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The 14 best gen 7 Pokémon

The best gen 7 Pokémon team are ferocious in battle, and we're here to tell you who they are so you can build the strongest team possible.

Gen 7 Pokemon: Zeraora, Bewear, and Mimikyu in front of a map of Alola

Who are the best gen 7 Pokémon? It’s never easy picking the best ‘mon from each region. However, we like a challenge, especially when it involves revisiting one of the most beautiful places in the Pokémon universe: Alola. There are 88 generation VII Pokémon in the Alolan Pokédex, so let’s dive in and narrow down who the best ones are.

Before we set off to the holiday destination of Alola, why not look back with us at our many other Pokémon articles, including our guides covering the best gen 1 Pokémongen 2 Pokémon, gen 3 Pokémongen 4 Pokémon, gen 5 Pokémon, gen 6 Pokémon, gen 8 Pokémon, and gen 9 Pokémon.

Here are the best gen 7 Pokémon:

Gen 7 Pokemon: ket art shows the Pokemon Mimikyu


A tiny ghost that conceals itself under a rag, Mimikyu has decorated itself to look like the ever-popular Pikachu in an attempt to get people to love it. Isn’t that just the saddest thing you’ve ever heard? Poor little Mimikyu is an interesting Pokémon, though, sporting a dual ghost/fairy type that makes it tricky to hit, as it’s immune to normal, fighting, and dragon Pokémon moves.

To make Mimikyu even tougher to land a blow on, it has a unique ability called disguise, which acts like a free substitute, allowing Mimikyu to take one hit with its disguise before opponents can actually hit the real Mimikyu. This is just as well, as apart from a respectable special defense of 105, most of Mimikyu’s stats are pretty disappointing, making it somewhat of a glass cannon or a chance to stall and set up defensive boosts for the whole party. Still, it looks adorable, and nobody can take that away.

If you want to look this creature up in the Pokédex, Mimikyu comes in at number 778, and its entries describe it as a lonely Pokémon whose appearance (under the rag) is so terrifying that it killed a scholar. This lil guy just wants to be loved, and instead, people are so scared of its real appearance that they die, a true tragedy.

Want to know how to beat Mimikyu? Read our ghost Pokémon weakness guide to find out how.

Gen 7 Pokemon: ket art shows the Pokemon Bewear


Speaking of adorable, Pokémon Sun and Moon delivered another fan-favorite with the gigantic teddy known as Bewear. The preposterous pink pal towers over trainers and is fiercely protective of its baby, the pre-evolution known as Stufful (also adorable). With a chunky base 125 attack stat and a mixed normal and fighting Pokémon, this physical attacker is actually a pretty good threat and is also immune to ghost Pokémon moves, so you can deal with the likes of Gengar with minimal issues.

Bewear can be quite a nuisance with a great type spread over its physical attacks, as it can learn brutal swing, hammer arm, earthquake, and even zen headbutt. It’s not going to win any races thanks to a measly 60 speed, but if used properly, this powerful creature is as deadly as it is adorable. It also has an amazing orange shiny alongside Stufful that is just delightful.

Knowing the normal Pokémon weakness is vital if you want to stand any chance against this bear Pokémon, especially as some claim it to be the most dangerous Pokémon in the Alola region.

Gen 7 Pokemon: ket art shows the Pokemon Toxapex


A thorn in the side of many a trainer, Toxapex has been making waves in the meta ever since it was introduced. A dual poison and water Pokémon, Toxapex features a frankly disgusting base defense of 152 and a special defense of 142. Essentially, this is a stalling Pokémon, and it has plenty of poison-tinged tricks up its sleeve to aggravate trainers while they chip away at its health. If you want to stand any chance of causing damage, you need to learn what the water Pokémon weakness is.

Toxapex can learn plenty of moves to poison Pokémon, like poison jab or venoshock, and one of its abilities – merciless – makes every attack on a poisoned opponent a critical hit. This is one nasty piece of work, and while it doesn’t have any immunities, it is resistant to eight different types, only weak to ground, electric, and psychic. If you are building a defensive team, you have to think about including Toxapex.

Gen 7 Pokemon: ket art shows the Pokemon Salazzle


Another poison-type, Salazzle (Salandit’s evolution) is known as the toxic lizard, and it shares something in common with the bee Pokémon Vespiqueen. Salazzle can only evolve from a female Salandit, much like how only a female Combee can evolve into the queen bee. Salazzle is joint fire and poison-type, so get ready to get burned and poisoned, a really fun combination.

To make it even trickier, Salazzle has the ability corrosion, which allows it to poison Pokémon regardless of their type. This means it can even poison other poison types like Toxapex, an interesting twist to the meta. Sadly, while it has a nippy speed stat of 117 and a decent special attack of 111, its defense lets it down with both stats being a measly 60. So get in, do your damage, and get out quickly.

To overcome Salazzle in battle, it’s a good idea to know what the fire Pokémon weakness and poison Pokémon weakness are.

