In this Genshin Impact Ningguang build we’re here to help you get to know this gorgeous, four-star geo catalyst user. She’s a strong battery in mono-geo teams best suited to sub-DPS roles, but is also very versatile and can slot in just about anywhere. So let’s take a look at her best weapons, artifacts, team comps, and more.
If you’re wondering who’s worth building, be sure to check out our Genshin Impact tier list, and snap up some of these Genshin Impact codes so you can pull on the next Genshin Impact banner.
Here’s everything in our Genshin Impact Ningguang build:
What’s the best Genshin Impact Ningguang build?
Ningguang is a four-star geo catalyst wielder. She’s best suited to mono-geo or geo flex teams, but can also be highly versatile and slot into plenty of teams as a sub-DPS. She deals high single-target damage for a four-star, has great range, and can fluidly adjust to rotations based on your requirements.
Here’s a brief overview of our best Ningguang build:
Best weapon | Memory of Dust |
Weapon substitutes |
Best artifact set | Archaic Petra |
Artifact substitutes |
Main stats |
Sub-stats |
The best weapon for Ningguang is Memory of Dust, and her best artifact set is Archaic Petra. When picking artifacts for Ningguang, we recommend focusing on energy recharge, attack%, and crit.
All of Ningguang’s talents play an important role in her damage output, so you should level all of them. However, while you’re still building her, we recommend that you level her elemental burst first, then her normal attack, then her elemental skill.
Ningguang’s kit focuses on single target damage, and her base attack is very low for an attack-scaling DPS. She relies on a lot of investment in both her and her team in order to shine, and she benefits from multiple constellations.
Ningguang works well when paired up with other geo characters like Genshin Impact’s Zhongli or Genshin Impact’s Albedo, as their geo elemental resonance increases geo damage.

How to use Ningguang
Ningguang’s normal attacks are pretty lackluster, whereas her charged attacks do some respectable damage, especially when she has gathered Star Jades. As such, you should aim to weave charged attacks into her normal combos.
You can either link four charged attacks in a row, or start with one, two, or three normal attacks leading into a charged attack. Generally, one normal attack, one charged attack, then a dash to animation cancel is her best combo in melee situations, whereas two normal attacks, one charged attack, and a dash is a more reliable, general purpose combo for all other situations.
In terms of her skill and burst, you should generally aim for a loop of skill -> burst -> six seconds -> skill -> six seconds -> burst -> skill -> 12 seconds, then repeat. Also, the easiest way to make the most of her Jade Screen is to dash towards an enemy, turn to face away from them, then use her skill. This is the most consistent way to ensure the screen actually deals damage to an enemy, though feel free to experiment with other methods.
What’s Ningguang’s best weapon?
Memory of Dust is Ningguang’s best in slot weapon, as it synergises well with her crystallize capabilities and boosts her attack. Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds is also a great option, boosting her movement speed and elemental damage bonus – though its skill isn’t as useful if you’re using Ningguang in a quickswap rotation, she she won’t stay on-field long enough to reap the benefits.
If you’re looking for a more affordable option, we recommend equipping Ningguang with either the craftable Prototype Amber or the battle pass reward Solar Pearl. Prototype Amber increases her ability to battery her team, and Solar Pearl boosts her personal attack.
Here are the best Genshin Impact Ningguang weapons:
Memory of Dust | Base stat: attack Skill: increases the strength of shields by 20%. Hits that land on enemies increase attack by 4% for eight seconds. Maximum five stacks. This can only occur once every 0.3 seconds. While the equipping character is shielded, their attack increases by 100% |
Limited banner |
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds | Base stat: crit rate Skill: increases movement speed by 10%. When in battle, the equipping character gains an 8% elemental damage bonus every four seconds. Max four stacks. Lasts until the character falls or leaves combat |
Limited banner |
Prototype Amber | Base stat: HP Skill: using an elemental burst regenerates four energy every two seconds for six seconds. Additionally, all party members regenerate 4% HP every seconds for this duration |
Forge via blacksmith |
Solar Pearl | Base stat: crit rate Skill: normal attacks increase elemental skill and burst damage by 20% for six seconds. Elemental skill or burst hits also increase normal attack damage by 20% for six seconds |
Battle pass reward |
What are the best artifacts for Ningguang?
