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Poison Pokémon weakness, resistance, and strength

Our poison Pokémon weakness guide can help you discover how to deal with those pesky ‘mon, or maybe how to make the most of your toxic pals.

Poison Pokemon weakness - Nidoking in front of the poison type icon in front of a map of Kanto

Our poison Pokémon weakness guide is here to supply the antidote to your toxic woes. There are some vicious stings and bits in the Pokémon world, and while it can be daunting to come across a poison-type yourself, there’s a certain sense of satisfaction in seeing your opponent struggle as you unleash some poison of your own.

We have some solid suggestions on which poison Pokémon can get the job done, so check out our list. Or, if you need a different type of creature from the Pokédex, take a look at our starter Pokémon, mythical Pokémon, ice Pokémon, and ghost Pokémon guides.

Here’s what you need to know about the poison Pokémon weakness:

Poison Pokemon weakness - the poison type icon in front of a map of Kanto

What are poison Pokémon weaknesses?

The Poison Pokémon weakness is ground- and psychic-types. If you need help overcoming these two types, our psychic Pokémon weakness and ground Pokémon weakness guides are on hand to help you out.

What are the best counters for poison Pokémon?

As for who to use if you want to defeat a poison Pokémon, we suggest the likes of Rhyperior, Musharna, and Hypno. Or, for some generation-specific options, look below:

Poison Pokemon weakness - Beedrill in front of the posion type icon in front of a map of Kanto

What are poison Pokémon resistances?

Poison Pokémon resist poison-, fighting, and bug-types. As fighting-types like Lucario can be hard to handle, being resistant to them is a real boon for poisonous ‘mon, though the likes of Gallade are still a threat due to being part psychic.

To get one up on the competition with these types, check out our bug Pokémon weakness and fighting Pokémon weakness guide to find the soft spot.

Why does poison resist fighting?

You can’t punch away the common cold or suplex any poison that’s in your system, which is why not only are poison-types resistant to ‘mon like Machamp, but fighting-types are actually weak to poison.

Poison Pokemon weakness - Arbok in front of the poison type icon in front of a map of Kanto

What are poison Pokémon strengths?

Poison Pokémon are super effective against fairy- and grass-types. Pokémon such as Togekiss, Dachsbun, and Clefable stand no chance against poison-types, which is very good to know should you struggle to deal with fairy-types. Plus, grass-types such as Meowscarda take considerable damage from poison Pokémon, too.

Sure, poison Pokémon decimate fairy and grass-types, but who else does? Read our fairy Pokémon weakness and grass Pokémon weakness articles to find out.

So there you have it, the poison Pokémon weakness. If you need help with those who lurk in the shadows, it’s our dark Pokémon weakness and ghost Pokémon weakness guides that you should read. Or, if you want to know how to get the likes of Umbreon and Jolteon in Pokémon Go, check out our Pokémon Go Eevee evolution article.