Gen 7 Pokemon: ket art shows the Pokemon Lycanroc


It’s always nice when the Pokémon designs incorporate something unique about the games they’re in, and Pokémon Sun and Moon took the day and night influence very seriously, with the games taking place at different times of the day and focusing – naturally – on the sun and the moon respectively. Well, if you discover the adorable little Rockruff early on in your travels, the version of the game you own will decide what its evolution looks like.

Based on myths of the werewolf, the awesome Lycanroc is a rock Pokémon of the puppy variety, and it has two distinct forms. The more cuddly midday form is exclusive to Pokémon Sun and Ultra Sun, but if you’re playing Pokémon Moon or Ultra Moon, instead, you’re treated to the terrifying midnight form of Lycanroc, with dark fur and glowing red eyes. We love either version of the ‘mon, but come on, sometimes Pokémon just look better when they’re a little bit scary.

If you want to crack how to beat the likes of Lycanroc, make sure you read our rock Pokémon weakness guide. Or, if you’re yet to get one, look at our Rockruff evolution article to discover how you can get each Lycanroc variant in Scarlet and Violet.

Gen 7 Pokemon: ket art shows the Pokemon Zeraora


We tend not to include mythical or legendary Pokémon in these lists, but we’re making an exception here. Known as the thunderclap Pokémon, Zeraora is a feline-like electric Pokémon with jagged fur and a bright yellow mane, with streaks of blue coming from different parts of its paws and face. It’s got a great balance of adorable and edgy, and its attitude in the anime has endeared many fans to this mythical monster.

Being a pure electric type means it is only weak to ground Pokémon, so keep any earthquake users away. It does, however, have a ridiculous base 143 speed and a respectable 112 physical attack, with a total stat spread of 600 like many other mythical Pokémon. It even has the ability volt absorb, so if it gets hit with any electric moves it will turn the attack into HP. This is one Pokémon that Toxapex certainly doesn’t want to face.

Overcoming electric-types can be daunting, and should you face any issues, you can rely on our electric Pokémon weakness article to guide you.

Gen 7 Pokemon: ket art shows the Pokemon Alolan Exeggutor

Alolan Exeggutor

Another rule for these lists has been to not mention regional variants, but I guess I’m feeling rebellious today. Pokémon Sun and Moon introduced the concept of regional variants, using the extreme climate of the Hawaii-inspired Alola to explain some big changes to a few existing Pokémon. For me, Pokémon Sun and Moon is currently still the best example of the regional variant method, giving us some absolutely incredible redesigns of beloved creatures of old.

While Alolan Raichu is right up there (it surfs on its tail for goodness sake), the crown jewel of the Alola islands is the big boy known as Alolan Exeggutor. This multi-headed palm tree was very few people’s favorite Pokémon, but the gorgeous sunshine and temperate weather of Alola allowed this triumphant tree to grow to levels that go beyond ridiculous and into comedy genius.

Alolan Exeggutor is hilariously long, and the game knows it, poking fun of the overgrown beast whenever it can, but it somehow makes this Pokémon one of the most endearing introduced in this generation. In my head, I have the image of Don Draper in front of a whiteboard with the words “LONG EXEGGUTOR” scrawled on it haphazardly. I will buy all the Alolan Exeggutor merch, I’ll put it on my team, I’ll talk about it to friends, and I’ll defend it to my last breath. It’s massive, it is goofy, and I love it.

Given Alolan Exeggutor is a dual dragon- and grass-type, you might want to look at our grass Pokémon weakness and dragon Pokémon weakness guides to discover how to counter it. Well, beyond burning it with fire.

Gen 7 Pokemon Kommo-o in front of a map of Alola


Here, we have a pseudo-legendary Pokémon that’s worthy of the title. Kommo-o is the final evolution of Jangmo-o, evolving from Hakmo-o – why are these names so much fun to say? As you might expect from a pseudo-legendary, this dragon and fighting-type hybrid hits like a freight train, with its attack stat being its best. Though its HP is its lowest, some pretty solid defense offsets that.

If we put aside its battle prowess, you can also tell that Kommo-o is a pseudo-legendary from its appearance; just look at all that armor and the keen look in its eye. This is a Pokémon that’s born and bred to fight, so much so that it doesn’t even wish to fight against weak foes, clanging its armor to dissuade them from a battle.

Gen 7 Pokemon Mudsdale in front of a map of Alola


Mudsdale isn’t just one of the best gen 7 Pokémon. It’s one of the best horse Pokémon, too, not that there are too many of them in the franchise. Mudsdale is solely a ground-type, and it packs a serious punch with its 125 attack stat, with its HP and defense stats both sitting pretty at 100. Admittedly, you sacrifice speed with Mudsdale, but it’s a fair trade-off for this hard hitter.

