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Cetoddle evolution guide

Cetoddle’s evolution, Cetitan, is a formidable ice-type that’s sure to be a boon to any team it joins, you just need to get an ice stone.

Cetoddled evolution: Cetitan and Cetoddle stood together in front of a map of Paldea

How do I evolve Cetoddle? That’s something many trainers ask themselves after reaching Galsceado Mountain in Paldea, as no matter how many times you level up Cetoddle, it simply doesn’t evolve. Considering how powerful Cetitan can be, we’re here to tell you what you need to do to get Cetoddle’s evolution, including where you can find it if you don’t want to catch the first stage Pokémon.

Before we tell you how to evolve Cetoddle, we have to point out the obvious: Cetoddle and Cetitan are ice Pokémon, meaning they’re a serious threat to dragon Pokémon, ground Pokémon, flying Pokémon, and grass Pokémon. If you decide to brave the Glaseado Mountain, where they reside, you should scrub up on your ice Pokémon weakness knowledge. Maybe bring a fire Pokémon, such as Armarouge (our how to evolve Charcadet guide can help you get one).

Here’s everything you need to know about Cetoddle’s evolution:

Cetoddle evolution: Cetoddle jumping in front of a map of Paldea

Where can I catch Cetoddle?

Cetoddle is wandering the world in the following areas:

  • West Province (Area Three)
  • North Province (Dalizapa Passage and Glaseado Mountain)
  • Tera Raid Battles

The gen 9 Pokémon‘s HP stat is pretty impressive for a stage one ‘mon, so make sure you bring along a rock Pokémon to do some damage. Rockruff’s evolution, Lycanroc, is a fine choice; just remember not to knock out Cetoddle, or your efforts are for nothing.

Cetoddle evolution: Cetitan posing in front of a map of Paldea

How do I evolve Cetoddle?

To evolve Cetoddle, you need to give it an ice stone. It’s awfully similar to what you need to do with Gloom’s evolution and Murkrow’s evolution. You can find ice stones in Glaseado Mountain and Dalizapa Passage.

Where can I catch Cetitan?

To catch Cetitan, you need to head to Glaseado Mountain and wander about, as that’s the only place you can find them. While we recommend you catch a Cetoddle and then evolve it to fill out the Pokédex, we suggest you take some great balls and ultra balls with you if you’re determined to catch Cetitan.

While rock and fire types are a solid choice to battle Cetitan, steel Pokémon such as Bisharp’s evolution and Scyther’s evolution are also good choices.

How do I evolve Cetoddle in Pokémon Go?

Cetoddle needs 50 candies to evolve into Cetitan in Pokémon Go. This icey duo first appeared in Pokémon Go as part of the Winter Holiday 2023 event.

Now that you know all about Cetoddle’s evolution, it’s high time you learn about Misdrevus’ evolution, Salandit’s evolution, and Ralts’ evolution. We can also help you get to grips with the dark Pokémon weakness, steel Pokémon weakness, dragon Pokémon weakness, and bug Pokémon weakness.