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The 15 best gen 3 Pokémon

The best gen 3 Pokémon make adventuring in Hoenn easier, and with 135 to choose from, we can’t guarantee that you’ll Spheal good about it.

Gen 3 Pokemon posing in front of a map of Hoenn

What are the best gen 3 Pokémon? If there is one thing Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire aren’t short on, it’s excellent ‘mon, making it difficult to pick out the gods among men, as it were. With 135 to consider, let’s get down to business and show you the most iconic Pokémon that call Hoenn home.

For more things gotta catch ’em all, see what we make of Red & Blue’s roster with our list of the best gen 1 Pokémon, gen 2 Pokémon, gen 4 Pokémon, gen 5 Pokémon, gen 6 Pokémon, gen 7 Pokémon, gen 8 Pokémon, gen 9 Pokémon. Or, if your eyes are on the future, see our guides to the next adventure with Pokémon Scarlet & Violet starters, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet legendaries, and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet new Pokémon.

Here’s the best gen 3 Pokémon:

Gen 3 Pokemon Flygon in front of a map of Hoenn


The aforementioned sand-dragon, Flygon, is not only one of the most consistently overlooked Pokémon in the third generation, but also across the ever-growing list of dragon Pokémon. Despite not having Salamence’s scorching attack power, Flygon’s unique-at-the-time typing made it a force to be reckoned with, before the fairies came along and ruined everything. Still, we love Flygon for its bugged-out design. Even if the poor thing can’t hold its own in battle these days, we’ll always have Route 111.

According to Flygon’s various Pokédex entries, it has a couple of nicknames, such as “The Elemental Spirit of the Desert” and “The Desert Spirit,” due to the sandstorms it can create, which it also happens to hide in.  As such, it’s actually quite difficult to spot one in the wild. Sure, if you see a sandstorm heading your way, you can make an educated guess that Flygon is inside it, but that doesn’t mean you can see the ‘mon.

Gen 3 Pokemon Dusclops in front of a map of Hoenn


If you’ve never played a minute of competitive Pokémon you might not know this, but the ghost Pokémon Dusclops is something of a tank, and when I say something of a tank, I mean potentially one of the most frustrating tanks of the third-gen. With matching 130 def and special def stats, and a movepool that includes pain split, I lost count of the number of opponents I cheesed out of a victory with an unshakeable Dusclops, and I still prefer adding the stocky ghoul to my party to its fourth-generation evolution, Dusknoir.

Want to know something quite unsettling? Dusclops is said to be completely hollow on the inside, with its body acting like a black hole, sucking unsuspecting victims into the void. Well, it’s also kind of your fault if this happens to you, as you need to look into its body for the void to take you. As if that isn’t terrifying enough, Dusclops is able to hypnotize its foe, forcing them to do its bidding. One more thing before we go: it might even take your soul if you look at the strange movements of Dusclops’ hands. On that cheery note, we’re gonna move on.

To give this spooky ‘mon the boot, take a look at our ghost Pokémon weakness guide.

Gen 3 pokemon Spheal in front of a map of Hoenn


Look. At. That. Boy. He’s sweet. He’s round. You can bounce him up and down. He’s everything you could ever want. Spheal won’t win you any gym battles by the time you can add it to your team, but it’s by far the cutest Pokémon across the third-generation roster, and it’s criminal that the Pokémon beauty pageants aren’t all immediately forfeit to any Spheal that enters.

One of the things we love the most about Spheal is that it prefers to move around by rolling, which is actually its fastest form of movement. Looking at this sweet ball of blubber roll about always makes me smile. Oh, and it’s also covered in fur, as if it couldn’t get any more adorable. If you’re ever unsure about whether or not Spheal is happy, just keep an eye out for clapping, if Spheal claps its fins, it’s a very happy lil ‘mon.

Gen 3 Pokemon Metagross in front of a map of Hoenn


The pseudo-legendary of the third-gen Pokémon, Metagross is a massively popular monster that still holds up as one of the best steel Pokémon to ever grace the game. Sure, if it comes into contact with any fire Pokémon special attacks, it’s about as useful as a paper plane crossing the Atlantic, but with basically any other matchup, Metagross is almost certain to Meteor Mash its opponent into smithereens.

Not only is Metagross a hard-hitter, but this creature is also highly intelligent courtesy of the number of Metang that combine to create it. Metagross has four brains due to this, effectively making it a supercomputer. Intelligence such as this means that Metagross is highly efficient at analyzing its enemies.

