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Honkai Star Rail Jade build

Dive into our best Honkai Star Rail Jade build to make the most of this five-star AoE DPS, including her best relics, team comps, and more.

honkai star rail jade holding a whip made of electricity

Honkai Star Rail’s Jade is a unique five-star quantum damage dealer. She treads the path of the Erudition, meaning she can dish out some powerful multi-target damage, but she also provides some very valuable buffs to her allies. So let’s dive into how to make the most of her in our HSR Jade build, featuring her top team comps, relics, light cones, and more.

If you’re wondering how Jade sizes up against her Penacony pals, be sure to check out our Honkai Star Rail tier list. We’ve also got a list of all the new Honkai Star Rail codes and current Honkai Star Rail events so you can start saving up for the next Honkai Star Rail banner.

Here’s everything in our Honkai Star Rail Jade build.

What’s the best Honkai Star Rail Jade build?

Honkai Star Rail’s Jade is a five-star quantum character who treads the path of the Erudition. She’s a powerful multi-target DPS who dishes out heaps of AoE damage.

Here’s a quick overview of our best HSR Jade build:

Best light cone Yet Hope is Priceless
Best relic set Genius of Brilliant Stars
Best planar ornament set Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves
Main stats
  • Body: crit rate/damage
  • Feet: attack%
  • Planar sphere: quantum damage
  • Link rope: attack%
Sub-stats Crit rate/damage > attack% > speed

The best light cone for Jade is her signature five-star, Yet Hope is Priceless. Her best relic set is four pieces of Genius of Brilliant Stars paired up with two pieces of Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves.

When choosing relics for Jade, we recommend prioritizing crit rate and damage (try to maintain a 1:2 rate-to-damage ratio), attack, and speed, with quantum damage on her planar sphere.

In terms of leveling up her skills, we recommend prioritizing her talent first, followed by her ultimate. After that, you can level up her skill and basic attack equally. As for her major traces, prioritize Collateral Ticket, followed by Reverse Repo, then Asset Forfeiture.

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How to use Jade

Jade performs best on a double DPS team and synergizes incredibly well with Honkai Star Rail’s Blade, Honkai Star Rail’s Herta, and Honkai Star Rail’s Himeko as AoE and follow-up attack-focused DPS units. She boasts incredible performance in Pure Fiction, and provides a very strong, single-target speed boost, making her a very valuable asset to any roster.

That said, her performance outside of Pure Fiction is quite disappointing. Without her first eidolon, she’s also almost exclusively tied to multi-target battles, and she deals very low toughness damage. She relies heavily on there being multiple enemies on the field in order to get stacks for her follow-up attack, so she doesn’t perform well against single-target bosses. Therefore, we generally recommend only using her in Pure Fiction teams, or as a secondary DPS alongside Blade.

Jade’s kit primarily focuses on follow-up damage, but her skill also provides a speed buff to a single ally. This buff increases the target’s speed and also causes all of their attacks to deal a single additional instance of quantum damage based on Jade’s attack (max 25%). This buff lasts for three of Jade’s turns, and she can’t recast it while it’s active.

While you can use this buff on Jade herself, she doesn’t enjoy the benefit of the speed boost, and it reduces your opportunity to accumulate more stacks for a follow-up attack. Therefore, as the duration of the buff only ticks down when Jade takes a turn, we recommend using her skill on allies that already have high speed, especially those who have follow-up attacks, as this means they can dish out multiple attacks and make the most of the buff before Jade has to apply it.

Due to the fact that you only need to use Jade’s skill every three turns, and the fact that her basic attack is a relatively strong AoE blast, Jade can act as a decent SP generator for her team between buff applications. She has a follow-up attack that relies on stacks, too. You earn one stack for every enemy that she or her buffed ally hits (this only counts once for each enemy per attack, though), and, at eight stacks, she launches a follow-up attack against all enemies. Her ultimate deals up to 240% of Jade’s attack to all enemies while boosting her follow-up multiplier. As long as you’re constantly hitting enemies in battle and triggering Jade’s follow-up attack, you should get her ultimate up quite often.

