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How to cancel Paramount Plus

Learning how to cancel Paramount Plus will help you to remove the television subscription service to save some extra money each month.

image of stick figure throwing the paramount plus logo into the trash on a red pocket tactics background

Want to know how to cancel Paramount Plus? We’ve got you covered. With so many different streaming services available, all offering different exclusive shows and movies, it can be hard to keep up and decide which ones are worth your hard-earned money. If it’s gotten to the point where your monthly outgoings are stacking up far too high, and you want to do away with a subscription or two, then we can teach you how to cancel Paramount Plus.

However, if you feel the opposite, our Paramount Plus download guide can help you out. We also have Netflix download, Crunchyroll download, and Disney Plus download content. Or, if you prefer to keep up with the Kardashians, it’s our Hulu download article that you should read.

Here’s how to cancel Paramount Plus.

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How do I cancel Paramount Plus?

We can’t deny that Paramount Plus has some quality movies and TV shows that are exclusive, such as Knuckles. However, you can say the same for any other streaming service like Disney Plus, Netflix, and Amazon Prime, so if one has to go to save some money, we understand. If you’re done with Criminal Minds and Yellowstone, this is how to cancel your Paramount Plus membership:

  • Head to paramountplus.com
  • Click on username in the top-right corner
  • Go to account
  • Scroll down
  • Select cancel subscription

However, if you happen to pay for the service through your iOS device, our how to cancel subscriptions on iPhone guide can help you to remove not only Paramount Plus, but all other subscriptions you may no longer want on your phone.

There you have it, all that you need to know to cancel your Paramount Plus subscription. But why stop there? Have a cleanse with our how to turn off Bixby, how to turn off Siri, how to cancel Netflix, and how to cancel Hulu.