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The best Wuthering Waves Yinlin build

Here’s how to get the best Wuthering Waves Yinlin build you can using weapons and echoes, and what her resonance chain can unlock for you.

Wuthering Waves Yinlin holding an electric string in front of her

As we head into Kuro Game’s RPG, let’s take a look at Wuthering Waves Yinlin – who she is, how to build her, and what each of her skills do. Characters in Wuthering Waves each use one of six elements and one of five weapons – Yinlin uses a rectifier weapon and the electro element, and she’s a fierce sub-DPS armed with her Zapstring puppet.

To figure out who you want to go for, we’ve got our Wuthering Waves tier list for you, and a guide on how to build Wuthering Waves Jiyan. Here’s what we know about the new Wuthering Waves codes, too.

Here’s everything in our Wuthering Waves Yinlin build:

What’s the best Yinlin build?

Wuthering Wave’s Yinlin is a sub-DPS, that can boost your party member’s electro damage with her outro skill. This means she is an excellent teammate for Wuthering Waves Calcharo, if you have him.

In terms of how to build her, we recommend a full set of void thunder echoes including a Thundering Mephis, and either the Stringmaster or Augment rectifier weapons.

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How do I use Yinlin?

Yinlin’s kit can be a little confusing, so we’re here to break it down. First, you want to fill her forte gauge by using basic and skill moves against enemies, and to get her ultimate ready. Using Yinlin’s ultimate just before releasing her forte circuit ensures that as many enemies get the Sinner’s Marks as possible. This then deals more damage to the marked targets.

While she deals a good bit of damage on her own, you want to ensure you use her outro skill to buff other electro characters’ damage when you swap off her.

What are Yinlin’s stats?

Here are Yinlin’s stats at her starting level of one, and her maximum level of 90. These are basic stats – not including any extras from weapons, team bonuses, or other equipment you can give her.

Stat Level one Level 90
HP 880 11000
Attack 32 400
Defense 105 1283
Max energy 125 125
Crit rate  5%  5%
Crit damage 150% 150%
Healing bonus 0% 0%
Electro damage bonus 0% 0%

What are Yinlin’s skills?

Below is a breakdown of Yinlin’s combat skills, both passive and active, and what each attack does on the battlefield. Note that upgrading her skills gives increased crit damage, not elemental damage, so you may want to up that using her weapons or echoes.

Yinlin’s active skills

Skill Effect
Basic attack – Zapstring’s Dance Yinlin commands her puppet Zapstring to attack up to four times, dealing electro damage
Heavy attack Consuming a set amount of stamina, Zapstring attacks dealing heavier electro damage
Mid-air attack Consuming more stamina, Yinlin retrieves Zapstring and plunges to the ground, dealing electro damage
Dodge counter After a successful dodge, use Yinlin’s basic attack to hit a target. This deals electro damage
Resonance skill – Magnetic Roar

Zapstring deals electro damage to the target and puts Yinlin in Execution Mode. Here, basic and dodge counter attacks trigger an Electromagnetic Blast when hitting a target. Each stage of basic attack and dodge counter can trigger one Blast only, up to four times.

Electromagnetic Blast –
Yinlin attacks all targets marked with her Forte Circuit’s Sinner’s Mark, dealing electro damage

Lightning Execution –
Using Yinlin’s resonance skill again after using Magnetic Roar deals electro damage. If Lighting Execution is not activated or Yinlin switches out of combat, the skill goes on cooldown

Resonance liberation – Thundering Wrath Command Zapstring to call upon thunder and deal heavy electro damage in a large AoE
Intro skill – Raging Storm Yinlin uses her puppet, Zapstring, to attack, causing an electro AoE
Outro skill – Strategist The next character has their electro damage amplified by 20%, and resonance liberation damage by 25% for 14 seconds or until they switch off field