The best artifact set for Genshin Impact’s Ningguang is Archaic Petra. This set boosts her geo damage and offers a team-wide buff.
Alternatively, Noblesse Oblige is also a strong option for team-wide buffs. However, keep in mind that its effects don’t stack, so you should only have one character equipped with Noblesse Oblige on your team at any one time.
Retracing Bolide is another interesting option for Ningguang. It offers a shield-focused buff that boosts Ningguang’s personal damage and draw a parallel with the Memory of Dust catalyst.
Here are the best Genshin Impact Ningguang artifacts:
Archaic Petra | Two equipped: geo damage bonus +15% Four equipped: when you obtain an elemental shard via a crystallize reaction, party members gain a 35% damage bonus for that element for ten seconds. Only one bonus can be active at any one time |
Obtain from Domain of Guyun in the Sea of Clouds, Guyun Stone Forest |
Noblesse Oblige | Two equipped: elemental burst damage +20% Four equipped: using an elemental burst increases the entire party’s attack by 20% for 12 seconds. This cannot stack |
Obtain from Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain in Minlin, Mt. Aozang |
Retracing Bolide | Two equipped: shield strength +35% Four equipped: while protected by a shield, gain an additional 40% normal and charged attack damage |
Obtain from Domain of Guyun in the Sea of Clouds, Guyun Stone Forest |
Ningguang artifact stat recommendations
The main stats on your Ningguang’s artifacts should always be attack %, geo damage, and crit. When it comes to substats, your top priority should be meeting the energy recharge requirement for your team.
Her energy recharge requirements vary greatly, but generally fall within 100% to 140% depending on your team. To get a more accurate insight into your personal Ningguang energy recharge requirements, use this energy recharge calculator.
Main stats
- Sands – Attack%
- Goblet – geo damage%
- Circlet – either crit rate or crit damage (try to maintain a 1:2 rate to damage ratio)
- Energy recharge (until requirements are met)
- Crit damage/crit rate
- Attack%
- Extra energy recharge
What are the best Genshin Impact Ningguang team comps?
Ningguang performs best in a mono-geo or mono-geo flex team. While her kit is geared towards a DPS role, she can act as a battery and sub-DPS on an Itto team.
For a Ningguang on-field DPS team, she synergises well with both Zhongli and Albedo in the second geo slot. Generally, a third geo is a good option, with the fourth slot going to a buffer or an off-field support like Bennett or Fischl.
Alternatively, you can pair Ningguang with either Zhongli or Albedo once again, alongside Bennett and Xiangling or Yae Miko and Fischl for strong crystalise teams that offer plenty of damage.
Keep in mind that she is quite a flexible unit, and can therefore slot into many teams, so feel free to experiment or swap units around to see what suits you best.
Here are some examples of the best Genshin Impact Ningguang team comps:
What are Ningguang’s abilities?
Ningguang’s kit consists of her normal attack, elemental skill, elemental burst, and three passive skills.
Here are all of Ningguang’s active skills:
Normal attack | Sparkling Scatter Normal: shoot geo damage and generate a Star Jade Charged: consume a set amount of stamina to shoot a giant gem that deals geo damage. If Ningguang has any Star Jades, she fires them at the same time, dealing additional damage Plunge: plunge from mid-air, dealing AoE geo damage on impact with the ground |
Elemental skill | Jade Screen Create a jade screen that deals geo damage on spawn, and blocks enemy projectiles. Screen endurance scales based on Ningguang’s max HP. Only one jade screen may exist at any one time |
Elemental burst | Starshatter Fire homing projectiles at nearby enemies, with additional projectiles also firing from the jade screen, if present |
Here are all of Ningguang’s passive skills:
A1 | Backup Plan While star jades are present, charged attacks don’t consume stamina |
A4 | Strategic Reserve Characters that pass through the jade screen gain a 12% geo damage bonus for ten seconds |
Utility | Trove of Marvelous Treasures Displays the location of nearby ore veins on the mini-map |
What are Ningguang’s constellations?
