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Honkai Star Rail Topaz guide and build

Honkai Star Rail’s Topaz is here to collect your debts - and help out as members of your team. Here’s how to get the best out of the duo.

Honkai Star Rail Topaz's official light cone artwork showing her surrounded by cats

Numby is here, along with his partner – Honkai Star Rail’s Topaz. Just kidding, Topaz is the star here even if her little Warp Trotter buddy is adorable. She’s a debt collector for the Interastral Peace Corporation and is a five-star, fire-wielding unit, specializing in follow-up damage and buffing her team. Here’s the best Topaz build to max out her damage.

If you’re saving tickets for upcoming characters like Honkai Star Rail’s Fu Xuan and Honkai Star Rail’s Imbibitor Lunae, grab all the latest Honkai Star Rail codes and check out our Honkai Star Rail tier list.

Here’s how to build Honkai Star Rail’s Topaz.

What’s the best Honkai Star Rail Topaz build?

Best light cone Worrisome, Blissful
Light cone substitutes Sleep Like The Dead, Swordplay
Best relic set Ashblazing Grand Duke
Planar ornaments Duran, Dynasty of Wolves
Main stats Body – Crit rate/damage
Feet – Attack
Link rope – Attack
Planar sphere – Fire damage bonus
Sub stats Crit rate, crit damage, attack, speed

Topaz is a five-star, fire-using character who follows the path of The Hunt, and her piggy friend Numby features in most of her attacks. She specializes in follow-up attacks and relies on crit stats to really pack a punch. The drawback with Topaz is that she only really deals single-target damage.

The overall best light cone you can equip Topaz with is her signature ‘Worrisome, Blissful’, but a good Hunt-aligned cone that boosts follow-up damage will also work. As for relics, you want to get her a good set of Firesmith of Lava-Forging to boost her fire damage and focus on attack, crit, and speed substats.

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How do I use Topaz?

Topaz excels as a sub-DPS (though Numby is the true star of the show) and as a support unit for characters that deal in follow-up attacks. Her kit allows her to improve the damage that her follow-ups deal to a ridiculous point.

If you’re focusing on a sub-DPS Topaz, then using her skill increases the damage enemies take from follow-up attacks from her and other party members. If you’re using her as your main DPS, then using buffers like Asta, March 7th, or Tingyn will improve her personal damage. And Numby’s, let’s not forget about Numby!

What is the best Topaz light cone?

Topaz’s best light cone is her signature, Worrisome, Blissful. However, if you’re not in a position to pull for that, any of these other Hunt light cones will be good for Topaz.

Light cone Effect How to obtain
Worrisome, Blissful (five-star) This light cone increases Topaz and Numby’s crit rate by 18%. Her follow-up damage gets a 30% increase as well.
When Topaz uses a follow-up attack, the target gets the Tame state. This can stack two times. When Topaz or other teammates hit this target, each stack of Tame it has increases your crit damage by 12%
Light cone banner (alongside Topaz)
Swordplay (four-star) Each time Topaz hits the same target, her damage increases by 8%, stacking up to five times. This is reset when she changes targets All banners
Cruising in the Stellar Sea (five-star) Increases Topaz’s crit rate by 8%, and increases her crit rate against enemies with 50% or less HP by a further 8%. When she defeats an enemy, her attack increases 20% for two turns Purchase from Herta’s Store
Only Silence Remains (four-star) Increases Topaz’s attack by 16%. If there are two or fewer enemies on the field, her crit rate increases by 12% All banners
Darting Arrow (three-star) When Topaz defeats an enemy, her attack increases by 24% for three turns All banners

What are the best relics for Topaz?

To get the best damage out of Topaz, the best relics to equip her with is a full set of the Ashblazing Grand Duke. Remember to keep an eye on substats, too, but aim for a fire-damage-boosting piece in there. If you plan on having at least one debuff on enemies at all times, you can use a full set of Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters on Topaz to up the damage her, and her teammates, deal to said debuffed enemies.

