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The best bunny Pokémon

Thee best bunny Pokémon are some of the cutest creatures you can find, but some also pack a serious punch that makes a difference in battle.

Three bunny Pokemon, Lopunny, Diggersby, and Cinderace in front of some woods

Bunny Pokémon make for some of the cutest creatures in Game Freak’s legendary series, though there’s one that, for some reason, is sexualized – just appreciate this ‘mon for their battle prowess, we beg of you. There’s also a soccer player who’s ready to shoot some scorchers. Regardless of your playstyle, there’s a rabbit Pokémon ready to make your life even easier.

For more animal-orientated lists, check out our picks for the best dog Pokémon, cat Pokémon, bird Pokémon, horse Pokémon, bear Pokémon, and fish Pokémon. Or, if you’d rather go by game and generation, see what we went for when it comes to the best gen 1 Pokémon, gen 3 Pokémon, and gen 8 Pokémon.

Here’s the best bunny Pokémon:

Bunny pokemon Buneary and Lopunny stood in front of a Buneary

Buneary / Lopunny 

With the exception of Azumarill, it took Game Freak a full four generations to finally release a bunny Pokémon evolution line. Starting with the timid Buneary, a gen 4 Pokémon native to Sinnoh’s Eterna Forest, before evolving into Lopunny, this normal-type evolutionary line didn’t have much to write home about until mega evolutions came along a couple of generations later.

With Lopunny one of the possible mega-evolutions available in ORAS, competitive players took note of Mega Lopunny’s insane attack and speed stats, making it something of a monster to face with no weaknesses except for fighting. Sure, Lopunny hasn’t been the most popular since generation eight did away with mega evolutions, but there’s still a place in Pokémon history for this carrot muncher.

For some additional information on Buneary, the stage one creature shows up as number 427 in the Pokédex. Its entries claim that it can make a grown man cry in pain when it slams into its foe by sharply uncoiling its ears. Speaking of which, those ears perk up when the little bunny senses danger. Should both ears be rolled up, you need to stop and pay attention to your Buneary, as it clearly needs some care, be it mentally or physically.

As Buneary and Lopunny are normal Pokémon, it’s a good idea to scrub up on your Buneary evolution and normal Pokémon weakness knowledge should you bump into them in battle.

Bunny Pokemon Nunelsby and Diggersby in front of a Buneary

Bunnelby / Diggersby 

It didn’t take another four generations for the next bunny Pokémon to arrive after Buneary and Lopunny, with the Bunnbelby and Diggesby evolution line finding themself in the gen 6 Pokémon games, X and Y. However, this time around the final evolution of this bunny Pokémon line got a hybrid typing, with Diggersby assigned normal/ground typing.

While the typing might not seem hype-worthy, it’s worth noting that it does mean this evolution line is immune to both ghost and electric

This typing might not sound mindblowing, but with an immunity to both electric and ghost Pokémon, Diggersby served as a utility Pokémon of the highest order during the Pokémon X and Y competitive meta, perfect for switching in against a powerful ghost or electric Pokémon. There’s also something a bit iconic about Diggersby’s design, with the rampaging rabbit always looking a little too pleased with itself.

Given the second stage generation six creature is also a ground Pokémon, it’s a good idea to dig deep into our ground Pokémon weakness guide.

Bunny Pokemon Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace in front of Buneary

Scorbunny / Raboot / Cinderace 

Two generations later, after Bunnelby and Diggersby, we finally got a bunny starter Pokémon evolution line. Galar’s fire-type starter Scorbunny is a return to form for first evolution starter designs, though it should be said that fire types have always had the least problem in the design department (sorry, Inteleon fans, but what exactly is that?). Things only get better with Raboot before finally evolving into Cinderace, Galar’s star striker capable of scoring a hutch-trick in competitive battle.

Sure, it’s slightly disappointing that Game Freak felt the need to add in that classic touch of anthropomorphism to their fully evolved form so that Cinderace from certain angles looks like Frankenstein’s monster if the only parts Frankenstein had were from a burrow that he’d went to town on. Fortunately, this bunny Pokémon makes up for its misgivings with killer competitive stats, and by looking better than Inteleon. I know. I said it twice. It’s worth saying twice.

As fire Pokémon, it’s wise to know what the fire Pokémon weakness is in case you face this evolution line in battle.

Bunny Pokemon - Azumarill in front of Buneary stood on dirt


Finally, we’re here at the OG rabbit Pokémon. We’re going to completely gloss over the fact that Marill, the mouse Pokémon, evolves into Azumarill, the rabbit Pokémon, and just concentrate on what an all-round icon the blue wonder is. Despite being in the game much longer than any of its fellow rabbit Pokémon, perhaps with the exception of Cinderace, there are few that have made an impact on the competitive game than Azumarill. Twice, in fact.

With access to belly drum since generation two, Azumarill has always been something of a surprise sweeper, only needing to survive its first turn before unleashing a barrage of overpowered attacks at its opponents. Things got even more deadly with Azumarill with the arrival of the ability huge power in generation three, further boosting this deadly rabbit Pokémon’s attack stats into the realms of the ridiculous.

Don’t forget, this gen 2 Pokémon is both a water Pokémon and a fairy Pokémon – a double threat. To combat this, get some tips from our fairy Pokémon weakness and water Pokémon weakness articles.

Now that you know all about the best bunny Pokémon, why not check out our Bisharp evolution, Rockruff evolution, Shellder evolution, Clefairy evolution, and Murkrow evolution guides to see how you can get some other powerful creatures for your team? Oh, and pay our sister site, Wargamer, a visit if you’re big into the Pokémon TCG; they can tell you all about the rarest cards.