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Murkrow evolution guide

Murkrow’s evolution, Honchkrow, is a great dark Pokémon, but you need to know where to find the dusk stone if you want it on your team.

Murkrow evolution - Murkrow and Honchkrow in front of a map of Johto

How do I evolve Murkrow? Evolving Murkrow can seem puzzling at first, as no matter how many times you level up, it doesn’t become Honchkrow, and that’s because it actually requires a certain item. So, let’s look at how you can get Murkrow’s evolution, where you can catch the birds, and what balls you need to get the job done.

As a dark Pokémon, Honchkrow can help you deal with powerful psychic Pokémon such as Alakazam and strong ghost Pokémon like Gengar. Mind you, if you can exploit the dark Pokémon weakness and flying Pokémon weakness, you can ground these bird Pokémon before they cause too much of an issue.

Here’s what you need to know about Murkrow’s evolution.

Murkrow evolution - Murkrow in front of a map of Johto

Where can I catch Murkrow?

While Murkrow is a common Pokémon, it doesn’t appear during the day, so you need to grab your pokéballs – maybe a great ball in late-game areas – and check the following locations at night:

  • Brilliant Diamond – Murkrow is in Eterna Forest at night, Lost Tower at night, and the Grand Underground (Spacious Cave, Grassland Cave, Riverbank Cave, Still-Water Cavern, and Sunlit Cavern)
  • Shining Pearl – Murkrow is exclusive to Brilliant Diamond, so you need to trade with another player to get it in Shining Pearl
  • Legends: Arceus – Murkrow is in the Crimson Mirelands at night (Cloudpool Ridge) and Cobalt Coastlands at night (Crossing Slope, Ginkgo Landing, Aipom Hill, Bathers’ Lagoon, Hideaway Bay, Castaway Shore, Windbreak Stand, Spring Path, Islespy Shor, and Veilstone Cape)
  • Scarlet and Violet – Murkrow is in the South Province (Area One, Area Two, Area Three, Area Four, and Area Five), East Province (Area One, Area Two, Area Three, and Tagtree Thicket), West Province (Area Two and Area Three), and Tera Raid Battles
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How do I evolve Murkrow?

Murkrow needs a dusk stone to evolve into Murkrow, following the same steps as Gloom’s evolution and Misdreavus’ evolution, the latter of which requires the exact same item. There are several ways to acquire a dusk stone, including purchasing them, though you can also find them in the following locations:

  • Sword and Shield – you can find one in Stow-on-Side, or try and look for one at the Lake of Outrage in the wild area. Failing that, the digging duo in Bridge Field may be able to fetch you a dusk stone
  • Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl – there’s one in the Galactic Warehouse and along Victory Road. Alternatively, if you have a Pokémon with the pickup ability, they may find one for you
  • Legends: Arceus – Vanessa gives you one in exchange for finding 30 wisps. Or, you can purchase a dusk stone from the trading post in Jubilife Village for 1,200 MP, search in the space-time distortions, and look at the black ore deposits in Alabaster Icelands
  • Scarlet and Violet – Paldea offers numerous ways to get a dusk stone, including the Porto Marinada auction, Area Zero, West Province (Area One), and Montenevera. Plus, you can get one if you catch 130 Pokémon

Where can I catch Honchkrow?

If you’d rather catch the gen 4 Pokémon (Honchkrow debuted two generations after Murkrow), grab some ultra balls, wait for nightfall, and head to the following locations:

  • Legends: Arceus – you can find Honchkrow at night in the Crimson Mirelands (Cloudpool Ridge) and Cobalt Coastlands (Bathers’ Lagoon)
  • Scarlet and Violet – Honchkrow is in the South Province (Area Six), North Province (Area One, Area Two, Area Three, Casseroya Lake, Socarrat Trail, Dalipaza Passage, and Glaseado Mountain), and Terra Raid Battles

Murkrow evolution - Honchkrow in front of a map of Johto

How do I evolve Murkrow in Pokémon Go?

In Pokémon Go, Murkrow needs 100 candies and a Sinnoh stone to evolve into Honchkrow. Getting the candies is fairly easy, as Murkrow appears in the world quite frequently, but that’s only half the battle. It’s not quite as easy to get the Sinnoh stone, as that requires you to take part in trainer battles and complete research.

Now that you know all about Murkrow’s evolution, you might want to know more about Ralts’ evolution, Scyther’s evolution, Bisharp’s evolution, Rockruff’s evolution, and Slowpoke’s evolution. We can also tell you how to evolve Charcadet, how to evolve Inkay, and how to evolve Primeape for even more entries in your Pokédex.