt either. Its Shadow form is also worth considering in competitive play, and it’s about to get even stronger with Dynamax Charizard on the way.

Fire Pokemon: Chandelure outlined in white and pasted with a drop shadow on a blurred magma field background


Fast attack: Fire Spin
Charged attack: Overheat

While some people might think that Chandelure’s design is goofy, I’m personally a big fan! Plus, before gen nine, fire and ghost Pokémon were hard to come by, so I’ll take the silly little chandelier ‘mon, thanks.

If you’re looking to get into competitive Pokémon Go battling, Shadow Chandelure is your best bet, as its DPS output is on part with some of the legendaries and pseudo-legendaries on this list. If you’re struggling to take one down, check out our guide to ghost Pokémon weakness.

Fire Pokemon: Arcanine outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Fire Fang
Charged attack: Flamethrower

This is my favorite Pokémon, no ifs, ands, or buts. I love this ‘mon and have no problem defending my choice here. Not that I have to, many people are bound to agree that Arcanine is a top-tier fire-type Pokémon, and if you don’t, I don’t believe you.

In fact, I declare you to be a liar, liar, pants on fire. Arcanine is from generation one, but that hasn’t stopped it from remaining a fan favorite, and it’s a formidable companion in Pokémon Go. Plus, its Hisuian counterpart is also pretty competitively viable, despite being better known for its success in Pokémon VGC.

If you’re struggling to take down this big dog, check out our fire Pokémon weakness guide.

Fire Pokemon: Entei outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Fire Fang
Charged attack: Overheat

Entei is a favorite when it comes to Pokémon Go legendaries here at Pocket Tactics. In fact, we love the legendary beast trio in general – perhaps that’s because they’re from the superior region of Johto.

In all seriousness, Entei is a formidable fire-type and is honestly one of the best legendaries who embrace the flames.

Fire Pokemon: Houndoom outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Fire Fang
Charged attack: Flamethrower

Another Pokémon that just happens to be a personal favorite, and also from the Johto region, is Houndoom. This is one ferocious ‘mon, but not only is Houndoom capable of great fire damage, but it can also use some dark attacks, so that’s another direction you can go in with it should you so choose.

For more loyal good bois for your team, check out our list of the best dog Pokémon.

Fire Pokemon: Blaziken outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Fire Spin
Charged attack: Blast Burn

Blaziken is the final evolution of generation three starter Torcic, and what a fine fire-type it is. Seriously, if you’re in the market for a ‘mon that can bring the heat and embrace its inner karate kid, you need to look no further. You’ve found your new companion.

Blaziken gives you a lot of variation in strategies, too, as it has access to its standard form, a powerful shadow version, and a Mega Evolution that’s currently topping the Pokémon Go fire attacker tier list.

If you need to find a way to counter Blaziken, make sure you read our fighting Pokémon weakness guide.

Fire Pokemon: Typhlosion outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Incinerate
Charged attack: Blast Burn

It might just be that fire-types are cool, but Typhlosion is yet another favorite for the PT crew. This stage-two Pokémon is the final evolution of generation two starter Cyndaquil, and we’re confident in saying that Typhlosion is by far one of the best fire types you can get in Pokémon Go, especially since it has access to some powerful attacks.

As you can see, we love a Johto ‘mon, so here’s our list of the best gen 2 Pokémon.

Fire Pokemon: Victini outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Quick Attack
Charged attack: V-create

Victini is the very definition of small but mighty. This adorable mythical ‘mon is a fierce fire attacker, but thanks to its mixed typing and mythical status, it can offer more variation than some other pals on this list.

For example, Victini’s best fast attack is the normal-type Quick Attack, and V-create is its signature move. Victini can also utilize powerful moves reserved for psychic Pokémon as well, such as Confusion and Psychic. As a mythical, this li’l guy is harder to acquire than some of your other options, but just look at its face!

Fire Pokemon: Reshiram outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Fire Fang
Charged attack: Fusion Flare

Finally, a powerful fire and dragon type! Sorry Charizard, you don’t count. The majestic gen 5 Pokémon Reshiram has a brilliant dual typing that makes it pretty hard to counter, as dragon Pokémon are only weak to fairy-type moves.

If you’re looking to switch up your strategy, or you’re against another dragon type, Reshiram can learn dragon moves like Dragon’s Breath and Draco Meteor, but its signature move Fusion Flare is its real selling point. Look out for Reshiram in raids!

Fire Pokemon: Moltres outlined in white and pasted on a magma field background from Pokemon Go


Fast attack: Fire Spin
Charged attack: Overheat

Come on, you didn’t seriously think we’d leave the legendary fire bird off this list, did you? Of course, Moltres is here, and to be honest, it’d be a shock if any of the legendary birds didn’t pop up on lists like this for their respective types. Moltres has some incredible moves on offer. Whichever abilities you end up with, this ‘mon is going to put up a strong fight.

There you have it, the best fire Pokémon in Pokémon Go. We can also help if you need to fill out your Pokédex thanks to our Slowpoke evolution, Rockruff evolution, Dunsparce evolution, Misdrevus evolution, Bisharp evolution, and Floette evolution guides. Heck, we can even tell you how to evolve Charcadet, how to evolve Inkay, and how to evolve Primeape.