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The 13 best ice Pokémon in Pokémon Go

With our list of the best ice Pokémon in Pokémon Go, you’re bound to find that special ‘mon that can freeze you opponent in fear (and ice).

Ice Pokemon - Alolan Sandshrew, Cloyster, and Mamoswine in front of a picture of Articuno

If you’re in the market for an ice Pokémon, we took it upon ourselves to name the ten best ice Pokémon in Pokémon Go, but you can probably guess at least a few of the entries on this list. We have legendaries, ferocious beasts, and adorable creatures, but they all have one thing in common – they’re snow joke.

If you happen to be after a ‘mon of a different type, check out our fire Pokémon, electric Pokémon, psychic Pokémon, dark Pokémon, Ghost Pokémon, and water Pokémon lists to get some top-tier suggestions. We also have a Pokémon Go codes guide, just in case you want to grab a nice freebie or two.

Here are the best ice Pokémon in Pokémon Go:

Ice Pokemon: Mega Glalie in front of an image of Articuno in front of a snowy mountain

Mega Glalie

Fast attack: Powder snow
Charged attack: Weather ball

If you want a pure ice-type on your team, you can’t go wrong with Mega Glalie; it can hold its own against some other heavy hitters on this list, reaching up to 3,651 CP. Furthermore, with an attack stat of 252, Mega Glalie hits hard, especially when you give it frost breath and avalanche as its fast and charged attacks, respectively.

The only thing to bear in mind is that as a pure ice-type, Mega Glalie can be a bit of a glass canon, having four weaknesses with no sub-type to offset any of them.

Ice Pokemon Mamoswine

Shadow Mamoswine / Mamoswine

Fast attack: Powder snow
Charged attack: Avalanche

By far and away, one of the best ice Pokémon in Pokémon Go is Shadow Mamoswine. In fact, it might just be the best. Reaching a CP of 3,763 with a 247 attack stat, Shadow Mamoswine hits like a freight train, causing some impressive damage against its opponent. Furthermore, it has a respectable 242 stamina and 146 defense, so it can withstand an assault.

While a normal Mamoswine is also worth a spot on your team, we recommend you go after a Shadow Mamoswine, and the best time to do this is during snow and sunny weather, as that’s when encounters with one are most frequent. regarding its moves, powder snow and avalanche are what you want to use, though mud-slap is arguably its best fast attack, and it is something to consider if you want Mamoswine to have attacks from two different types rather than just ice.

Ice Pokemon Beartic


Fast attack: Powder snow
Charged attack: Ice punch

Just look at Beartic. This is one ferocious beast who can tear you limb from limb, even though its first stage is one of the most adorable Pokémon out there (we love you, Cubchoo). In Pokémon Go, this creature can bring the power to your team, and punch its foes through some ice caverns.

An interesting fact about Beartic is that this beast can freeze its breath in an instant, even creating fangs and claws out of ice to fight with. Honestly, it’s a fearsome creature who has no issues with tearing you to pieces, so maybe avoid them unless you have a solid team to protect you.

Its attack stat is for sure why you need to pay attention to Beartic, especially as it has some good base HP as well. However, the caveat here is that it only has 50 for its speed stat, so it’s not too difficult for quicker creatures to get the first hit in.

Ice Pokemon Lapras


Fast attack: Frost breath
Charged attack: Ice beam

Who doesn’t love Lapras? This gen 1 Pokémon holds a special place in the hearts of many, and it’s fair to say that this ‘mon is a pioneer for the ice-types out there. Not only that, but Lapras hits hard, and is more than capable of freezing its opponents in place – be that due to the ice or fear, we can’t say.

Lapras boasts an impressive HP stat with a nice Sp. Def stat to back that up, so while its attack power may lack depending on who it faces off against, you can be sure that Lapras will at least take a fair bit of damage before calling it quits.

It’s pretty clear that I love Lapras, so it’s with a heavy heart that I have to say that in their Pokédex entries it says that they’re on the way to extinction, which is beyond devastating. They are gentle creatures; they even enjoy ferrying people across the sea, and they don’t even fight when captured by those who wish to harm them. I say again, devastating.

Ice Pokemon Avalugg


Fast attack: Ice fang
Charged attack: Avalanche

Avalugg is a behemoth when it comes to ice-types, and it’s sure to have the opposing ‘mon cowering in fear. Just look at this beast. Would you want to make it angry? Of course not, unless you want to be buried under a ton of snow in an avalanche.

Stats-wise, it’s Avalugg’s defense that should pique your interest, as it’s by far one of the highest out there. However, this only applies to its base defense, its special defense stat is actually on the lover side, though its HP can offset some of that damage.

Ice Pokemon Glaceon


Fast attack: Frost breath
Charged attack: Avalanche

It’s impossible to make any Pokémon list and not mention Eevee or one of its many eeveelutions, and in this case, it’s Glaceon. This gorgeous creature can reach a CP of 3,535, an attack stat of 238, and a defense stat of 205, making it a solid ice Pokémon for any team.