Yinlin’s passive skills

Skill Effect
Forte circuit – Chameleon Cipher

When Yinlin’s Judgment Points are full, her heavy attack turns into Chameleon Cipher, which consumes all Judgment Points to attack the target with electro damage. When hitting targets with Sinner’s Marks, the Marks are replaced with Punishment Marks for 18 seconds

Sinner’s Mark
Zapstring’s Dance, Thundering Wrath, and Roaring Storm apply Sinner’s Marks to enemies when hit. The Mark removes when Yinlin exits combat

Punishment Mark
When a target marked with a Punishment Mark gets attacked, Judgment Strike falls, dealing electro damage to all targets with a Punishment Mark. This can trigger once a second

Inherent skill – Pain Immersion After using her skill Magnetic Roar, Yinlin’s crit rate increases by 15% for five seconds
Inherent skill – Deadly Focus The damage of Lightning Execution hitting a target with a Sinner’s Mark increases by 10%, and Yinlin’s attack increases by 10% after triggering this effect. This lasts for four seconds

wuthering waves yinlin outside in Jinzhou against a blue sky

What is Yinlin’s resonance chain?

A lot of gacha games have unlockable extras if you manage to get more than one copy of the character. In Wuthering Waves, this is known as a ‘resonance chain’, with each level being a sequence.

Here are Yinlin’s sequences:

Resonance chain sequence Effect
Sequence node one: Morality’s Crossroads Magnetic Roar and Lightning Execution deal 70% more damage
Sequence node two: Ensnarled by Rapport Electromagnetic Blast recovers five extra Judgment Points and five resonance energy on hit
Sequence node three: Unyielding Verdict Judgment Strike’s damage multiplier increases by 55%
Sequence node four: Steadfast Conviction When Judgment Strike hits a target, the attack of all team members increases by 20% for 12 seconds
Sequence node five: Resounding Will Thundering Wrath deals 100% extra damage to targets with a Sinner’s Mark or Punishment Mark
Sequence node six: Pursuit of Justice In the first 30 seconds after using Thundering Wrath, Yinlin’s basic attack triggers Furious Thunder when hitting a target. This deals electro damage equal to 419% of Yinlin’s attack stat. Every basic attack can trigger Furious Thunder once, up to four times maximum

What’s the best weapon for Yinlin?

As a five-star, Yinlin has her own ‘signature’ five-star weapon called Stringmaster. If you don’t have Stringmaster, Augment is a good alternate option that increases her attack.

Weapon Effect
Stringmaster (five-star) Increases the damage bonus of all of Yinlin’s resonance attributes by 12%. When a resonance skill hits a target, her attack damage increases by 12%. This can stack twice. When Yinlin is not on the field, her attack increases by an extra 12%
Augment (four-star) When Yinlin uses her resonance liberation, her attack increases by 15% for 15 seconds
Cosmic Ripples (five-star) Increases Yinlin’s energy regeneration by 12.8%. When she hits a target with a basic attack, it increases her basic attack bonus by 3.2%, which can stack five times. This effect lasts for eight seconds
Jinzhou Keeper (four-star) When using her intro skill, Yinlin’s attack increases by 8%, and her HP by 10%, which lasts for 15 seconds
Variation (four-star) When using Yinlin’s resonance skill, she restores eight concerto energy. This can trigger once every 20 seconds

What are the best echoes for Yinlin?

As an electro user, Yinlin benefits from a full set of void thunder echoes. You can also go for a two-piece of void thunder and a two-piece of lingering tunes for the attack buff if you haven’t got many good void thunder options.

The best echoes to equip Yinlin with are:

  • Tempest Mephis
  • Impermanence Heron
  • Thundering Mephis

In terms of individual stats, prioritize echoes with the following:

Main stats

  • Electro damage bonus
  • Crit rate/damage
  • Energy regeneration
  • Attack

Sub stats

  • Crit rate/damage
  • Attack
  • Energy regeneration

Wuthering Waves Yinlin with her puppet Zapstring on a black and white background

What’s the best Yinlin team comp?

