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Genshin Impact Dori build

Genshin Impact's Dori, a tiny but fearsome Sumeru merchant, and her slime have arrived. Here's her best build, artifacts, teams, and more.

Genshin Impact's Dori pasted on a purple electro-style PT background with a slight drop shadow

Genshin Impact’s Dori is an adorable, pink-haired Sumeru merchant who certainly masters the essence of style and has plenty of tricks up those billowing sleeves – including a purple slime pal. So come one, come all, to our totally-not-a-scam Genshin Dori build, where we go over her best weapons, artifacts, and more.  This gal may drive a hard bargain, but her quality goods are usually worth it in the end.

If you want to know who’s up for grabs in the current and upcoming updates, be sure to check out our Genshin Impact next banner guide, then see how they size up with our Genshin Impact tier list. We also have a list of all the latest Genshin Impact events and Genshin Impact codes, full of freemos and other handy treats. If you’re looking to build a full team, check out our guides for Genshin Impact’s Xinyan, Genshin Impact’s Keqing, and Genshin Impact’s Furina.

Saddle up your slime as we take you on a journey to learn all about Genshin Impact’s Dori.

What is the best Genshin Impact Dori build?

Best weapon Favonius Greatsword
Weapon substitutes Support: Forest Regalia
Hyperbloom: Katsuragikiri Nagamasa
Best artifact set Gilded Dreams
Artifact substitutes Support: Thundering Fury, Thundersoother
Hyperbloom: Deepwood Memories, Flower of Paradise Lost
Main stats Support:
  • Sands: HP%
  • Goblet: HP%
  • Circlet: Healing bonus


  • Sands: energy recharge or elemental mastery
  • Goblet: elemental mastery
  • Circlet: elemental mastery
  • Energy recharge
  • HP%
  • Elemental mastery

Genshin Impact’s Dori has two key builds: off-field support aggravate and hyperbloom trigger.

Dori’s best weapon regardless of her build is the Favonius Greatsword and her best artifact set is Gilded Dreams. Focus on HP% and healing bonus for her support build, but target elemental mastery and energy recharge for hyperbloom teams.

Above all, your main aim for Dori is to get her energy recharge up to about 200% or higher, as her main utility is her burst. After that, you should aim to increase her elemental mastery.

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How should I use Dori?

Dori is a unique character with rare support capabilities, both healing her allies and regenerating energy. She makes for a pretty great battery, too, making her a great support choice for any team with energy-hungry DPS. Her main utility is her burst which she uses to heal her allies even when she is off the field.

On the other hand, her personal damage really isn’t great, and she does require a lot of energy recharge to maximize her own potential. But in the right team, she can be a true asset.

What are the best Dori weapons?

Generally speaking, Favonius Greatsword is one of the best weapons for Dori. This is thanks to its incredible battery potential for both her and her teammates.

Dori’s hyperbloom build had a great craftable option in the Katsuragikiri Nagamasa. It’s a great stat stick and its bonus skill adds to her off-field energy recharge capability. Makhaira Aquamarine is also a viable four-star option if you have it thanks to its team-wide attack buff scaling with Dori’s elemental mastery.

Forest Regalia’s passive ability specifically works with dendro reactions so we recommend it for her aggravate support build. It’s another forgeable stat stick and its skill grants your teammates a handy elemental mastery buff.

Weapon Effect How to obtain
Favonius Greatsword Bonus stat: energy recharge
Skill: crit hits have a 60% chance to generate a small number of elemental particles, which regenerate six energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12 seconds
Katsuragikiri Nagamasa Bonus stat: energy recharge
Skill: increases elemental skill damage by 6%. After your elemental skill hits an opponent, Dori loses three energy but regenerates three energy every two seconds for the next six seconds. This effect can occur once every ten seconds and can trigger even when Dori isn’t in the field
Forged at blacksmith (blueprint obtained through Inzauma quests)
Forest Regalia Bonus stat: energy recharge
Skill: after triggering burning, quicken, aggravate, spread, bloom, hyperbloom, or burgeon, create a Leaf of Consciousness around the character for a maximum of ten seconds. When picked up, the Leaf will grant the character 60 elemental mastery for 12 seconds. Only one Leaf can be generated this way every 20 seconds. This effect can still be triggered if the character is not on the field. The Leaf of Consciousness’ effect cannot stack
Forged at blacksmith (buy blueprint from Aravinay)
Makhaira Aquamarine Bonus stat: elemental mastery
Skill: this effect triggers every ten seconds: Dori gains 24% of her elemental mastery as bonus attack for 12 seconds, with nearby party members gaining 30% of this buff for the same duration. Multiple instances of this weapon can allow this buff to stack. This effect will still trigger even if Dori is not on the field

What are the best Dori artifacts?