If you want to know just how strong this Pokémon is, it’s able to reduce large trucks to scrap without breaking a sweat, and it can even carry ten tons across the Galar region without the need to rest, giving it a very impressive stamina. Plus, putting its tenacity and battle prowess aside, Mudsdale has one of the better designs among the horse-based creatures.

Gen 7 Pokemon Turtonator in front of a map of Alola


Look at this lad. It looks like it’s ready to do battle, and that’s because it is, though Turtonator’s best quality is its defense with 135 stat. Its special attack sits at 91 while its normal attack is 78, so it can dish out some damage, though its ability to be a bit of a tank is its main draw. Well, that and its badass design.

If someone is foolish enough to attack it from behind, Turtonator’s shell detonates, causing a huge explosion that blows its attacker away. Look, it’s basically a walking volcano, so treat it with respect.

Gen 7 Pokemon Lurantis in front of a map of Alola


Fomantis is quite the adorable creature, but it’s evolution, Lurantis, is where it’s at. This second stage Pokémon is a force of nature, capable of getting you through the entire game; stats-wise, Lurantis has a respectable attack, bolstered by its ability to use solar blade for high damage. You can also restore HP with synthesis, which is always a plus.

One charming tidbit about Lurantis is that its design is based on the orchid mantis, a bug that pretends to be a plant. The gen 7 Pokémon, however, is a plant pretending to be a bug, the exact opposite of the creature that inspires it. We do like fun little details like that.

Gen 7 Pokemon Wishiwashi in both its solo and school forms in front of a map of Alola


Wishiwashi is one of the best Pokémon names ever; it’s so much fun to say. To go alongside its awesome name, it has a good design, too, the first being its solo form. The fish Pokémon actually looks quite sad, with its mouth facing downwards and sadness in its eyes. Maybe it’s not actually sad, and we’re looking too far into it, but we like the design regardless.

Then there’s the school form when Wishiwashi bands together with other Wishiwashi (told you the name is fun to say), it forms a school that looks terrifying, showing that maybe this fish has a vicious bite after all. In its solo form, Wishiwashi is a pitiful ‘mon, with its HP stat being the highest at just 45, while its attack and defenses are a measly 20. However, in its school form, its base stats grow exponentially.

Wishiwashi’s attack is suddenly 140, as is its special attack, while its defense and special defense sit at 135 and 130, respectively. At level 50, school form Wishiwashi has the potential to reach 211 with its attack stat – terrifying. The caveat is that for Wishiwashi to enter its school form, it needs to have more than 25% of its HP after it enters a battle or ends its turn. If it drops below 25%, the Pokémon reverts to its solo form, making it a sitting target.

Gen 7 Pokemon Drampa in front of a map of Alola


Drampa is perhaps the winner of best design among the gen 7 Pokémon lineup, clearly resembling a Chinese dragon. Its color scheme is great, with those big yellow eyes and purple pupils, matched with blueish-green skin and a charming mustache. Drampa doesn’t evolve from or into another ‘mon, but that’s okay because it can more than hold its own in a battle thanks to its base special attack stat of 135, which can reach up to 205 and 405 at level 50 and level 100, respectively.

Perhaps our favorite thing about Drampa is its personality; it’s one of the most compassionate Pokémon out there and is really friendly to humans, both adults and children alike. It even travels down from its home in the mountains to play with the children in nearby towns. However, beware, if you upset or anger Drampa, it has the power to destroy its surroundings in a flash.

Gen 7 Pokemon Comfey in front of a map of Alola


Comfey isn’t exactly setting the world on fire in terms of battle prowess in Alola, but look at this flower Pokémon. It’s as cute as can be. It might even be the most adorable on the gen 7 Pokémon roster, though that’s a debate for another time.

It’s the design of Comfey that helps it stand out from the crowd; it’s basically a belt of flowers, or rather, a crown. It has a beautiful design, with flowers in different colors. So, even if you don’t intend to use Comfey in battle, it can liven up the place.

Stats-wise, this little flower flourishes with special defense and speed, but with just 51 base HP and 52 attack, it’s unlikely to cause many problems for its opponent unless they’re explicitly weak to fairy-types.

How many legendary gen 7 Pokémon are there?

While we left them out of our picks for the best gen 7 Pokémon to give the others a chance, there are 11 legendary Pokémon that call Alola home, including the likes of Null, Tapu Bulu, Lunala, and Necrozma.

How many mythical gen 7 Pokémon are there?

Though not quite as many as the number of legendary Pokémon, Alola is still home to five mythical Pokémon, tying it for the highest number of mythicals with Sinnoh in generation four. The mythical gen 7 Pokémon are Magearna, Marshadow, Meltan, Melmetal, and Zerarora, the latter of which is a PT favorite.

Alright, trainers, that’s all we have for today, but we hope you enjoyed this tour of Alola and its many amazing denizens. For Go-specific guides, take a look at our Pokémon Go Eevee evolutionPokémon Go raidsPokémon Go community days, and Pokémon Go events pages.