Yinlin is a really capable sub-DPS with the ability to buff teammates. Here are Yinlin’s best synergies: 

  • Wuthering Waves Calcharo – Yinlin’s kit works perfectly with Calcharo as she can give him a huge boost to his electro damage. By swapping to him when his intro skill is ready, Yinlin’s outro skill gives him a 20% electro damage bonus and boosts his resonance liberation damage by 25%.
  • Wuthering Waves Jinhsi – While you can’t use Yinlin’s electro boost with Jinhsi, she can make use of the extra coordinated attacks. The damage from Yinlin’s punishment marks counts as a coordinated attack, which goes towards stacking up elements of Jinhsi’s kit and giving her more damage potential.
  • Wuthering Waves Encore – Again, Encore is another great DPS option for those who don’t have Calcharo or don’t like using his convoluted kit. Encore, like Rover, will benefit greatly from Yinlin’s boost.
  • Wuthering Waves Verina – To keep you safe and in perfect health during battle, you should use Verina in any team. She can also boost your DPS’s damage with her inherent skill’s 20% attack buff, which stacks excellently with Yinlin’s own buff.

This is the best Yinlin team comp in Wuthering Waves:

Slot one Slot two Slot three


Wuthering Waves Verina icon


Wuthering Waves Verina icon

What are Yinlin’s ascension materials?

To ascend Yinlin all the way to level 80, you’re going to need some specific items.

Ascension rank Materials required
One – level 20 5k shell credits and four LF whisperin cores
Two – level 40 10k shell credits, four coriolus, three group abomination tacet cores, four MF whisperin cores
Three – level 50 15k shell credits, eight coriolus, six group abomination tacet cores, eight MF whisperin cores
Four – level 60 20k shell credits, 12 coriolus, nine group abomination tacet cores, four HF whisperin cores
Five – level 70 40k shell credits, 16 coriolus, 12 group abomination tacet cores, eight HF whisperin cores
Six – level 80 80k shell credits, 20 coriolus, 16 group abomination tacet cores, four FF whisperin cores

Here’s where to find all of Yinlin’s ascension materials:

  • Group abomination tacet cores – this item drops from the Mech Abomination boss in the Court of Savantae Ruins
  • Coriolus – these mushrooms grow in the Dim Forest area, especially around the Giant Banyan tree. You can also buy 15 of them from the Shifang Pharmacy periodically
  • Whisperin cores – these enemy drops come from Predator and Warrior enemies, as well as Whiff Whaff, Tick Tack, Zig Zag, and Snip Snap enemies. You can also buy them from the weapon shop and gain them in forgery challenges
  • Shell credits – shell credits are the in-game currency, which you can obtain via farming, enemy and boss drops, through quests, or by selling things in the in-game store

What are Yinlin’s forte materials?

Upgrading Yinlin’s skills is key to getting her damage higher, and to do that, you need some boss drops, overworld enemy drops, and specific upgrade items.

Here are Yinlin’s total forte materials:

  • 25 LF whisperin core, 28 MF whisperin core, 40 HF whisperin core, and 57 FF whisperin core
    • Obtain from enemies, forgery challenges, Jinzhou’s weapon shop, or the exchange store (oscillated coral)
  • 25 lento helix, 28 adagio helix, 55 andante helix, and 67 presto helix
    • Obtain from the Misty Forest forgery challenge, via the synthesizer, Jinzhou’s weapon shop, or Jinzhou’s souvenir store
  • 26 dreamless feathers
    • Obtain from the Statue of the Crownless: Heart weekly challenge (defeating the Dreamless weekly boss)
  • 2,030,000 shell credits

Yinlin skill priority

When leveling up Yinlin’s skills, we recommend prioritizing them in the following order to get the best damage as soon as possible.

  • Forte circuit > resonance liberation > resonance skill > intro skill > basic attack

While we jump into Wuthering Waves, we’re keeping an eye on the Wuthering Waves banners. We’re also keeping up with all the new Honkai Star Rail codes and Genshin Impact codes, too.