Relic Effect How to obtain
The Ashblazing Grand Duke Two equipped: Increases follow-up damage by 20%
Four equipped:
When Topaz uses a follow-up attack against an enemy, it increases her attack by 6% each time the follow-up deals damage. This can stack a maximum of eight times and lasts for three turns
Cavern of Corrosion: Path of Darkness in Fyxestroll Gardens
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters Two equipped: Increases damage Topaz deals to debuffed enemies
Four equipped: Increases crit rate by 4%. Topaz deals 8/12% extra crit damage to enemies with two/three debuffs. If Topaz inflicts a debuff onto an enemy, these effects increase by 100% for one turn
Cavern of Corrosion: Path of Dreamdive in the Reverie
Musketeer of Wild Wheat Two equipped: Increases attack
Four equipped:
Topaz’s speed increases by 6% and her basic attack damage by 10%
Cavern of Corrosion: Path of Drifting on Jarilo-VI
Firesmith of Lava -Forging Two equipped: Increases fire damage
Four equipped: Increases Topaz’s skill damage by 12%. After unleashing her ultimate, her fire damage increases by 12% for the next attack
Cavern of Corrosion: Path of Conflagration on the Xhianzhou Luofu

Planar ornament

Relic Effect How to obtain
Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves Two equipped: When allies use follow-up attacks, Topaz gains one stack of Merit. This can stack five times. Each stack increases her own follow-up damage by 5%. If Topaz has five stacks of Merit, her crit damage increases by 25% Divergent Universe reward
Space Sealing Station Two equipped: Increases Topaz’s attack by 12%. When her speed reaches 120 or higher, attack increases by a further 12% Immersion Reward devices in World 3 of the Simulated Universe
Inert Salsotto Two equipped: Increases Topaz’s crit rate by 8%. When her current crit rate reaches 50% or more, her ultimate and follow-up damage increases by 15% Immersion Reward devices in World 6 of the Simulated Universe

Relic stat recommendations

When equipping Topaz and Numby with relics, there are some stats you should look out for.

Main stats:

  • Body: Crit damage
  • Feet: Attack/%
  • Planar sphere: Fire damage boost
  • Link rope: Attack


  • Crit rate/damage (aiming for a 1:2 ratio)
  • Attack/%
  • Speed

Honkai Star rail Topaz looking at a holographic screen, with Numby floating behind her

What are the best Topaz team comps?

Topaz (and Numby) work very well in a mono-fire or almost mono-fire team comp, though any units focusing on follow-up damage – like Jing Yuan – are welcome. Buffers such as Asta and Robin will help to improve Topaz’s performance. And Numby’s, of course.

Topaz Asta Robin Himeko
Topaz Honkai Star Rail Clara iconClara Robin Flexible healer slot
Topaz Dr. Ratio Robin Flexible healer slot
Topaz Dr. Ratio Ruan Mei iconRuan Mei Aventurine

What are Topaz’s abilities?

Topaz and Numby work together to deal damage on the field, and here’s what their skills do for us.

Active skills:

Skill Effect
Basic attack: Deficit… Topaz deals fire damage equal to 90% of Topaz’s attack to a single enemy
Skill: Difficulty Paying? Topaz inflicts the Proof of Debt state on a single enemy, increasing damage taken by follow-up attacks by 43%. This only takes effect on the most recent target.
If no enemies are inflicted with Proof of Debt when an ally’s turn starts, Topaz inflicts a random enemy with the state.
Numby deals five damage equal to 131% of Topaz’s attack to this target. Using this skill counts as a follow-up attack
Ultimate: Turn a Profit! Numby enters the Windfall Bonanza state, where its damage and crit damage increase. Every time an ally’s skill, basic attack, or ultimate hits an enemy inflicted with Proof of Debt, Numby’s action moves forward. After Numby launches a set number of attacks, this effect dispels


Skill Effect
Trotter Market!? Topaz summons Numby at the start of the battle. Numby has 80 speed by default. When Topaz makes a move, Numby launches follow-up attacks on a single enemy afflicted with Proof of Debt, dealing fire damage equal to 131% of Topaz’s attack.
When enemies afflicted with Proof of Debt receive an ally’s follow-up attacks, Numby’s action advances forward 50%


