Our Genshin Impact Navia build is here to help you make the most of this elegant, five-star geo claymore wielder. Read on to find out all about her skills, best weapons and artifacts, top team comps, and more, and you’ll soon be at the heart of the Spina Di Rosula.
For more info on all current and upcoming characters, check out our Genshin Impact tier list and Genshin Impact banner guide. We’ve also got a list of all new Genshin Impact codes and a schedule of all Genshin Impact events, so you never have to miss out on the fun.
Here’s everything in our best Navia build:
What’s the best Navia build?
Navia is a five-star geo claymore wielder. She has a unique kit that makes use of the crystallize reaction, with a strong skill that offers reliable, front-loaded damage. Additionally, the fact that she scales off attack means she can benefit from a variety of buffs, including Genshin Impact Bennett‘s elemental burst.
Here’s a brief overview of our best Genshin Impact Navia build:
Best weapon | Verdict |
Weapon substitutes |
Best artifact set | Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods |
Alternate artifacts |
Main stats |
Sub stats |
Navia’s best weapon is her signature five-star claymore, Verdict, and her best artifact set is Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods. When building Navia you should keep in mind that she’s quite energy-hungry, so you should focus on getting enough energy recharge first, then boosting her crit and attack.
When leveling up Navia’s talents, we recommend prioritizing her elemental skill first, then her normal attack, then her elemental burst.

How to use Navia
Navia is best suited to the role of on-field DPS, where her elemental skill acts as her main source of damage. The damage of her skill is boosted through her Crystal Shrapnel Charges, which you earn through the crystallize reaction and her elemental burst.
This means that you should aim to start your rotation with Navia’s elemental burst, then swap to her teammates to apply elements and trigger crystallize reactions, then swap back to Navia to use her skill and normal attack combos.
What’s the best weapon for Navia?
Navia’s best weapon is her signature five-star claymore, Verdict. It provides her with both attack% and skill damage%. However, don’t worry if you don’t manage to snap it up – as highlighted in this Keqingmains Navia quick guide, Verdict’s stats aren’t significant enough to make it vastly superior to other five-star weapons or even Serpent Spine.
Speaking of which, the four-star battle pass claymore Serpent Spine is actually one of Navia’s strongest weapons, offering heaps of damage. It’s on par with other five-star options at lower refinement ranks, and can outperform Verdict at R5 – so if you have one on hand, it’s certainly a great choice.
Alternatively, you can go with Beacon of the Reed Sea or Redhorn Stonethresher if you have those available. Or, for a more accessible option, Tidal Shadow is Navia’s best craftable option – however, its passive does require her to be healed in order to activate, so just keep that in mind if you decide to go with this option.
Here are the best Genshin Impact Navia weapons:
Weapon | Effect | How to obtain |
Verdict | Bonus stat: crit rate Skill: increases attack by 20%. When characters in your party obtain elemental shards from crystallize reactions, the wielder gains one seal, increasing elemental skill damage by 18%. The seal lasts for 15 seconds, and the wielder can have up to two seals at once. All of the wielder’s seals disappear 0.2 seconds after their elemental skill deals damage |
Gacha |
Serpent Spine | Bonus stat: crit rate Skill: for every four seconds that the wielder is on the field, they deal 6% more damage and take 3% more damage. This effect has a maximum of five stacks and doesn’t reset if the wielder leaves the field, but loses one stack whenever the wielder takes damage |
Battle Pass |
Beacon of the Reed Sea | Bonus stat: crit rate Skill: after the character’s elemental skill hits an opponent, their attack increases by 20% for eight seconds. After the character takes damage, their attack increases by 20% for eight seconds. These effects can trigger even when the wielder isn’t on the field. Additionally, when not protected by a shield, the character’s max HP increases by 32% |
Gacha |
Redhorn Stonethresher | Bonus stat: crit damage Skill: increases defense by 28%, and normal and charged attack damage by 40% of defense |
Gacha |
Tidal Shadow | Bonus stat: attack Skill: after the wielder is healed, their attack increases by 24% for eight seconds. This can trigger even when the character isn’t on the field |
Forging (purchase diagram from Estelle in Fontaine) |
What are Navia’s best artifacts?
Navia’s best artifact set is Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods, as it provides both attack% and geo damage bonus.