According to Keqingmains, a four-piece set of Gilded Dreams is extremely reliable for Dori. Its two-piece bonus boosts her elemental mastery massively and she’s able to proc the four-piece bonus fairly consistently, despite her limited field time.

Thundering Fury is extremely competitive for aggravate Dori thanks to its electro damage bonus, aggravate damage bonus, and cooldown resets. Conversely, hyperbloom Dori’s burst can achieve 100% dendro shred uptime when using four pieces of Deepwood Memories.

Noblesse Oblige is the best option if your Dori build is more healing-focused or generally doesn’t focus on aggravate and hyperbloom reactions. Just make sure no one else on the team is using it to benefit from the four-piece bonus.

If you’re looking for a four-star, early-game set, Instructor is your best bet, especially if multiple teammates are driving reactions.

Artifact set Effect How to obtain
Gilded Dreams Two equipped: elemental mastery +80
Four equipped: within eight seconds of triggering an elemental reaction, Dori obtains buffs based on the elemental type of the other party members. Attack increases by 14% for each party member whose elemental type is the same as Dori (electro), and elemental mastery is increased by 50 for every party member with a different elemental type. Each of the aforementioned buffs will count up to three characters. This effect can trigger once every eight seconds. Dori can still trigger its effects when not on the field
Spire of Solitary Enlightenment domain on Gandha Hill, Sumeru
Thundering Fury Two equipped: electro damage bonus +15%
Four equipped: increases damage caused by overloaded, electro-charged, superconduct, and hyperbloom by 40%, and the damage bonus conferred by aggravate is increased by 20%. When quicken or the aforementioned elemental reactions are triggered, elemental skill cooldown is decreased by one second. Can only occur once every 0.8 seconds
Midsummer Courtyard domain in Starfell Valley, Mondstadt
Deepwood Memories Two equipped: dendro damage bonus +15%
Four equipped: after elemental skills or bursts hit opponents, the targets’ dendro resistance will be decreased by 30% for eight seconds. This effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field
Spire of Solitary Enlightenment domain on Gandha Hill, Sumeru
Noblesse Oblige Two equipped: elemental burst damage +20%
Four equipped: increases all party members’ attack by 20% for 12 seconds after using an elemental burst. This effect cannot stack
Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain in Minlin, Mt. Aozang, or from the Noblesse Oblige Artifact Strongbox
Instructor Two equipped: elemental mastery +80
Four equipped:
increases all party members’ attack by 20% for 12 seconds after using an elemental burst. This effect cannot stack
Chests, enemy drops, events

Artifact stat recommendations

Support main stats: 

  • Sands: HP%
  • Goblet: HP%
  • Circlet: Healing bonus

Hyperbloom main stats:

  • Sands: energy recharge or elemental mastery
  • Goblet: elemental mastery
  • Circlet: elemental mastery


  • Energy recharge
  • Elemental mastery
  • HP%
  • Crit rate/damage for aggravate

What are the best Dori team comps?

As a battery supporter, Dori works wonderfully in a range of energy-hungry team comps in need of a healer. She’s a great addition to a multi-element team, but also fits in well in an otherwise mono-geo team using Genshin Impact’s Itto, Genshin Impact’s Gorou, and Genshin Impact’s Albedo.

Here are some examples of strong Dori team comps:

F2P Dori iconDori Fischl iconFischl Sucrose iconSucrose Traveler iconGeo Traveler
Physical support Dori iconDori Eula Fischl iconFischl Rosaria
Hyperbloom Dori iconDori Furina Nahida Yelan
Aggravate Dori iconDori Fischl iconFischl Nahida Kazuha

Genshin Impact Dori: Dori and her slime companion in her birthday art smiling and winking at the camera.

What are Dori’s skills?

Active skills:

Skill Effect
Normal attack: Marvelous Sword-Dance Normal: Perform up to three consecutive attacks
Charged: Drain stamina over time to perform continuous spinning attacks against all nearby opponents, and finish with a powerful slash
Plunge from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE damage upon impact
Elemental skill: Spirit Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon Direct a spirit-warding lamp to fire off Troubleshooter Shots at opponents, dealing electro damage. When Fixer Shots hit opponents, they create two After-Sales Service Rounds that automatically track opponents and deal electro damage
Elemental burst: Alcazararay’s Exactitude Summon forth the spirit within the lamp to give the client various kinds of aid. The lamp spirit connects to a nearby character. The connected character continuously restores HP based on Dori’s max HP, and continuously regenerates energy. When the connector between the Lamp Spirit and the character touches opponents, it deals electro damage to them every 0.4 seconds. Only one Lamp Spirit can exist at one time

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Unexpected Order 25% chance to recover some of the materials used when crafting character and weapon materials
An Eye for Gold After a character connected to the Lamp Spirit triggers an electro-charged, superconduct, overloaded, quicken, aggravate, or spread reaction, the cooldown of Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon is decreased by one second. Can only be triggered once every three seconds
Compound Interest When the Troubleshooter Shots or After-Sales Service Rounds from Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon hit opponents, Dori restores five elemental energy for every 100% energy recharge possessed. A maximum of 15 energy can be restored this way per Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon

What are Dori’s constellations?

