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Poppy Playtime PJ Pug-a-Pillar

Poppy Playtime’s PJ Pug-a-Pillar is as cute as he is deadly, so let’s dive into the his lore, personality, appearances, and his role.

Poppy Playtime PJ Pug-a-Pillar in front of a purple background

Poppy Playtime’s PJ Pug-a-Pillar might look cute, but he’s a dangerous toy that poses a very real threat in Chapter 2. Still, we can’t deny that he’s a bit of a fan-favorite among the toys that fill a minor role, so let’s take a look at how he’s part of the story, dive into his personality, and look at his appearances.

As your encounter with him can be tricky to complete on your first try, give our Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 walkthrough a read. It’s very useful in overcoming Poppy Playtime’s Mommy Long Legs. If you’re yet to complete Poppy Playtime Chapter 1, our guide can help you handle the infamous Poppy Playtime Huggy Wuggy chase sequence.

Here’s everything you need to know about Poppy Playtime’s PJ Pug-a-Pillar:

Who is Poppy Playtime’s PJ Pug-a-Pillar?

Unfortunately, not a great deal is known about the history of PJ Pug-a-Pillar. We don’t even have a creation date for him. However, we can say with certainty that it’s before the 90s, as Poppy Playtime’s Boogie Bot is the last toy to achieve stardom, and his release date is in 1993, and there’s usually a few years between the inception of new toys, with the exception of Poppy Playtime characters such as Poppy Playtime’s Kissy Missy, who appears one year after her worse half, Huggy Wuggy.

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What is Poppy Playtime PJ Pug-a-Pillar’s role in the story?

PJ is your enemy in the statue game, the final challenge you face from Mommy Long Legs. You need to outrun him, moving only when the lights are off. While we don’t see or hear anything, PJ’s brief appearance in Chapter 3 confirms he met his demise after failing to kill you – probably Mommy Long Legs’ last hurrah before trying to deal with you herself.

Poppy Playtime PJ Pug-a-Pillar’s personality

We know nothing about his personality. However, given he’s half dog, it’s fair to assume that before the experiments, PJ is a loving and loyal toy that loves to play. The latter certainly explains why you encounter him in the games centre. However, these days, he seems to be just a little bit evil as he hunts you down with the intent to kill. Mind you, both the Mini Wuggies and Bonzo met their demise at the hands of the spaghetti lady after failing to kill you, so it’s possible that PJ is operating on survival instincts.

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Poppy Playtime PJ Pug-a-Pillar appearances

While PJ Pug-a-Pillar’s main appearance is in Chapter 2, he has a brief cameo in Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, being part of the shrine CatNap creates for the Prototype, confirming his death in A Fly in a Web. Funnily enough, you can also see Mommy Long Legs’ arms on this shrine, so she got what was coming to her. For characters that are in Deep Sleep, take a look at our Poppy Playtime DogDay and Poppy Playtime CatNap guides.

Well, there you have it, everything we can tell you about Poppy Playtime’s PJ Pug-a-Pillar. If you want to see what other terrifying toys want to kill you, give our Poppy Playtime doll, Poppy Playtime movie, Poppy Playtime Poppy, Poppy Playtime Boxy Boo, and Poppy Playtime Bron guides a read.