Make sure you’re ready to take down Metagross with our guide to what the steel Pokémon weakness is.

Gen 3 Pokemon Slaking in front of a map of Hoenn


Let’s be honest, we can all relate to Slaking. I wish sometimes, when people ask me to do things, I could simply slack off. Interestingly, some new light has shone on the canon behind Slakoth’s peculiar evolutionary path, explaining that it reverts to its sleepy ways once it’s experienced the vitality of Vigorith because, according to the developers, at least, the ‘mon realizes the effort isn’t worth it. Amen, Slaking, amen.

Another way in which many of the PT team can relate to Slaking is through its love of lazy eating. What I mean by that is that the lad will eat all of the grass around it without moving, reluctantly changing spots when it finally runs out of food. If that doesn’t describe me on the couch on a Friday night, I don’t know what does.

If you want to know how to beat slaking, consider giving our normal Pokémon weakness guide a read.

Gen 3 Pokemon Milotic in front of a map of Hoenn


Metagross might be the official pseudo-legendary of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, but Milotic is the one that we kids would talk about in hushed tones on the playground. This infamous ‘mon, with its unreasonable catching method, and even more ridiculous evolution method, was something of a myth to those who didn’t own it, and the shiniest badge of honor for those who did. While it’s not quite the Pokémon master ID card it used to be to have Milotic in your party, it’s still one of the most beautiful, nuanced designs we got to experience in Hoenn, and it still looks as good today.

We strongly suggest you read our water Pokémon weakness guide. Trust us, you need all the help you can get to defeat Milotic.

Gen 3 Pokemon Armaldo and Cradily in front of a map of Hoenn

Cradily and Armaldo

I have to mention Cradily and Armaldo in the same breath as, for someone who loved the fossil Pokémon gimmick of the first generation of Pokémon, I felt it was sorely missed in Gold and Silver. Then, the third generation Pokémon come along, providing this pair of fantastic fossils with their peculiar typings and extravagant designs. I even went through the extra effort of getting a friend to breed their fully evolved Armaldo so I could take both of the ancient ‘mons on my quest. This pair might not stand up quite so much since more powerful monsters thought lost to history have arrived in later generations, but they still have a special place in the history of Hoenn.

To defeat rock Pokémon and grass Pokémon hybrid Cradily, check out our rock Pokémon weakness and grass Pokémon weakness guides. Or, to beat the rock and bug Pokémon Armaldo, consult our bug Pokémon weakness article.

Gen 3 Pokemon Gardevoir in front of a map of Hoenn


Give a man a Gardevoir, and he’ll probably beat the elite four the first time of asking, give a Gardevoir to Wally, and there’s no such luck. Despite being the mascot Pokémon for one of the wimpiest characters to ever grace the Pokémon series – and there are some real wimps in there, I’m telling you – Gardevoir is one of the most elegant designs across all generations, not just the third-gen Pokémon roster, and is still one of the most proficient pure psychic-type attackers.

Want to know what your future battle with Gardevoir holds? Take a look at our psychic Pokémon weakness guide. Alternatively, if you want to know how to get a Gardevior, head to our Ralts evolution article, where we also explain how to get the fighting Pokémon Gallade.

Gen 3 Pokemon Salamence in front of a map of Hoenn


For me, Salamence never set my world on fire, but on asking the PT team who should make the cut for this list, it was pretty clear that it’d be sacrilegious to leave out gen three’s answer to Dragonite. Salamence is raw power, with incredible stats and a diverse movepool, there were few more competent threats for the fledgling competitive Pokémon meta at the time. The eventual arrival of Mega Salamence made some pretty big waves too, and even I, hardly a Salamence stan, can agree that the mega design is something to behold.

Do yourself a favor, read our dragon Pokémon weakness guide to try and save yourself a headache against Salamance.

Gen 3 Pokemon Wailord in front of a map of Hoenn


To this day, Wailord is still the biggest non-legendary Pokémon, shaping up at an incredible 47 feet. The big whale has little use in battle besides soaking up attacks with its monolithic HP stats, but its iconic size made it a talking point on release back in 2003, and it’s still one to this day.

Gen 3 Pokemon Banette in front of a map of Hoenn


Now, this is one evil-looking ghost, and that’s probably because Banette is a nasty piece of work. In fact, the reason this creature exists is that it harbors so much hatred and resentment that it essentially manifested itself into being a Pokémon by taking over a puppet. Basically, a kid threw their doll away, and the doll wants revenge, and you’d best believe this ‘mon is holding one heck of a grudge.