As for its moveset, it’s best to use frost breath as its fast attack and avalanche as its charged attack, giving you the best chance of causing a lot of damage. If you need a helping hand getting a Glaceon on your team, make sure you check out our Pokémon Go Eevee evolution guide, in which we not only tell you how to get the ice-type, but all of the other eeveelutions as well, including Umbreon and Flareon.

Ice Pokemon Weavile

Shadow Weavile

Fast attack: Ice shard
Charged attack: Avalanche

With a potential combat power of 3,397, Shadow Weavile is one of the best ice Pokémon in Pokémon Go, and with an attack stat of 243, it can deliver some powerful blows. Going one step further, while its stamina is lower than the likes of Shadow Mamoswine, its defense is actually higher, coming in at 171. Encounters with Shadow Weavile are more common during snow and fog weather, so that’s something to consider if you want to catch one.

While a normal Weavile is also a viable option, it doesn’t compare to the Shadow variant – that extra 20% damage makes a huge difference, especially when its defense is respectable enough to offset some of the extra damage it takes from attacks. If you want purely ice-type moves for Shadow Weavile, we recommend you use ice shard for its fast attack and avalanche for its charged attack.

However, we must point out that its best fast attack, by a considerable margin, is actually snarl, so it’s worth considering that instead, especially if you’re after a solid dark-type as well as ice.

To learn how to beat the dark side of Weavile, make sure you read our dark Pokémon weakness guide.

Ice Pokemon Regice


Fast attack: Frost breath
Charged attack: Blizzard

We all love a legendary ‘mon, and the first of two on this list is Regice. Admittedly, we don’t think it’s the best of the legendary titans, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a solid ice-type in Pokémon Go.

what makes Regice a standout is its special defense stat, which sites at 200, meaning you have a bit of a tank on your hands with this one. To accompany such an impressive stat, the legendary creature also has a relatively good special attack and basic defense stat.

Ice Pokemon Cloyster


Fast attack: Ice shard
Charged attack: Avalanche

Cloyster is another generation one Pokémon. It started as a water type, but as ice types became a thing, this ‘mon joined the ranks. Honestly, Cloyster is a mean-looking ‘mon that’s likely to freeze you in place. Admittedly, this isn’t our first choice to fill that ice-type spot, but we can’t deny that this option has its merits.

This Kanto native can reach 2,880 CP, boasting respectable attack and defense stats. Should you want to shake things up a bit, you can also give Cloyster some water-type attacks, though its best moves are of the ice variety.

Given Cloyster is also a water-type, you might want to check out our water Pokémon weakness guide.

Ice Pokemon Articuno


Fast attack: Frost breath
Charged attack: Ice beam

Come on now, you all knew Articuno was going to show up on this list. There’s no way we couldn’t put the ice-type legendary bird here, and that’s with good reason. Articuno is another pioneer of the category, and this bird can cause some serious damage on the battlefield. We certainly don’t want to be in its way when it unleashes that devastating ice beam.

Ice Pokemon - Alolan Sandslash in front of a picture of Articuno

Alolan Sandlash

Fast attack: Metal claw
Charged attack: Blizzard

It’s just Vulpix and Nintetails who get the icey treatment in gen nine, as their fellow Kanto natives, Sandshrew and Sandlash, also embrace the cold, and it’s to great results in Pokémon Go. Being both an ice- and steel-type opens Alolan Sandshrew up to various offensive maneuvers giving it the edge over various opponents. Its steel sub-typing gives it nine resistances, though as with any ice-type, fire will melt it away.

Like its Kanto counterpart, Alolan Sandslash is lacking on the special attack front, but it has a good attack stat and very good defense, so it can withstand some heat in battle. I honestly don’t know which version of Sandlash I prefer, they’re both great.

Ice Pokemon Baxcalibur in front of a picture of Articuno


Fast Attack: Ice fang
Charged attack: Avalanche

Talk about a beast. Baxcalibur is a pseudo-legendary for a reason, and that potential CP of 4,013 is why. Undoubtedly, Baxaclibur is one of the most powerful ice-type attackers in the game, and we’d go so far as to say you might as well forget about it being part dragon. While it’s a good dragon-type, it really shines through with its icey prowess. Plus, not that makes much of a difference in battle, but look at the design of this creature – fierce.

Ice Pokemon Mega Abomasnow in front of a picture of Articuno

Mega Abomasnow

Fast attack: Leafage
Charged attack: Weather ball

Mega Abomansnow is a powerful ice Pokémon that more than deserves a spot on your team; just look at that potential 3,850 CP – that’s not too shabby, especially when you combine that with its mighty 240 attack stat. But Mega Abomasnow’s dominance doesn’t stop there, for this beast also has a defense stat of 191 and a stamina stat of 207.

Admittedly, its best fast attack is leafage, but if you want this ‘mon to only have ice-type attacks, swap that out for powder snow and make sure you use weather ball as the charge attack. To be honest, Abomasnow is only worth your time as an ice-type attacker, it doesn’t have as much to offer if it’s a grass Pokémon you want.

There you have it, the best ice Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Should you be after something to play from the comfort of your toasty warm home, our lists of the best iPhone games and best Android games has some great suggestions.