Technique Effect
Explicit Subsidy Topaz summons Numby while on a map outside of combat, who seeks out trotters and treasure chests in the nearby area. Warp trotters don’t get scared of its presence and will approach Numby.
Entering a battle with this skill regenerates energy for Topaz after Numby’s first attack, and finishing a battle started in this way earns more credit or cosmic fragments


Trace Effect
Overdraft (unlocked at ascension two) When Topaz uses her basic attack to deal damage, it counts as a follow-up attack
Financial Turmoil (unlocked at ascension four) Increases Topaz and Numby’s damage dealt to enemies with fire weakness
Stonks Market (unlocked at ascension six) After Numby attacks in the Windfall Bonanza! state, Topaz regenerates energy

What are Topaz and Numby’s eidolons?

If you happen to get lucky and pull more than one of the fiery duo, here are the perks you can unlock.

Eidolon Effect
Level one: Future Market When enemies afflicted with Proof of Debt receive follow-up attacks, they enter the Debtor state. This takes effect once within a single attack. This state increases the crit damage of follow-up attacks that hit the target enemies by 25%. It can stack twice
Level two: Bona Fide Acquisition After Numby takes action and launches an attack, Topaz regenerates five energy
Level three: Seize the Big and Free the Small Increases Topaz’s skill level by two, up to a maximum of 15. Also increases her basic attack level by one, to a maximum of ten
Level four: Agile Operation After Numby’s turn begins, Topaz’s action advances forward by 20%
Level five: Inflationary Demand Increases Topaz’s ultimate level by two, up to a maximum of 15. Also increases her talent by two, up to a maximum of 15
Level six: Incentive Mechanism Numby’s attack count during the Windfall Bonanza! state increases by one, and its fire resistance penalty increases by 10% when it attacks

Honkai Star Rail Topaz and Numby during a cutscene

What are Topaz’s ascension materials?

In order to ascend Topaz to her top level, here are the materials you need to farm. The searing steel blades are from the latest boss, Shape of Scorch: Stagnant Shadow located on Jarilo-VI.

Required level Credits Materials
20 3,200 Five silvermane badges
30 6,400 Ten silvermane badges
40 12,800 Three searing steel blades, six silvermane insignia
50 32,000 Seven searing steel blades, nine silvermane insignia
60 64,000  20 searing steel blades, six silvermane medals
70 128,000 35 searing steel blades, nine silvermane medals
  • Silvermane badges, Silvermane insignia, and Silvermane medals
    • Obtain from Silvermane and shadewalker enemies, purchase from the Embers Exchange and Herta’s Space Station world shop, assignment rewards, and synthesizer

What are Topaz’s trace materials?

If you want to get your Topaz maxed out and leveled all the way up, you’ll need to farm some Silvermane enemy drops, materials from the Hunt calyx bud, and some weekly boss items.

  • 41 Silvermane badges, 56 Silvermane insignia, and 58 Silvermane medals
    • Obtain from Silvermane and shadewalker enemies, purchase from the Embers Exchange and Herta’s Space Station world shop, assignment rewards, and synthesizer
  • 15 arrows of the beast hunter, 72 arrows of the demon slayer, and 139 arrows of the starchaser
    • Obtain from the Bud of the Hunt calyx, purchase from the Embers Exchange store, purchase from Herta’s Space Station world shop, and the Jarilo-VI world shop
  • 12 regret of infinite ochema
    • Obtain from the Phantylia boss fight in the Echo of War at Scalegorge Waterscape
  • 11 tracks of destiny
    • Obtain from events, as rewards in the Simulated Universe, from the Embers exchange, and Nameless Honor (battlepass) rewards
  • 3,000,000 credits

Skill trace priority:

  • Talent > skill > ultimate > basic attack

Major trace priority:

  • Overdraft > Financial Turmoil > Stonks Market

Now that we’re all caught up on our new favorite character (Numby), let’s take a look at some other great units like Honkai Star Rail’s Kafka, Honkai Star Rail’s Blade, and Honkai Star Rail’s Jing Yuan.