Alternatively, Marechaussee Hunter is a strong option if you’re pairing Navia up with Genshin Impact’s Furina so she can reliably make the most of the four-piece effect.
Golden Troupe is also a good option, providing a decent boost to her elemental skill, burst, and normal attacks – but generally, neither of these options are comparable to Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods, so it’s definitely worth spending some resin to farm!
Here are the best Genshin Impact Navia artifacts:
Artifact set | Effect | Where to obtain |
Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods | Two equipped: increases attack by 18% Four equipped: after using an elemental skill, gain 20% geo damage bonus for ten seconds. While under a shield granted by the crystallize reaction, the above effect increases by 150%, and this additional increase disappears one second after that shield is lost |
Waterfall Wen domain in Fontaine |
Marechaussee Hunter | Two equipped: increases normal and charged attack damage by 15% Four equipped: when current HP increases or decreases, crit rate increases by 12% for five seconds. Max three stacks |
Denouement of Sin domain in Fontaine |
Golden Troupe | Two equipped: increases elemental skill damage by 20% Four equipped: increases elemental skill damage by 25%. Additionally, when the wielder is not on the field, their elemental skill damage increases by a further 25%. This effect clears two seconds after the character takes to the field |
Denouement of Sin domain in Fontaine |
Artifact stat recommendations
Main stats:
- Sands – attack% or energy recharge
- Goblet – geo damage bonus
- Circlet – crit rate or crit damage
- Energy recharge to requirement
- Crit rate/damage
- Attack%
What are the best Navia team comps?
Navia performs best in a team with one other geo character, then two characters of different elements, in order to make the most of the geo resonance buff and her Mutual Assistance Network passive.
Navia works particularly well with Furina, Zhongli, or Bennett, though there are many other options that you can try out.
Here are some examples of the best Genshin Impact Navia team comps:
What are Navia’s abilities?
Here are all of Navia’s active skills:
Normal attack | Blunt Refusal Normal: Navia performs up to four consecutive strikes Charged: Navia drains stamina over time to perform continuous spinning attacks against all nearby opponents. At the end of the move, she performs a more powerful slash Plunging: Navia plunges from above to deal a hefty strike to opponents |
Elemental skill | Ceremonial Crystalshot When characters in Navia’s party obtain an elemntal shard from a crystallize reaction, Navia gains one Crystal Shrapnel stack. She can have up to six stacks of Crystal Shrapnel at once. Each time she gains a Crystal Shrapnel, the duration of her pre-existing stacks resets. Using this move, Navia consumes all Crystal Shrapnel stacks and fires her gunbrella, unleashing multiple Rosula Shardshots that penetrate opponents, dealing geo damage. When she consumes 0/1/2/3 or more stacks of Crystal Shrapnel, 5/7/9/11 Rosula Shardshots fire respectively. The more Rosula Shardshots strike an opponent, the greater the damage dealt to them. When all 11 Shardshots strike, the attack deals 200% of Navia’s original damage. Additionally, when Navia consumes more than three stacks of Crystal Shrapnel, every stack consumed afterward increases the damage of her gunbrella by 15%. Hold: enter aiming mode, continually collecting elemental shards created by crystallize. Upon release, Navia fires Rosula Shardshots in the same manner as when you tap the skill. She gets two initial charges. Arkhe: Ousia Periodically, when Navia fires her gunbrella, a Surging Blade gets summoned, dealing Ousia-aligned geo damage |
Elemental burst | As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute On the orders of the President of Spina di Rosula, Navia calls for a magnificent Rosula Dorata Salute. This unleashes a massive cannon bombardment on opponents in front of her, dealing AoE geo damage and providing Cannon Fire Support, dealing geo damage to nearby opponents for a short while. When cannon attacks from the Salute hit opponents, Navia gains one stack of Crystal Shrapnel. This can trigger once every 2.4 seconds. |
Here are all of Navia’s passive skills:
A1 | Undisclosed Distribution Channels For four seconds after using Ceremonial Crystalshot, the damage dealt by Navia’s normal, charged, and plunging attacks gets converted into geo damage, which cannot be overridden by other infusions, and the damage dealt by these moves increases by 40% |
A2 | Mutual Assistance Network For each pyro/electro/cryo/hydro party member, Navia gains 20% increased attack. This effect can stack up to two times. |
A3 | Painstaking Transaction Navia gains 25% more rewards when dispatched on a Fontaine Expedition for 20 hours |
What are Navia’s constellations?