So, to summarize – Jade performs best in Pure Fiction and in battles against multiple enemies. In combat, use Jade’s skill to buff an ally (preferably one who has a follow-up attack or high speed), every three turns, use her basic attack to hit enemies and generate SP between buffs, and use her ultimate whenever it’s available. It’s a pretty simple rotation and is a sure-fire way to get you through Pure Fiction with minimal effort.

What are the best light cones for Jade?

Jade’s best light cone is her signature five-star, Yet Hope Is Priceless. It offers a significant boost to her crit rate and follow-up attack damage, as well as a hefty amount of defense shred to help her take down her enemies even quicker. Night on the Milky Way is another solid five-star option for Jade, but only if you intend to play her exclusively in Pure Fiction as, outside of that gameplay mode, it’s very difficult to maintain stacks, and its performance dramatically drops off when there are fewer enemies on the field.

For a more accessible option, the best four-star light cone for Jade is Today Is Another Peaceful Day due to the high energy cost of her ultimate. Alternatively, Geniuses’ Repose is also a solid four-star option, though for it to truly shine you need to keep the buff up consistently, meaning Jade needs to take down at least one enemy every three turns.

Here are HSR Jade’s best light cones:

Light cone Effect
Yet Hope Is Priceless Increases Jade’s crit rate. While Jade is in battle, for every 20% crit damage that exceeds 120%, her follow-up attack damage increases. This effect can stack up to four times. When the battle starts or after Jade uses her basic attack, both her ultimate and follow-up attack damage ignores a percentage of the target’s defense, lasting for two turns
Night on the Milky Way Increases Jade’s attack for every enemy that’s on the field (up to five stacks). When an enemy is inflicted with weakness break, Jade’s damage increases for one turn
Today Is Another Peaceful Day After entering battle, Jade’s damage increases based on her max energy. Her damage increases by a set percentage per point of energy, up to 160 energy
Geniuses’ Repose Increases Jade’s attack. When Jade defeats an enemy, her crit damage increases for three turns

What are the best relics for Jade?

Jade’s best relic set is four pieces of Genius of Brilliant Stars, which significantly boosts her quantum damage and allows her to ignore enemy defense. The latter is even more valuable if you also have her signature light cone. However, this set’s performance drops if you’re facing enemies that aren’t weak to quantum.

Alternatively, four pieces of The Ashblazing Gran Duke is a great option for Jade. Its performance is slightly lower than Genius of Brilliant Stars when you’re fighting quantum-weak enemies, but is much more reliable against enemies with quantum resistance. Additionally, Jade’s follow-up attack makes it very easy to gather stacks for the four-piece bonus effect, meaning she can reap the benefits of that handy attack boost consistently.

As long as you pair Jade up with another follow-up attack character, the best planar ornament set for Jade is Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves. It’s a strong all-rounder that boosts her follow-up attack damage and crit damage. If you plan to use Jade exclusively in Pure Fiction, Sigonia, the Unclaimed Desolation is a strong choice. It offers a nice crit rate increases, as well as a stackable crit damage boost when you defeat an enemy.

Here are HSR Jade’s best relics:

Relic set Effect
Genius of Brilliant Stars Two equipped: increases quantum damage by 10%
Four equipped: when Jade deals damage to the target enemy, she ignores 10% defense. If the enemy has quantum weakness, she ignores an additional 10% defense
The Ashblazing Grand Duke Two equipped: increases follow-up attack damage by 20%
Four equipped: when Jade uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, her attack increases by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals damage. This effect can stack for a maximum of eight times and lasts three turns. The effect expires the next time Jade uses a follow-up attack

Here are HSR Jade’s best planar ornaments:

Planar ornament set Effect
Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves When allies use follow-up attacks, Jade receives one stack of merit, stacking up to five times. Each stack of merit increases Jade’s follow-up attack damage by 5%. When there are five stacks, her crit damage also increases by 25$
Sigonia, the Unclaimed Desolation Increases Jade’s crit rate by 4%. When you defeat an enemy target, her crit damage also increases by 4%, stacking up to ten times

Jade stat recommendations

When picking relics for Jade, we recommend prioritizing the following stats.

