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What are Snapchat planets?

The Snapchat planets are a neat feature, so let’s go on a galactic journey together and see which planet you are in their solar system.

Snapchat planets: The snapchat logo in front of Earth

What are Snapchat Planets? Well, they’re pretty similar to the ones you study in astrology, except these hunks of rock indicate how close you are to your friends. Essentially, this system ranks your best friends from Mercury to Neptune; whoever sits on Mercury is your number one friend, while the person on the blue planet only just makes the cut. You like them, sure, but maybe you don’t always vibe. Oh, and just because somebody is in your solar system doesn’t mean you are in theirs; you might think more of your friendship than them.

If not even qualifying as Neptune to your friends has you wanting to ditch them and the social platform, our how to delete Snapchat accounts guide has your back. Conversely, should it make you want to see who is part of your solar system, make sure you download the app. Or, to try out some other platforms, check out our WhatsApp download and TikTok download guides.

Let’s take a look at the Snapchat planets feature.

Did Snapchat disable planets?

Yes and no. If you’re new to Snapchat, the solar system feature is off by default, the reason being the pressure younger users may feel to be in their friends’ solar systems – mental health is important, and that’s why it’s now up to you whether or not you want to use the feature. Both new and old Snapchat users can go to the Snapchat+ feature management page to turn it off and on.

What are Snapchat planets?

The Snapchat planets are the same ones that appear in our actual solar system, all the way up to Neptune, because poor Pluto still doesn’t make the cut anymore. However, you need to be a Snapchat+ subscriber to access the feature. If you are a subscriber, you should see a best friends or friends badge with a gold circle around it when you visit your friend’s profile. If you tap on it, you can see where you are in their solar system.

The way it works is that you’re the sun in your solar system, just like your friends are in theirs. So, ranking your best friends goes in the order of the planets. A good example is if you tap on someone’s profile and your Mars, you know you’re their fourth best friend, as Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun. But let’s go one step further and look at the icons for each planet so you know exactly which one you and your friends are.

Snapchat Planets in order

Snapchat planets: Mercury in front of a blue background


If you or a friend are sat atop a blueish-red planet surrounded by five love hearts and a few stars, great news: you’re Mercury, and that means you hold the coveted number one spot. The sun is smiling, you’re smiling, it’s good vibes all around. Look, you even have your hands over your heart, that’s how much of a bond you share with whoever is the sun here. Still, we have to wonder, are they Mercury to you, too?

Snapchat planets: Venus in front of a blue background


Being Venus is almost as good as being Mercury, except people can make number two jokes about you, and you’re not actually a winner, but hey, look at you both. The pair of you continue to smile, there are still love hearts, there’s still a hand over your hard, and that light brown planet looks comfy on the tush, even if in reality, it’s ridiculously hot and gassy there.

Snapchat planets - Earth in front of a blue background


Being sat on top of Earth is still a vibe, even if living on the actual planet is a pain in the butt at times. The moon and four red love hearts surround you and the sun, showing that this is still a tight-knit friendship and that you two are pals who have each other’s backs. The smiles are still present, and even though you’re leaning on your hands, it looks like you’re having a good natter with the sun. Congrats, you pick up the bronze medal in the best friend race.

Snapchat planets: Mars in front of a blue background


You sit atop a red planet surrounded by three love hearts and some stars. Your pal still shows their teeth, so they must like you a bit. For your part, your avatar looks like they’re having a good chinwag. Being the fourth closest planet to the sun, if you’re sat atop Mars, you’re this person’s fourth best friend. Honestly, this might be the best place to be, the sun is thrilled to see you, but you don’t have to deal with the drama that can come with being the top best friend.

Snapchat Planets: Jupiter in front of a blue background


You thought you were going to get some love hearts, right? Well, sorry, but you’re outside the range for hearts range here, you only get stars. Still, you’re waving at the sun, and the person in it gives you a small, toothy smile as you sit atop a reddish-orange planet. Jupiter is the fifth closest planet to the sun, meaning you have just about put yourself into the top five here. Congrats, because we’re nearing the point where I’m not convinced the sun really wants people around.

Snapchat planets: Saturn in front of a blue background


The most obvious way to tell if you’re Saturn is through its legendary rings. Beyond that, your avatar sits on a yellow and red planet surrounded by small stars. Don’t worry; the sun is still smiling at you, though only just; it’s clearly a lot of effort. It’s sixth place for you if you sit on Saturn. This is most definitely the last position in which I think the sun is pleased to have you around. Make of that what you will.

Snapchat planets: Uranus in front of a blue background


This is the first instance in which the sun friend isn’t really smiling at you. It’s more like, ‘why are you here?’ And given you’re on Uranus, I feel like they have the right to ask that question. You still have a couple of stars floating around, but your avatar doesn’t look like it wants to be there. Being on the second furthest planet from the sun puts you in seventh place in the best friend race. It’s fair to say that this isn’t the most favored position from the sun – perhaps you need to work on your messaging streak.

Snapchat planets: Neptune in front of a blue background


Okay, why are you even here? The sun person doesn’t want you here. They’d shove you to Pluto, but that poor heap of rock had its planetary status stripped away, so it can’t be your Snapchat home. Your avatar clearly knows this as they turn their back on the sun while sitting atop this blue planet. As Neptune is the eighth planet and the furthest from the sun, sitting on it in Snapchat means you’re the eighth and final best friend in that person’s solar system. We suspect that your replacement is already in the pipeline, but we also think you might be okay with that.

We hope this helps you discover which of the Snapchat planets you are in your friend’s universe. For even more useful guides, check out our how to delete Facebook, how to delete Twitter, how to cancel Roblox Premium, how to delete Reddit accounts, how to delete iPhone cookies, and Hulu download guides.