If you manage to pull more than one copy of Navia, you can unlock a special buff called a constellation.
Here are all of Genshin Impact Navia’s constellations:
C1 | A Lady’s Rules for Keeping a Courteous Distance Each stack of Crystal Shrapnel consumed when Navia uses Ceremonial Crystalshot restores three energy to her (up to nine energy) and decreases the cooldown of As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute by one second (up to three seconds) |
C2 | The President’s Pursuit of Victory Each stack of Crystal Shrapnel consumed increases the crit rate of this Ceremonial Crystalshot instance by 12%. Crit rate can increase by up to 36% in this way. Additionally, when Ceremonial Crystalshot hits an opponent, one Cannon Fire Support Shot from As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute strikes near the location of the hit. Up to one instance of Cannon Fire Support can trigger each time you use Ceremonial Crystalshot, and damage dealt is considered elemental burst damage |
C3 | Businesswoman’s Broad Vision Increases the level of Ceremonial Crystalshot by three, up to a maximum of level 15 |
C4 | The Oathsworn Never Capitulate When As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute hits an opponent, that opponent’s geo res decreases by 20% for eight seconds |
C5 | Negotiator’s Resolute Negotiations Increases the level of As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute by three, up to a maximum of 15 |
C6 | The Flexible Finesse of Spina’s President If you consume more than three stacks of Crystal Shrapnel when using Ceremonial Crystalshot, each stack consumed beyond the first three increases the crit damage of that Cermonial Crystalshot by 45%, and any stacks beyond the first three return to Navia |
What are Navia’s ascension materials?
You can level Navia all the way up to 90, but you need to ascend her at set levels along the way.
Here are all of the materials you need in order to ascend Navia:
20 ➔ 30 |
40 ➔ 50 |
50 ➔ 60 |
60 ➔ 70 |
70 ➔ 80 |
80 ➔ 90 |
Here’s where you can get each of Navia’s ascension materials:
- Prithiva topaz: normal and weekly boss drops, alchemy, or the souvenir shop
- Transoceanic pearl / transoceanic chunks / xenochromatic crystals: dropped from fontemer aberrant enemies in Fontaine
- Spring of the first dewdrops: farm underwater surrounding the Tower of Ipissimus in the Morte Region of Fontaine, or purchase from Pahsiv (a melusine NPC in Loch Urania)
- Artificed spare clockwork component – Coppelius: dropped by the Icewind Suite normal boss in Court of Fontaine Region, Fontaine
What are Navia’s talent materials?
You can level up Navia’s normal attack, elemental skill, and elemental burst to a maximum of level ten.
Here are all of Genshin Impact Navia’s talent materials:
1➔2 |
2➔3 |
3➔4 |
4➔5 |
5➔6 |
6➔7 |
7➔8 |
8➔9 |
9➔10 |
Here’s where to get each of Navia’s talent materials:
- Transoceanic pearl / transoceanic chunks / xenochromatic crystals: dropped from fontemer aberrant enemies in Fontaine
- Equity talent books: rewards from the Pale Forgotten Glory domain in Fontaine on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday
- Lightless silk strings: dropped from the All-Devouring Narwhal weekly boss in Shadow of Another World
Navia talent priority
When leveling up Navia’s talents, we recommend prioritizing them in the following order:
- Elemental skill > normal attack >= elemental burst
Who is Genshin Impact’s Navia?
Navia Casper is the optimistic president of the Spina Di Rosula, an organization in Fontaine that dedicates their time helping the citizens and investigating matters that the Gardes can’t help with. She inherited the mantle of president from her late father Callas, who was killed by Genshin Impact’s Clorinde three years prior to the game’s events.
Navia plays an important part in Fontaine’s Archon Quests, and you can often find her accompanied by her two security guards Melus and Silver. She’s bright and friendly, and is deeply devoted to helping the people of Fontaine, who liken her to a ‘big sister’ who checks in on everyone.
That’s all we’ve got in our Genshin Impact Navia build. While you’re here, be sure to take a look at our other guides for the best gacha games, including our Honkai Star Rail tier list, Honkai Star Rail banner, and Honkai Star Rail codes guides.