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Steel Pokémon weakness, resistance, and strength

The steel Pokémon weakness is tough to crack, but knowing it can help you to defeat some of the most formidable Pokemon out there.

Steel Pokemon weakness - Dialga in front of the steel type icon in front of a map of Sinnoh

What is the steel Pokémon weakness? Many trainers assume that the steel-type weakness is electric, and while that’s a solid guess, it’s not. Steel ‘mon are among the very best defensively, but there are some holes in that armor, so let’s look at what they are, as well as what they’re resistant to.

If you do want a steel-type on your team, our steel Pokémon (including Scyther’s evolution) guide can help you decide which one. We also have fire Pokémon, grass Pokémon, dark Pokémon, and ghost Pokémon guides if you want to see what other ‘mon from the Pokédex make a great addition to any team.

Here’s what you need to know about the steel Pokémon weakness:

Steel Pokemon weakness - the Steel Pokemon icon in front of a map of Johto

What are steel Pokémon weaknesses?

Steel Pokémon are weak against fire-, fighting-, and ground-types. Three weaknesses is pretty good, making steel-types solid defensively. Actually, when you see how many resistances they have, you might think they’re the best at absorbing damage.

To discover how to beat these three types, give our fire Pokémon weakness, ground Pokémon weakness, and fighting Pokémon weakness guides a read.

Best steel Pokémon counters

It goes without saying that the best counters for steel Pokémon are creatures such as Blaziken, Talonflame, and Machamp. Here are some other great counters to steel-types:

Why are steel-types not weak to electric?

While many metals do conduct electricity, there are some that don’t: tungsten, bismuth, lead, and titanium, for instance. So, while it’s fair to assume steel is weak to electric, that’s not the case. It looks like the steel Pokémon must be made out of one of the aforementioned metals.

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What are steel Pokémon resistances?

Steel Pokémon are resistant to 11 types, including normal, rock, steel, ice, grass, flying, fairy, psychic, poison, grass, and dragon. This, my friends, is why it’s essential to have a steel-type on your team or at least on standby to add to your party for certain gym battles and such.

If you want to not only be resistant but strong against these ‘mon, you should check out our poison Pokémon weakness, rock Pokémon weakness, psychic Pokémon weakness, ice Pokémon weakness, flying Pokémon weakness, and dragon Pokémon weakness articles to learn how to beat some of them.

Why is steel immune to poison?

Steel Pokémon are immune to poison because they are not organic creatures. Toxins and poisons can only harm organic matter, making metal beings completely immune to them.

Steel Pokemon weakness aegislash shield form in front of a pokemon with a sword

What are steel Pokémon strengths?

  • Ice Pokemon
  • Rock Pokémon
  • Fairy Pokémon

Steel Pokémon are strong against ice, rock, and fairy Pokémon, meaning that creatures like Sylveon, Articuno, Golem, Onix, Dewgong, Clefable, Baxcalibur, and Rhydon are no match against your pokéballs of steel.

What is a steel Pokémon?

You can usually tell if a creature is at least part steel through its appearance, as it may be robotic, have a metal coat, or be a silver/ grey color. If you take Scyther and Scizor, for example, you can clearly see that Scizor is a steel-type, whereas Scyther isn’t, and the gen 2 Pokémon’s metallic appearance gives this away.

Well, there you have it. You now know what the steel Pokémon weakness is. Should you be in need of an antidote, check out our normal Pokémon weakness. We also have dark Pokémon weakness and ghost Pokémon weakness articles to help you against those that lurk in the shadows. We even boast electric Pokémon weakness and water Pokémon weakness guides if you want to cause a spark.