That little bit of lore is part of why we consider Banette to be one of the best gen 3 Pokémon; it’s so sinister that it even gives Drifloon a run for its money, and that glorified balloon steals kids. Stats-wise, it’s Banette’s 115 attack stat that stands out, though its special attack stat isn’t too shabby either.

Gen 3 Pokemon Linoone in front of a map of Hoenn


While Linoone isn’t quite as strong as some of the other entries on this list, it’s a great-looking ‘mon that deserves some love, and boy, is it going to get it from me. Though I had to wait another five generations, its evolution Obstagoon is perhaps my favorite ever Pokémon, but I can’t forget its roots.

While most of its stats are nothing to write home about, it has a 100 speed stat, meaning it’s pretty quick. In fact, Linoone is known to charge at its enemies at roughly 60 miles an hour, though the fact that it can turn while charging does mean that it usually misses.

Gen 3 Pokemon Grumpig in front of a map of Hoenn


Grumpig evolves from Spoink, another delightful gen 3 Pokémon that we have a soft spot for. This psychic-type evolution line is rather charming, and Grumpig just so happens to be a bit of a tank with a 110 special defense stat, though its base defense only sits at 65.

However, the real reason Grumpig is on this list is that it just seems like such a cheerful fella, always look on the bright side of life and all that. It also looks like Grumpig is wearing a waistcoat due to its color patterns and design, which is absolutely adorable. Finally, let’s not forget that fabulous tail.

Gen 3 Pokemon Ludicolo in front of a map of Hoenn


It’s a cross between a pineapple and a duck; what more do you need? Ludicolo’s design is delightful, and it looks so happy with those little eyes and massive beak. Admittedly, beyond its nice 100 special defense stat, Ludicolo doesn’t exactly set the world on fire as a final stage gen 3 Pokémon, but that’s okay. Its remaining stats are good enough that it can still hold its own.

To be honest, the main reason Ludicolo is on this list is that it’s a joyous creature who can’t resist the pull of festival rhythms, breaking into a dance when the music reaches its ears. Better still, it’s even more powerful during this time, so maybe invite your rival to a festival before you take them on.

Gen 3 Pokemon Altaria in front of a map of Hoenn


Altaria is quite a beautiful Pokémon with its lovely blue color, cloud wings, and nice feathers. Plus, those little blue feet sticking out the bottom of its body are adorable. As a dragon-type, Altaria can be difficult to handle in a battle, making it a fine choice for any team. It’s also an incredibly kind and gentle creature, known for wrapping its wings around a person it bonds with, giving them a big hug.

Stats-wise, it’s special defense that Altaria excels in, with a base stat of 105. However, its attack is a modest 70. Still, those dragon-based and flying-type moves can cause some potential problems.

Gen 3 Pokemon Zangoose in front of a map of Hoenn


Zangoose’s design is fantastic, making it a standout among the gen 3 Pokémon. The deep red coloring of the markings resembles scars, though you can also argue that they look a bit like lightning, but we prefer not to think about that as it makes us question why Zangoose is a normal type.

This mongoose-cat-hybrid is also quite formidable in a battle, boasting a very respectable 115 base attack stat, which can reach 361 at level 100. As a normal-type, Zangoose has just one weakness, so you can be sure that it’ll stay in the fight for a decent amount of time, so long as it doesn’t meet a ‘mon like Lucario or Machamp.

How many new Pokémon are in Gen 3?

There are 135 new Pokémon in generation three, which gives a total of 386 pocket monsters across the first three generations.

How many legendaries are in gen 3?

There are eight legendary Pokémon in gen 3:

  • Regice
  • Regirock
  • Registeel
  • Latios
  • Latias
  • Kyogre
  • Groudon
  • Rayquaza

How many mythical Pokémon are in gen 3?

There are only two mythical Pokémon in the gen three line-up, but they’re two of the best in the franchise. The first is Jirachi, and the second is Deoxys.

There you have it, our picks for the best gen 3 Pokémon you can find in the corners and crevices of Hoenn. If you need some help with the Pokémon Go Eevee evolution codes, check out our guide. Or, to discover how to beat the various types of Pokémon, check out our dark Pokémon weakness, poison Pokémon weakness, normal Pokémon weakness, fire Pokémon weakness, and electric Pokémon weakness guides.