Main stats:

  • Body: crit rate/damage
  • Feet: attack%
  • Planar sphere: quantum damage
  • Link rope: attack%


  • Crit rate/damage
  • Attack%
  • Speed

Honkai Star Rail Jade seen in the game wearing a large hat

What are the best Jade team comps?

Jade’s best ally is Blade. She benefits from his follow-up attack as it can hit up to five enemies and triggers often, his basic attack that hits three enemies, and his relatively frequent ultimate. Similarly, he appreciates the buff from her skill as it allows him to take an additional instance of damage when he uses his abilities, which gives him two stacks for his talent instead of one.

Additionally, both Jade and Blade benefit from Bronya’s speed boost and the additional turns she provides, making them a very powerful trio. 

Outside of Blade, Jade performs best on a team with other follow-up attackers – namely Herta and Himeko. Pairing Jade up with either of these is particularly effective in Pure Fiction, as it ensures that her and her allies are hitting as many enemies as possible as often as possible, providing her with plenty of stacks for her own follow-up attack.

On top of that, both Herta and Himeko require either a break or an initial source of damage to trigger their follow-ups, which Jade can provide regularly. Essentially, pairing Jade up with either Himeko or Herta can create an incredibly powerful AoE follow-up loop, allowing you to mow through large groups of enemies with ease.

Finally, Jade is best suited to double DPS teams, so she also plays well with both Robin and Ruan Mei, as they prosper in this type of team comp. Unless you’re running Jade with Blade (in which case Bronya is always the most valuable support), we highly recommend putting either Ruan Mei or Robin on her team.

Here are some examples of powerful Jade team comps:


Honkai Star Rail Bronya icon

Healer flex




Healer flex


Ruan Mei icon
Ruan Mei

Healer flex

What are Jade’s skills?

Here are all of Jade’s active and passive skills. All of the multipliers are based on Jade’s stats at level one but remember that they increase as you level her traces up.

Active skills:

Skill Effect
Basic attack: Lash of Riches Deal quantum damage equal to 45% of Jade’s attack to a single target enemy, and quantum damage equal to 15% of Jade’s attack to adjacent enemies
Skill: Acquisition Surety Makes a single target ally become the Debt Collector and increases their speed by 30 for three turns. After the Debt Collector attacks, they deal one instance of additional quantum damage equal to 15% of Jade’s attack to each enemy target they hit, at the cost of 2% of the Debt Collector’s max HP. If their current HP is insufficient, their HP reduces to one.
If Jade becomes the Debt Collector, she cannot gain the speed boost effect, and her attacks do not consume HP.
While a Debt Collector exists on the field, Jade cannot use her skill. At the start of Jade’s turn, the Debt Collector’s duration reduces by one turn
Ultimate: Vow of the Deep Deals quantum damage equal to 120% of Jade’s attack to all enemies. Also enhances the follow-up attack from Jade’s talent, increasing its damage multiplier by 40%. This enhancing effect can activate two times

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Talent: Fang of Flare Flaying After Jade or an ally with the Debt Collector status attacks, Jade gains one charge for each enemy target hit. When she gets eight charges, she consumes them all to launch a follow-up attack, dealing quantum damage equal to 60% of her attack to all enemies. This follow-up attack doesn’t generate a charge stack.
When launching the follow-up attack, Jade immediately gains five stacks of Pawned Asset, with each stack increasing her crit damage by 1.2%. This effect can stack up to 50 times


Technique Effect
Visionary Predation After using the technique, Jade inflicts enemies within a set area with blind fealty for ten seconds. Enemies inflicted with blind fealty won’t initiate attacks on allies. When entering battle via actively attacking enemies inflicted with blind fealty, all enemies with blind fealty will enter combat simultaneously. After entering battle, deals quantum damage equal to 50% of Jade’s attack to all enemies, and immediately gains 15 stacks of pawned asset

Major traces:

Trace Effect
A2: Reverse Repo When enemy targets enter combat, Jade gains one stack of pawned asset. When a Debt Collector ally’s turn starts, Jade additionally gains three stacks of pawned asset
A4: Collateral Ticket When the battle starts, Jade’s action advances forward by 50%
A6: Asset Forfeiture Each stack of the talent’s pawned asset additionally increases Jade’s attack by 0.5%

What are Jade’s eidolons?