If you pull more than one copy of Ningguang, you can unlock one of her six constellations.
Here are all of Genshin Impact Ningguang’s constellations:
C1 | Piercing Fragments Normal attacks deal AoE damage |
C2 | Shock Effect When a jade screen breaks, its cooldown will reset. This can occur once every six seconds |
C3 | Majesty be the Array of Stars Increases the level of Starshatter by three |
C4 | Exquisite be the Jade, Outshining All the Beneath Jade screens increase nearby characters’ elemental resistance by 10% |
C5 | Invincible be the Jade Screen Increases the level of Jade Screen by three |
C6 | Grandeur be the Seven Stars Starshatter creates seven star jades |
What are Ningguang’s ascension materials?
In order to get Ningguang to max level, you need to use certain materials to ascend her.
Here are all of Genshin Impact Ningguang’s ascension materials:
20➔40 |
40➔50 |
50➔60 |
60➔70 |
70➔80 |
80➔90 |
Here’s where to get each of Ningguang’s ascension materials:
- Prithiva topaz – drops from normal and weekly bosses
- Recruit’s/sergeants/lieutenant’s insignias – drops from Fatui skirmishers, cicin mages, and pyro agents
- Glaze lilies – gather around Liyue Harbor and Qingque Village
- Basalt pillars – drops from the Geo Hypostasis boss in Guyun Stone Forest
What are Ningguang’s talent materials?
You can upgrade each of Ningguang’s attacks to a maximum of level ten.
Here are all the materials you need to get one of Ningguang’s talents max level:
1➔2 |
2➔3 |
3➔4 |
4➔5 |
5➔6 |
6➔7 |
7➔8 |
8➔9 |
9➔10 |
Here’s where to get each of Ningguang’s talent materials:
- Recruit’s/sergeants/lieutenant’s insignias – drops from Fatui skirmishers, cicin mages, and pyro agents
- Prosperity talent books – rewards from the Taishan Mansion domain on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday
- Spirit locket of Boreas – drops from the Wolf of the North weekly Boreas boss
Talent priority
It’s important to upgrade all of Ningguang’s talents. But to start off, we recommend prioritizing the following:
- Elemental burst > normal attack > elemental skill
Who is Genshin Impact’s Ningguang?
Elegant, noble, and extremely intelligent, Ningguang is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and the owner of the Jade Chamber. She’s a professional business woman, and has accumulated her vast wealth through hard work and perseverance. She’s known for being highly meticulous and hard working, and is very well-respected, holding a large amount of influence in Liyue.
Calculating and ruthless in the world of business, she came from an impoverished background, and is now guided by the sole aim of making mora. Over the years, she has built a large intelligence network that she uses to gain any information she needs. She only makes use of people when she knows their weaknesses, and many influential people dislike her as a result, while others recognize that she adds to the prosperity of both the Qixing and Liyue Harbor itself.
Though she may seem cold and calculating on the outside, Ningguang always has Liyue’s best interests at heart, even sacrificing her beloved Jade Chamber to protect the harbor when Osial reawakened.
Despite their vast differences, you can often find Ningguang playing chess with captain of The Crux, Genshin Impact’s Beidou. While the latter often pushes Ningguang’s buttons, and neither approve of the other’s way of life, they appear to have a steadfast friendship, respecting eachother as powerful women.
That’s everything you need to know in order to master Genshin Impact’s Ningguang. If you want to embark on another Hoyo adventure, head over to our Honkai Star Rail tier list, Honkai Star Rail codes, and Honkai Star Rail update guides.