If you pull more than one copy of Dori, you can unlock these constellations.

Constellation Effect
C1: Additional Investment The number of After-Sales Service Rounds that Troubleshooter Shots creates increases by one
C2: Special Franchise When the Lamp Spirit heals the character it’s connected to, it fires a Jinni Toop from the character’s position, dealing 20% of Troubleshooter Shot’s damage
C3: Value for More Increases the level of Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon by three
C4: Discretionary Supplement When the character connected to the Lamp Spirit’s HP is lower than 50%, they gain 50% incoming healing bonus, and when their energy is less than 50%, they gain 30% energy recharge
C5: Wonders Never Cease Increases the level of Alcazarzaray’s Exactitude by three
C6: Sprinkling Weight After using Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon, Dori gains three seconds of electro infusion. Additionally, for the next three seconds, when her normal attacks hit opponents, all party members heal HP equivalent to 4% of Dori’s max HP. This type of healing can occur once every 0.1 seconds

What are Dori’s ascension materials?

Here are all the materials you need to fully ascend Dori:

Level Mora Materials
20+ 20k One vajrada amethyst sliver, three kalpalata lotus, three faded red satin
40+ 40k Three vajrada amethyst fragments, ten kalpalata lotus, 15 faded red satin, two thunderclap fruitcores
50+ 60k Six vajrada amethyst fragments, 20 kalpalata lotus, 12 trimmed red silk, four thunderclap fruitcores
60+ 80k Three vajrada amethyst chunks, 30 kalpalata lotus, 18 trimmed red silk, eight thunderclap fruitcores
70+ 100k Six vajrada amethyst chunks, 45 kalpalata lotus, 12 rich red brocade, 12 thunderclap fruitcores
80+ 120k Six vajrada amethyst gemstones, 60 kalpalata lotus, 24 rich red brocade, 20 thunderclap fruitcores

Here’s where to find all of Dori’s ascension materials:

  • Vajrada amethyst – drops from normal and weekly bosses
  • Kalpalata lotuses – found and sold in Sumeru
  • Faded red satin / trimmed red silk / rich red brocade – drops from Eremite enemies
  • Thunderclap fruitcores – drops from the Electro Regisvine normal boss in Sumeru

Genshin Impact's Dori in Sumeru looking at the camera

What are Dori’s talent materials?

Here are all the talent level-up materials you need to ascend one of Dori’s talents to level ten:

Talent level Mora Materials
Two 12.5k Three teachings of ingenuity, six faded red satin
Three 17.5k Two guides to ingenuity, three trimmed red silk
Four 25k Four guides to ingenuity, four trimmed red silk
Five 30k Six guides to ingenuity, six trimmed red silk
Six 37.5k Nine Guide to ingenuity, nine trimmed red silk
Seven 120k Four philosophies of ingenuity, four rich red brocade, one bloodjade branch
Eight 260k Six philosophies of ingenuity, six rich red brocade, one bloodjade branch
Nine 450k 12 philosophies of ingenuity, nine rich red brocade, two bloodjade branches
Ten 700k 16 philosophies of ingenuity, 12 rich red brocade, two bloodjade branches, one crown of insight

Here’s where to get each of Dori’s talent materials:

  • Faded red satin / trimmed red silk / rich red brocade – drops from Eremite enemies
  • Bloodjade branches – drops from the Azhdaha weekly boss in Liyue
  • Philosophy books – rewards from the Steeply of Ignorance domains on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays

Talent level priority

When leveling up Dori’s talents, we recommend prioritizing the following:

  • Burst > Skill > Normal attack

If your Dori is already at C6 and functions as a reaction driver, prioritize her normal attack over her skill.

That’s everything you need to know about Genshin Impact’s Dori. If you want to get acquainted with Hoyoverse’s new game, check out our Zenless Zone Zero tier list and Zenless Zone Zero codes. We’ve also got build guides for Zenless Zone Zero’s Nicole, Zenless Zone Zero’s Grace, and Zenless Zone Zero’s Zhu Yuan.