Similar to Genshin Impact’s constellations, eidolons are special buffs that you can unlock when you pull more than one copy of a character.

Here are all of HSR Jade’s eidolons:

Eidolon Effect
E1: Altruism? Nevertheless Tradable The follow-up attack damage from Jade’s talent increases by 32$. After the character with the Debt Collector effect uses an attack and hits 2/1 enemy targets, Jade additionally gains 1/2 points of charge
E2: Morality? Herein Authenticated When Jade has 15 stacks of pawned asset, her crit rate increases by 18%
E3: Honesty? Soon Mortgaged Increases the level of Jade’s skill and talent by two, up to a maximum of level 15
E4: Sincerity? Put Option Only When using her ultimate, the damage Jade deals ignores 12% of the enemy targets’ defense, lasting for three turns
E5: Hope? Hitherto Forgeited Increases the level of Jade’s ultimate by two, up to a maximum of level 15, and her basic attack by one, up to a maximum of level ten
E6: Equity? Pending Sponsorship When there are Debt Collector allies on the field, Jade’s quantum res pen increases by 20%, and Jade gains the Debt Collector state

Honkai Star Rail characters - Jade next to a tree with a large purple snake swirled around her

What are Jade’s ascension materials?

You can use EXP logs to get Jade all the way up to level 80, but you need to use specific materials at set intervals to increase her ascension ranks, too.

Here are all of HSR Jade’s ascension materials:

Required level Credits Materials
20 4k Five dream collection components
30 8k Ten dream collection components
40 16k Three dream flamers and eight dream flow valves
50 40k Seven dream flamers and nine dream flow valves
60 80k 20 dream flamers and eight dream making engines
70 180k 35 dream flamers and nine dream making engines

Here’s where to get all of HSR Jade’s ascension materials:

  • Dream collection components, flow valves, making engines
    • Obtain from Dreamjolt Troupe enemies, golden calyxes in Penacony, the Simulated Universe, assignment rewards, the Embers Exchange store, or the omni-synthesizer material exchange
  • Dream flamers
    • Obtain from the Dreamjolt Troupe’s Beyond Overcooked enemy in the Stangnant Shadow: Shape of Roast, located in Dream’s Edge, Penacony

What are Jade’s trace materials?

You can enhance the power of Jade’s attacks by upgrading her major and minor traces. To max out all of Jade’s traces, you need the following materials:

  • 15 rough sketches, 72 dynamic outlinings, and 139 exquisite colored drafts
    • Obtain from the crimson calyx in Penacony’s Grand Theater, or purchase from the Embers Exchange store
  • 41 dream collection components, 56 dream flow valves, 58 dream making engines
    • Obtain from Dreamjolt Troupe enemies, golden calyxes in Penacony, the Simulated Universe, assignment rewards, the Embers Exchange store, or the omni-synthesizer material exchange
  • 12 lost echo of the shared wish
    • Obtain from the Harmonious Choir – The Great Septimus boss in the Echo of War: Salutations of Ashen Dreams challenge
  • 11 tracks of destiny
    • Obtain from the Embers Exchange store, the simulated universe, the nameless honor battlepass, or as rewards from limited-time events

That’s everything we’ve got on Honkai Star Rail’s Jade. If you fancy taking the fight elsewhere, be sure to check out our guides on Hoyoverse’s other games, including our Zenless Zone Zero codes and Zenless Zone Zero tier list.